Chapter 192 192. Working Together

After signing the contract and getting the key, this place officially belongs to Yusuke.

Looking at this studio, Yusuke felt proud.

Finally, I didn't embarrass the traversers!

After walking around the studio, Yusuke finally calmed down. He has just started, so he can't be arrogant, he has to keep working hard.

After finishing the office work, Yusuke was in a beautiful mood, with a smile on his face.

Back home, Miwa and Aiyi were a little strange, Yusuke looked so happy today!

"Yusuke, did something good happen to you today?"

Miwa asked with a smile, Yusuke nodded, and talked about the studio, Miwa and Yui were also happy about it.

"I'm so happy today, mom wants to cook a big meal to celebrate"

"Mom, let me help you!"

Aiyi also followed Meihe into the kitchen, but it is estimated that she was more likely to steal food inside.

Yusuke picked up the phone at this moment and called Yui.

Yusuke discussed the establishment of a studio with Yui, and Yui also expressed his approval. Now that he has found a place, he has to tell her.

At Miyajima's house, Yui was lying on the bed playing with her mobile phone, when the phone rang, it was Yusuke's number, Yui couldn't help but smile, and answered the phone.

"Yuyi, what are you doing?"

"Playing with your mobile phone at home, how about you?"

"Now at home, let me tell you something, I found a studio"

"Really?" Yuyi sat up from the bed at this moment, with a happy face, "Where is it?"

"On the upper floor of Dr. Sakura's clinic, that building belongs to Dr. Sakura, and she rented the third and fourth floors to me."

"That's really great, then we're going to sort things out tomorrow, right?"

"Yes, we have to move everything there. We have been busy for the past two days."

"It's okay, it's a good thing"

"That's it, see you tomorrow"

"See you tomorrow"

Yui hung up the phone, also in a good mood, and at this moment the mobile phone in her hand rang again, this time it was Rie's number.

"Yuyi, are you free tomorrow? Let's go shopping for clothes together" Rie asked on the phone.

"Sorry, Rie, I have something to do tomorrow"

Yui was very happy, so she told Rie about the studio.

"You guys are amazing!" Rie praised on the phone.

"This is all thanks to Yusuke," Yui replied with a smile.

"Yongsuke is so good, not only won the championship of Yulong Banner, but now he has even established a studio. His progress is so fast!"

Yui was stunned at this moment, yes, Yusuke's progress is too fast, he has already achieved such dazzling achievements in only one semester of high school, compared to him, it seems that he has never succeeded in anything.

A sense of crisis suddenly rose in Yuyi's heart.

If she continues to stand still, Yusuke will get farther and farther away from her.

Thinking of this, Yui suddenly felt uncomfortable.

"Do you need my help tomorrow?"

Rie's voice came from the phone, and Yui came back to her senses and said, "Will that bother you too much?"

"No way"

"Thank you then"

The two chatted a few more words, then hung up the phone, but Yui was not in a good mood at this time.

no!You can't go on like this, you have to work hard!

Yui cheered up at this moment.

I have to enrich myself, this summer can't just pass by so easily!

At this moment, Yuyi remembered that when she was looking for those photography skills, she had joined a website. On the website, there was this boss who was very lively and willing to guide newcomers. Yuyi also learned a lot of photography skills from him.

Thinking of this, Yui immediately logged on to the website and sent a few messages to the boss, who happened to be online too.

"Go to the training class. Relying on personal self-study alone is not the best in terms of time and efficiency. If you want to develop in this field, it is the right way to receive some professional training."

The suggestion given by the boss is like this, Yuyi thought about it for a while, and felt that it made sense.

"So what's a good recommendation?"

"Every place is different. You have to go to see it yourself. Personally, I suggest you look for formal training courses. If you are not sure about the teaching ability of the other party, you can first check the reputation of the training course on the Internet, and then make a decision"

"Oh, I see, thanks"

After turning off the private message, Yuyi has already decided to go to a nearby training class in the next few days.

The next day, Rie really came to help, and Yusuke took the two to the new studio.

When seeing the new studio, Yui was a little surprised, and asked worriedly: "Yusuke, do you really want to rent such an expensive place?"

When Yui knew such an expensive rent, she was taken aback, which was a bit beyond her imagination, and her heart beat a little.

Although the two are in a cooperative relationship, Yusuke is actually in charge of everything big and small. Yusuke also told her about the establishment of the studio before, and she also agreed with it.

But Yuyi thought that Yusuke was just looking for a small house, but she didn't expect to rent such a large place with such a large span, which made her a little nervous.

What if I lose?
What if you don't make money?
Yusuke smiled, and said: "Don't worry, these are the money that should be spent. It is necessary to set up a studio. Our previous model is fine, but to go further, it is absolutely necessary to become a studio. Every day There is a lot of competition in this industry, if we stay where we are, we will soon be surpassed by others, the current investment is for the greatest return in the future, don’t worry, with me here, there will be absolutely no problem!”

After hearing the last sentence, Yuyi felt relieved and nodded.

Sure enough, Yusuke is very reliable!

Yusuke said to Rie at this time: "Rie, thank you for coming to help today"

Rie replied with a smile: "It doesn't matter, I happen to be free too."

At this moment, Yusuke's heart moved, he had an idea, and asked, "Rie, are you interested in coming to help me?"

Rie and Yui looked over upon hearing this, with doubts on their faces.

With the establishment of the studio, they are bound to add new series, and the workload will definitely increase. It is summer vacation, and the two of them can still be busy, but when the school starts, they will definitely not be able to take care of so many things. Wake up, right now is the time to recruit soldiers, and he has also seen Li Hui's ability, and he is very confident in Li Hui's character and ability.

After listening to Yusuke's explanation, Rie thought for a while, "Let me think about it!"

Yusuke nodded, but after less than a minute, Rie nodded in agreement.

So fast?
Yusuke was a little surprised.

At this moment, Li Hui said seriously: "I want to see how you do things with my own eyes, and I want to learn something from you!"

Yusuke's progress is also seen by Rie, which is really amazing. Working with Yusuke, she can also learn useful experience from it.

"Okay, let's work hard together!"

(End of this chapter)

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