Chapter 189 189. No One Can Match
For a moment, Yusuke was shocked by this scene.

In the next moment, countless inspirations bloomed from my mind. If such a scene was made into a video...

It seems that this time I found a treasure!

Four Seasons seemed to have gotten a new toy. At this time, he jumped off the box and stepped on the floor. The small sword in his hand kept waving back and forth, like a human swordsman. Yusuke next to him had already taken it out. He picked up his phone and recorded the scene.

After a while, Siji seemed to be tired of playing, threw the things in his hand, ran into the pile of toys, and rummaged inside.

Soon, a small toy car was flipped out by it, and the strength of the four seasons was so great that the car was lifted over the head by it and thrown out of the box. The toy car jumped twice on the ground and just stopped on the floor superior.

Siji sat on the toy car, twisting his two paws non-stop, but the toy car didn't respond at all, Siji turned his head sideways, with a puzzled expression on his face.

Yusuke came over at this time, Shiji immediately jumped out of the car, looked around, and looked around, all messed up, then lowered his head.

"Chichi (sorry, I'm too curious)"|
"It's ok"

Yusuke picked up the toy car, took out the battery from the cabinet, installed it on the toy car, and put the toy car on the ground.

"Okay, try it"

Seeing that Yusuke was not angry, Shiji felt relieved and got on the toy car again.

This time the toy car can be started, and the four seasons drove the toy car rampage in the room, shouting excitedly.

Yusuke quietly took pictures with his mobile phone, these are excellent materials.

Standing in the cage, Wu Ji looked at all this curiously, and she also wanted to play along, but it was a pity that her body was covered with thick linen, and it was not easy for her legs to stand up. Don't talk about running.

Wu Ji called out anxiously at this time, and after hearing the voice, Ji Ji came back to his senses, stopped the toy car, quickly climbed onto the table, and communicated with his sister.

Two squirrels were chatting and discussing there.

After a while, Siji ran into the toy box, took out the shield and the small sword that had been dropped before, and climbed back to the table with two things in his mouth.

Courage watched from the side, and saw that Siji picked up the shield, and Wuji opened his mouth at this time, biting the shield in his mouth, and Siji was holding a small sword, and then the two squirrels played like this, one sword and one shield up.


Yusuke couldn't help but praise, these two squirrels are really smart!

Yusuke also became interested, and they were filming the whole afternoon. The two squirrels also quickly adapted to the environment and had a great time playing, getting closer to Yusuke a lot.

In the evening, when his father and Kazuya came home from get off work, Yusuke handed over the gift he had brought, which was a watch.

Father smiled and nodded, opened the gift, a little surprised.

“A bit pricey”

"As long as dad likes it"

He also nodded in relief, picked up the watch, put it on his hand directly, touched it from time to time, very happy.

"By the way, where's the medal of the Jade Dragon Banner?" Kazuya just remembered.

"Put it in the club, but I still have a certificate"

Yusuke took out the 45-person dare-to-fight award certificate, and the whole family watched curiously.

This thing is much rarer than the medals of the Jade Dragon Banner. The medals of the Jade Dragon Banner are given out every year, but it is not so easy to get the 45 people dare to fight reward.

"Mom, you put this thing in a picture frame and put it in the living room"

Kazuya said excitedly, Meihe nodded, and carefully packed the things, which is better than any gold and silver jewelry!

"By the way, according to your mother, you brought back two squirrels?"

Yusuke briefly talked about the matter, and then talked about another matter.

"Dad, I want to open a studio outside"


Kazuya's expression became serious at this time, he knew his son's ability, and he was able to make money to support himself, but it was not easy to start a studio, it was a formal start-up.

Entrepreneurship has never been a simple matter. Just various business tax office locations, etc., all kinds of messy things are very troublesome.

Meihe and Aiyi listened quietly at the side, they couldn't talk about this kind of thing, and they couldn't give any advice.

Yusuke explained at this time: "Actually, it can't be regarded as a studio. It is still far away from starting a business. It should be regarded as a temporary office. Dad, you also know that I shoot videos of animals. These animals have to find a place to raise them." Okay, it definitely won’t work at home, so I want to find another place, which can be used as a base for raising pets and can also be used for shooting in it.”

Yusuke explained his plan in full. It was something he had conceived for a long time. It happened that it was summer vacation and he didn't have to go to class, so he had time to try it out. After listening to Yusuke's plan, he nodded his head.

In this way, the difficulty has dropped a lot, you can try it, even if you fail, you can afford it.

"Then have you found the place? Do you need Dad's help?"

Kazuya also asked, the son has to do something, as his father's affirmative support.

Yusuke replied: "I haven't found it yet, but I want to find it myself. If I can't find it by then, I will ask Dad for help."

"Okay" He also nodded in relief.

This is the correct way to do things, never ask others for things you can do by yourself.

"What about funding?"

"Don't worry about this, video bloggers have earned some, which should be enough for me to use for a while"

"Well, then Dad agrees and supports you."

"Thank you dad!"

Only then did Yusuke heave a sigh of relief. If he wanted to work outside, the support of his family was very important, and he didn't want to cause any conflicts with his family.

"That" Aiyi spoke at this moment.

"Does Xiao Hei want to go out with brother too?"

Aiyi was a little nervous, she would be sad if Xiao Hei left.

"No need for that," Yusuke replied with a smile, "Xiao Hei can just stay at home."

Only then did Aiyi breathe a sigh of relief, but Xiao Hei next to her was not well at the moment.

As a member of the family, when the family discusses things, Xiao Hei is also listening by the side. At this time, it also heard Yusuke's words.

At this time, I was very shocked. Could it be that I was excluded again?

Yusuke went back to the room, and Xiao Hei immediately chased after him, climbed onto Yusuke's shoulder, and shouted anxiously: "Meow meow (why can't I go with you?)"

Yusuke smiled and patted Xiao Hei's head.

Xiao Hei is good at everything, and he is also very spiritual, the only thing is that his jealousy is too strong!

But considering this is a female cat, this is also normal.

"Because Xiao Hei, you have a great responsibility. You not only have to shoot videos, but also help me contact your friends, so you have to stay by my side all the time."

Hearing such an explanation, Xiao Hei breathed a sigh of relief, and proudly raised his head.

Sure enough, my status is unmatched!
(End of this chapter)

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