The painting style of this island country is too middle school

Chapter 194 194. Little Yellow and Little Gray

Chapter 194 194. Little Yellow and Little Gray

Misawa's house, Yusuke's room, Shiji was playing with a small ball, and Wuji was sitting on the table above, looking enviously at Shiji below.

It also wants to go down to play, but the wound on its body is not healed yet, and it is still wrapped in thick cotton cloth. It is already very difficult to stand up, let alone run.

For the active Wu Ji, this was a very uncomfortable thing. At this time, he yelled a few times in displeasure. The Si Ji who was having fun below finally came to his senses, put down the ball in his hand, and ran into the toy box. Turned over inside, then bit the small sword and shield and climbed onto the table, lifted the shield up, Wu Ji shook his head, he had played the soldier game several times and was tired of it, he wanted to play something else.

"Chichichiji (so boring! I want to go out!)"

"Chichichi (be patient, we can go back when your injury heals)"

Siji comforted at the side, when a sound came, the ears of the two little squirrels immediately stood up.

Si Ji immediately pushed Wu Ji back into the cage, and the two squirrels lay on their stomachs in the cage, pretending to be asleep.

After a while, Yusuke's door opened, and two little heads came in.

"Xiao Ye, it's not good for us to sneak into brother's room like this."

"Just don't let Brother Yusuke know." Xiao Ye whispered, "And we didn't do anything bad, we just came to see those two little squirrels."

Ever since Xiao Ye knew of the existence of the two little squirrels, she has been itching to come over and have a look.

But these two squirrels have been staying in Yusuke's room all the time, and it is very difficult for the family members to see them. Let alone Xiaoye, Yusuke is not at home these days because of something, so Xiaoye suggested to come and have a look. Aiyi was hesitant at first, but After all, I still couldn't suppress the curiosity in my heart and followed.

The two of Yusuke's room had been there before, and they were very familiar with it. The only difference was that there was a big cage on the table, and two little yellow-striped squirrels were sleeping in it.

The two stood in front of the cage, and Xiaoye looked at the two squirrels with some excitement.

"I wonder if I can play with it?" Xiao Ye said expectantly.

"No, they're hurt"

"But the other one is fine, how about we take it out quietly?"

Aiyi thought for a while, then shook his head: "It still doesn't work, my brother said that they are wild animals, not close to humans, if they escape, it will be troublesome."

Hearing what Aiyi said, Xiaoye stopped insisting, and the two had to watch in front of the cage for a while, but the two squirrels were sleeping. After watching for a long time, they didn't even move, and there was nothing new about it.

"Nothing to see, let's go back"

Aiyi nodded, and the two little girls left Yusuke's room and closed the door.

Siji's ears stood up at this moment, but he still didn't move. After about a minute or two, he got up from the ground and looked around. Sure enough, the two humans had already left.

At this time, Siji pushed Wuji next to him, Wuji got up and shook his head.

These two human beings are really disgusting, they always come to peek at them twice in three days, and they have to pretend to sleep and hide every time, but this is not the way to go, these two human beings will attack them sooner or later.

No, Yusuke Misawa came back to communicate with him.

Speaking of which, in the end, I spent a lot less time with Yusuke Misawa. He only came back at night, and I didn't have time to play with him.

Four seasons and five seasons suddenly miss Yusuke a little.

In the studio, the three of Yusuke are shooting a video, and the protagonist of the video is Xiao Hui, and the theme is the cat with zero motor nerves.

Xiao Hui's motor nerves are really bad, clumsy to such an extent, people doubt whether this is a cat.

The simplest example is jumping from one table to another. These actions are simple things for cats, but Xiaohui is completely different. body, and then fell straight down, unable to jump up at all!
This clumsy look is too funny, but also very funny.

This is also the positioning of Xiaohui, clumsy, without athletic ability, only relying on a face to be cute.

Xiao Hui still doesn't know her own position, and she is still performing hard at this moment, but the harder she works, the worse it becomes, and the stronger the comedic effect.

Yusuke took a dried fish and threw it over, Xiao Hui jumped up, opened his mouth to catch it, but in the end it hit the dried fish with its face, and when it fell, it still landed directly on its face.

Xiao Hei and Xiao Huang who were watching from the side shook their heads. Their motor nerves were so poor that they couldn't even watch them anymore. It was really embarrassing to the cat!

Xiao Huang asked at this time: "Meow meow meow (Why do humans take these videos? What's the point?)"

Xiao Hei replied: "Meow Meow Meow (I had the same question as you before, but then I figured it out)"

"Meow (what's the reason?)" Xiao Huang asked curiously.

"Meow (humans are too stupid)"

"Meow (stupid?)"

Xiao Huang was a little strange, always felt that something was wrong, "Meow meow meow (if human beings are stupid, why are they ruling this planet?)"

"Meow meow meow meow (there are too many fools in human beings, only a small part of them are really capable, and the rest are stupid humans)"

Xiao Hei said seriously: "Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow" If you are beautiful, you can live off your face)”

Xiao Huang glanced at Xiao Hui who was shooting a video, nodded in agreement, and there was a ready-made example in front of him.

"Meow meow meow meow (No. 2, humans like to make animals imitate their behavior, the more they imitate, the happier they are)"

"Meow (why?)"

"Meow meow (they think animals that can imitate humans are smart)"

"Meow (well, what about the 3rd one?)"

"Meow Meow (No. 3, stupid behavior they love)"

"Meow meow meow (stupid behavior? Why is it different from the second one?)"

"Here there is a dog called Erha, who is often foolish, but humans like this kind of dog. It is very popular. Humans like it because they want to find a sense of superiority from it)"

Xiao Huang nodded, "Meow (what about the last point?)"

"Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow (humans like to see us make those repetitive meaningless movements, for example, Hajime and them, they just shake their buttocks and shake their heads, and I heard from Misawa Yusuke that people who like them still love them. a lot of)"

Xiao Huang was surprised. Humans turned out to be like this.

At this time, Xiao Hui's filming had finished and he was enjoying its delicious food. Yusuke waved to Xiao Huang.

"Little Huang, it's your turn to play"

Xiao Huang nodded and walked over.

(End of this chapter)

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