Chapter 190 190. Another Entrustment

The morning sun was bright, Yusuke went out early in the morning, and arrived at the shrine, where Semi was already waiting.

Seeing Yusuke's appearance, Semi stood up, waved her hands excitedly, and smiled.

"Fallen Angel, you are finally here!"

This scene is very familiar to Yusuke, Jessica used to be like this, but now it's replaced by Semi.

"Semi, why are you calling so early in the morning?" Yusuke's tone was a little angry.

At five o'clock in the morning, when Yusuke was still sleeping, Semi called the phone, which made Yusuke very depressed.

Can't let me relax!

Since he was woken up, Yusuke had no choice but to come over, but he was not in a good mood.

"Sorry, I've been waiting for this day for a long time, I went to bed early last night and got up early in the morning, so I didn't notice"

Seeing that Yusuke was a little angry, Semi lowered her head apologetically.

Looking at the pitiful Semi, Yusuke sighed helplessly.

There is no cure for the second illness!

"Okay, don't do this next time"

"Sorry, not in the future!"

Yusuke nodded, and Semi smiled at this moment.

"Well, let's have a fateful showdown first!"

Semi picked up the bamboo sword excitedly, her eyes lit up.

It really took too long!

"wait for me"

Yusuke took out the long sword from under the shrine, and the props were ready.

"Okay, come on, the Holy Maiden of Light is not here today, and I, the King of the Night, will pull you into the abyss, accept it!"

After the battle between light and darkness, Semi was satisfied.

The two of them were sitting in front of the shrine and resting.

"Yusuke, water"

"Thank you!"

Yusuke took the water and drank half of the bottle in one go, and then he was relieved, the weather is too hot!

"By the way, Yusuke, what are your plans for next month's comic exhibition?"

The comic exhibition in August is the largest comic exhibition in Japan, and it is a grand festival.

At this time, Yusuke remembered Yamamoto Yuji's proposal and said, "Maybe I will play a role."

"So what roles are you going to play? Are the costumes ready?"

Yes, this problem is still unresolved.

"It's time to buy a set!"

"That can't be done!" Semi said seriously: "Clothing is the soul, and making it yourself is the kingly way, how can you buy it!"

Feeling so troublesome, Yusuke suddenly didn't want to go.

"We'll talk about it later, how about you?"

"We also play role-playing games"

"What role?"

"Magic Girl Illya and Emiya Miyu"

Semi had a smug look on her face, she was almost saying, 'Come and praise me'

"I know Illya, but who is Emiya Miyu? FATE doesn't seem to have such a person"

"You don't even know!"

Semi looked shocked, as if Yusuke had done something heinous, and said in a tone of hatred, "What are you doing usually!"

I usually read books, who cares about these!

Seeing Semi's heartbroken face, Yusuke couldn't bear it any longer, and stretched out his finger to flick her forehead.

"Why hit me?" Semi said pitifully, holding her forehead.

"It's okay, I think you are a bully"

"Let me tell you, don't think that you can do whatever you want to me when Ewen Jielin is gone!"

I'm so tired!

If you don't know how to use idioms, don't use them indiscriminately. What does it mean to do whatever you want with you!

Semi touched her forehead and felt that the pain would stop, so she breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "Then what roles are you playing?"

"Jin Shining, Saber, and a friend will form the Three Kings Council"


Semi's eyes lit up, and she nodded excitedly.

"It's not bad, Yusuke's temperament is very suitable for Jin Shiyun, so speaking of it, everyone is playing the characters of the FATE series."

"Not sure yet, I haven't discussed it with Jessica yet"

"Then let's contact Jessica now!"

"Are you stupid? There is a time difference between the UK and our side, and she is still sleeping at this time"

"Is it like this, Wen Jielin and I are always in touch"

Evangeline is in Italy, and there is an 8 time difference between Italy and Japan, which means that it’s midnight here in the morning, and you guys don’t need to sleep?

Speaking of which, Jessica hasn't contacted me for a long time. It's been more than half a month since she went back, and she didn't even hear from her. Forget it.

Yusuke suddenly had the urge to send her a message, but after calculating the time difference, she should still be sleeping at this time, so it should be later.

The two were chatting at the shrine, the weather was too hot, and there was no idea of ​​playing around at this time.

Semi looked at her phone, stood up at this moment, and said with a regretful expression: "I still have to go to cram school, let's stop here today."

Yusuke was a little surprised: "Isn't your cram school over yet?"

"Almost, more than half a month"

"How does that work?"

"It should be okay, I think," Semi replied with a wry smile.

Looking at Semi who was sighing, Yusuke could only comfort him: "Study hard now, and you won't have to suffer so much in the future."

"All right"

Semi left in frustration, and Yusuke was free at this time. He thought he would play with her all day, but he didn't expect to spend all morning.

Yusuke thought for a while, there is still time, or he should find a new studio.

I also paid attention to some information on the Internet before, but there are very few places that meet the requirements. The studio is mainly used to raise pets, and it must not disturb the people. This requirement alone is very troublesome.

If you really can't find it, Yusuke can only entrust those intermediary companies to find it.

While thinking about something, the phone in my pocket rang.

He took out his mobile phone, and it was Ryoko Sakura, who seemed to have a new commission.

"Hello, Doctor Sakura"

"Hello, Yusuke, are you on summer vacation?"

"It's already summer vacation, is there another commission?"

"Yes, do you have time to come over to my side?"

"No problem, I'm going now"

Yusuke tidied up his things and rushed to Sakura Ryoko's clinic.

Arriving at the clinic, Ryoko Sakura said with a smile, "This time I will trouble you again, Yusuke."

"Doctor Sakura is too polite!"

The two exchanged a few pleasantries, and immediately got to the point.

"This is my personal commission, this matter is a bit troublesome, I hope Yusuke can help me"

"Doctor Sakura, tell me something first."

"The thing is like this. A few days ago, a client brought a parrot to see a doctor. I put it here for the time being. But yesterday I was careless and forgot to put an anklet on it. The parrot flew away. I was in the hospital yesterday. I searched around here for a day, but I couldn't find it. This parrot is very rare. If you can't find it, you will not only have to pay a lot of money, but it will also have a great impact on the reputation of the clinic. The customer will come to pick it up tomorrow. , So, Yusuke, you must help me, find the parrot quickly, please!"

Ryoko Sakura clasped her hands together and begged.

This is indeed a bit troublesome. If you are looking for a cat or a dog, it is okay to say that it will definitely be in the city for a day, but it is hard to say for a bird. People have wings, and they can swim anywhere.

Considering his friendship with Ryoko Sakura, Yusuke thought for a moment, then nodded.

"I try my best!"

Sakura Ryoko smiled at this time, "Thank you, I knew Yusuke would do it!"

"Do you have any pictures of this bird?"

"Wait a moment!"

Sakura Ryoko took out a photo from the drawer, and a bag with a feather in it.

"Here is its picture and its feathers"

Yusuke put away both things and stood up.

"Then I'll say goodbye"

"It's up to you, Yusuke!"

It's time for the Crow Boss to play again!
(End of this chapter)

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