Chapter 195 195. Stupid Human

"Meow meow (Yusuke Misawa, what am I going to do?)" Xiao Huang asked standing in front of Yusuke.

"What moves can you make?"

"Meow meow (I know what they know)"

"Then you listen to my order now and stand up"

At this time, Xiao Huang landed on his hind limbs, retracted his forelimbs, and stood up with his whole body.

"Don't move your upper body, just twist your legs from side to side"

Xiao Huang did the same, and Yusuke's eyes lit up. Sure enough, Xiao Huang is very talented, and his body coordination ability is really strong.

Rie was watching from the side, and asked at this time: "Yusuke, do you want Huang to dance?" Yusuke nodded.

The positioning of the three kittens is God Synchronization, Xiao Hei is positioned as an assassin, Xiao Hui is in charge of being cute, and Xiao Huang is positioned as a gentleman cat, like a human gentleman, polite and elegant.

"Xiao Huang, can you dance?"

"Meow (won't)"

Xiao Huang shook his head, this is beyond its ability.

"Meow (I don't know how to dance)"

"That's easy, let me show you the video"

Yusuke turned on the computer and found a dance video, Xiao Huang stood in front of the table and watched it, then nodded after a while.

"Meow meow (it turns out that this is dancing, then I can do it)"

"OK, let's try"

At this moment, Xiao Huang stood up, her two hind legs were on the ground, her front legs were leaning against her body, her two cat legs moved back and forth, her upper body kept twisting, and her movements were very rhythmic.

"This is Cha Cha!"

Yui and Rie were amazed by Yusuke's magical operation, let the cat learn to dance after watching the video, which completely refreshed their three views.

"Okay, Xiao Huang." Yusuke showed a satisfied smile, "Let's start filming!"

Xiao Huang nodded, it turned out to be like this, it was really simple.

Sure enough, stupid humans!

The shooting of the video went smoothly, and the tasks of the animals were quickly completed, and the rest was their free time.

But Yusuke and the others' work is not over yet, they still need to edit the video, which is the part that Rie will be responsible for, and Yusuke is teaching her hand in hand at this time.

The video shot is very long, but most of them are meaningless pictures, which need to be edited out, and music must be added at the same time. , but also very familiar with the rhythm of the music.

Rie studied hard, and it took a full two hours to complete this video.

Yusuke looked at the finished product, shook his head, and said: "It's still a little bit worse. If the score is 100 points, your video can only get 50 points at most. The video quality is not good, and it's still a little bit worse. Try to edit it again. It should be have better ideas”

Rie nodded without being frustrated, and continued to edit. She never thought that things could be done overnight.

The three of them worked until the evening, and Yusuke nodded after watching Rie's latest edited video.

Only then did Rie breathe a sigh of relief, and after spending a whole day, she was finally recognized.

Yusuke said at this time: "This is just the first step. The above is just my personal opinion. Whether this video can be successful will have to go through the test of the market. Next, upload this video to Youtube to see the reactions of fans. Then we will Let’s adjust the rhythm and details in the future.”

Rie nodded, she learned a lot today.

"Okay, let's stop here for today, everyone is hungry, I have already ordered takeaway"

Only then did Yui and Rie come back to their senses and found that they were already very hungry.

The takeaway arrived soon, the three of them gathered around the table to eat dinner, the kittens also came over, Yusuke put the prepared food on the ground, several kittens gathered together, Xiao Hui raised his head and barked a few times from time to time, Very happy.

After drinking and eating, the three of them were resting.

Yui said at this time: "Yusuke, I'm going to attend a training class in a few days, so I won't be able to come in the morning."

Yusuke nodded and asked curiously, "What do you want to learn?"

"Vlogger, I checked, video blogger is a hot industry, there are many training courses now, I want to learn it"

"Then you have to find those formal training institutions and don't sign contracts randomly"

"Don't worry, I've figured it out"

"Yuyi, where is your training class?" Rie asked at this time: "I'm not interested in recruiting yet."

"You can still go in now, I will take you tomorrow"

"Okay, then we'll go together"

"In this case, let's adjust the time." Yusuke said at this time: "You go to the training class in the morning and come to the studio in the afternoon, so that you can practice the knowledge you have learned in the training class. Our current progress is very smooth. So don't worry so much"

Both nodded.

Yusuke continued: "I have one more thing, I'm going to participate in club activities in a few days, and I'll trouble you to support it for a while."

The eyes of the two looked over at this moment.

Youyi asked strangely: "Isn't the Jade Dragon Banner finished? What competition are you going to participate in?"

"The Jade Dragon Banner is a cooperation with the Kendo Club. Our own club activities haven't started yet. We're going to sleep together by the seaside."

"Sleeping together at the seaside?" Yui frowned, "Are you a man with 4 women?"

"um, yes"

The eyes of the two changed instantly, and Yusuke quickly explained: "Actually, we are going to shoot the movie version."

"Theatrical version?"

"Our club is also shooting videos. We used to shoot a special drama, and now we are making a theatrical version.

Rie asked curiously: "Yusuke, is your club a literary club or a sports club?"

“Have both”

"Then what are you filming?"

"Here, take a look."

Yusuke turned on the computer, logged in to Youtube, and found the uploaded White Rabbit Warrior special drama.

After the two of them finished watching, they had strange expressions on their faces.

This style is really special, a bit sand sculpture, a bit joyful, but after watching it, it makes people feel stuck in the throat, and can't spit out!
"What the hell are you filming?" Yui couldn't help complaining.

At this level, you still want to make a theatrical version?Who gave you the courage?

"Actually, we shoot these videos for self-entertainment, as long as everyone is happy, it doesn't matter if there are fans or not"

Although these videos are rubbish, everyone had a lot of fun, and Yusuke also enjoyed it.

"Then how long will your joint stay be?"

"A week, I will shoot more videos for inventory in the past few days, and I will trouble you during this time."

The two thought for a while and nodded.

It was also very late, the three of them cleaned up, greeted the kittens, left only a small light, closed the door and left.

"Is it okay not to keep them in cages?" Rie asked with some concern.

"No problem, I have communicated with them"

At night, the kittens can move around freely, even if they want to go out to play. Yusuke also opened a small hole by the window so that they can come in and out, but it is absolutely not allowed to bring other cats in here, and the second They must come back here someday.

This is an agreement between Yusuke and the kittens, and all the cats agree.

And just in case, Yusuke also installed a monitor, so that if there is any problem, he will know it when the time comes.

The three parted ways at the intersection, and Yusuke and Yui also returned home.

At the gate of Miyajima's house, Yui hesitated to speak, Yusuke asked with a smile: "Yuyi, what do you want to ask?"

"Forget it, it's nothing." Youyi muttered softly, and then his face returned to normal.

"Remember to buy a gift back"

"Don't worry, I will definitely buy a gift"

(End of this chapter)

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