Chapter 191 191. Contract
When I came to the dilapidated shrine, it was still very desolate. A group of crows hovered over the shrine, screaming, and the sound was very penetrating.

As Yusuke stepped into the shrine, all the crows looked over and found that it was Yusuke, and they croaked a few times.

"Is Boss Crow here?" Yusuke asked the crow on the torii gate.

Several crows nodded, and one of them flew into the shrine. After a while, a huge crow flew out, which was the boss.

"Wow (Hi, Yusuke Misawa)"

"Hello, Boss Crow, I have something to trouble you again."

The boss of the crow nodded, and Yusuke briefly explained the matter, and at the same time took out the photo of the parrot.

Crow boss nodded: "Wow (no problem)"

"The reward this time is 20 cans"

"Wow (ok)"

The boss crow nodded, raised his head and shouted loudly, at this moment all the crows flew out, hovering in the air, covering the sky and covering the earth.

This kind of scene is very familiar to Yusuke, and every time he sees it, he is very shocked.

Soon, all the crows confirmed their targets and scattered in all directions.

Yusuke waited on the stone steps next to the shrine. An hour later, the crow boss returned with his younger brother. A group of crows was densely packed, and the entire sky was dyed black.

Yusuke was a little surprised, this is too fast!
At this time, the crow boss was holding a small parrot under his claws. This parrot was trembling and was under the oppression of this evil force.

"Wow (Yusuke Misawa, continue)"

The crow boss threw down the parrot under his paws. The parrot was so frightened that it fell from the sky and couldn't even fly. Yusuke quickly caught it.

Otherwise, this parrot really became the first bird to fall from the sky.

"Thanks, Boss Crow"

Yusuke put the parrot in his hand into the prepared cage, and asked curiously, "How did you catch it?"

"Wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow !)”

The boss crow laughed loudly, and the younger brother next to him also laughed. The piercing laughter made the parrot in the cage even more frightened, and his head was retracted into the wings.

Crow boss is worthy of being the king of birds!
After completing the task, Yusuke readily gave the canned food, exchanged a few words with the crow boss and left.

Ryoko Sakura was really shocked when Yusuke showed up at the clinic with a birdcage.

This is too fast, after only two hours of going out, the bird was caught back, they were looking for it all day yesterday!


Ryo Sakura took the cage from Yusuke and paid the reward without hesitation, but she found that the parrot in the cage was a bit strange and became a lot more timid, as if it had been frightened by something.

Ryoko Sakura checked it again, and felt relieved when she found that there was nothing wrong, as long as there was nothing wrong.

The two sat there and chatted for a few words, and at this time they also talked about other topics.

"Yusuke, are you shooting a video?"

Sakura Ryoko opened the Youtube video at this moment, and turned the interface of the phone around.

"Is this video blogger you? Animal expert Misawa-kun"

Yusuke nodded: "That's right, it's my account."

"Awesome!" Ryoko Sakura praised, she was shooting a video to promote it to her clinic, but her followers are only tens of thousands, while Yusuke is a big blogger with millions of followers, the two sides are not at the same level at all of.

"Yusuke, are you interested in accepting commercials?"

Yusuke shook his head and said, "I don't have any plans yet."

Shooting videos for advertisements is the most important thing for video bloggers. Yusuke’s videos have been very successful and he has made some money. Now it is also possible to accept advertisements, but it is a bit troublesome for the positioning of videos.

Their size is too small, and they have no right to speak to Party A. The videos produced in this way do not have their style. .

It doesn't matter if Party A fails once, they still have a lot of Party B to choose from, but Yusuke and the others can't afford to lose, and they can't turn over once they fail.

This is also the reason for the establishment of a studio. The career of a video blogger is on the right track step by step, and then it starts to grow. Only when you have the strength can you have the right to speak.

Ryoko Sakura felt a little regretful. The publicity of a big blogger like Yusuke is much better than ordinary advertisements, and what he makes is pet videos, which happen to be related to his industry. The effect of advertising is definitely better than other bloggers.

"So Yusuke, what are your plans now?"

"I plan to set up a studio first, and now I'm looking for a place"

"I have a good place." Ryoko Sakura said with a smile, "What do you think of my place?"


Yusuke was taken aback, and asked, "Doctor Sakura, are you moving out?"

"No." Ryoko Sakura shook his head and explained: "My building has four floors in total, the first and second floors are for my own use, and the third and fourth floors were rented to a painter, but that painter last month I have returned to China, and now the third and fourth floors are vacant, if you want, I can rent the third and fourth floors to you, and the price can be lower."

"Doctor Sakura, is this whole building yours?" Yusuke asked in surprise.

Ryoko Sakura nodded with a smile, and Yusuke's expression changed immediately.

Land in Japan is extremely expensive. There is a whole building in this kind of commercial area. This is no ordinary local tyrant!Unexpectedly, Ryoko Sakura turned out to be a hidden rich woman!

"May I ask, Doctor Sakura, is this building your family property?"

"No, I bought it myself," Ryoko Sakura replied with a smile.

Yusuke was shocked, the pet clinic makes so much money!
Ryoko Sakura is only in her 20s at most. Counting from the time she graduated, she has already earned the entire building in just a few years. This is too huge a profit!

Yusuke was very emotional, and had the same idea as Ryoko Sakura who was opposite.

Basically everyone can shoot videos, but it is not easy to become a big blogger. Every successful person has his own skills. Ryoko Sakura has watched Yusuke’s video, and he can 100% instruct and mobilize all This is something that all pet experts cannot do, and because of this, the video of animal expert Sanze Jun is so popular on the Internet.

In Sakura Ryoko's eyes, Yusuke is too good, even better than many adults.

It's a pity that she is a little younger, otherwise, she would not let it go.

Yusuke also came back to his senses at this time, and said, "Doctor Sakura, can I go and see the place?"

"No problem, I'll take you up there"

Ryoko Sakura took the key and led Yusuke up the stairs behind the clinic.

The space on the third and fourth floors adds up to about 100 square meters. There are still imprints of painters here. The walls are a large pair of murals. The tables and chairs are also very distinctive and very artistic.

Ryoko Sakura said at this time: "The painter who lives here is a German. He does all the decoration here. These tables and chairs are all made by himself. He is going back to Germany last month, so these I didn’t take all the things away, I wanted to throw them away, but I always feel a little pity, if you think it’s appropriate, you can use them.”

Yusuke nodded. This place is very suitable for him. Needless to say, the geographical location is just below the pet clinic. Raising animals here will definitely not disturb the people, and there are ready-made furniture and decoration, which saves a lot of money cost.

It's here for sure!
The two began to discuss the contract, the rent here is not cheap, and seeing the friendship between the two, Ryoko Sakura gave a discount.

The contract is signed for one year, once a year, 20 yuan a month, and the deposit and gift money are waived.

This contract is very beneficial to Yusuke, so Yusuke will write down this favor.

(End of this chapter)

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