Chapter 196 196. Training
When Yusuke returned to the room, Four Seasons rushed forward immediately, and Five Seasons sitting on the table was also very excited, they had been waiting all day,
Two excited little squirrels chattered about what happened today, Yusuke smiled and said, "Why don't you go out with me tomorrow and go to my work place?"

The two squirrels nodded excitedly, they were bored enough staying in the room, now they can finally go outside.

"Chichi (Yusuke, play a game with us)"

At this time, Siji came over with a small ball, Yusuke nodded, and at this time also took out his mobile phone and stood aside.

Yusuke took pictures of the playtime every day, and these are excellent materials.

The next day, Four Seasons and Five Seasons followed Yusuke to the studio.

The studio has two floors, the third floor is the space for the cats, and the fourth floor is temporarily empty, and now they have come to the fourth floor.

The two squirrels looked around curiously. There are many toys here, which are completely different from those at home.

"Are these the two squirrels you saved earlier?"

Rie asked curiously, two squirrels were playing with toys on the ground, their flexible appearance was very cute.

"Yusuke, do you want them to join the big family too?"

Yusuke nodded, and Rie really wanted to go with him. At this time, he also took out the video that he had taken before. Yui and Riri were very surprised after watching it. These two little squirrels are too aura!

Yusuke said at this time: "I have this idea, but I don't know if they agree or not. I'll talk to them when they recover from their injuries. It's best if they agree. If not, let them go back to nature."

Both nodded.

In a few days, everyone has entered the state, and the cats are also familiar with the work.

As for the two squirrels, Yusuke took them to the studio when he was free, and let them have more contact with his work. As for whether they will stay in the future, it depends on the impact of this period of time.

The job is stable, Yui and Rie can go to the training class, and Yusuke also has time to do his own things.

Standing at the door of Sasaki's house, Yusuke rang the doorbell.

After a while, the door opened, and the figure of the Son appeared, with a faint smile on her face.

"Welcome, Yusuke"

"I'm bothering you today!"

Shengzi took Yongsuke into the house, which was still the antique house.

"Please drink tea!" Seiko put the tea in front of Yusuke.

"Thank you"

Yusuke took a sip.

"Is the tea good?"

Shengzi suddenly asked, Yusuke was taken aback, and replied with a smile: "It's delicious."

"nice! You love it"

"Holy Son, how is your rest recently? Have you adjusted your status?"

"It's just a Jade Dragon Banner, it's a trivial matter," Sheng Zi said calmly, very much in her style.

"Yusuke, what are you doing today?"

Yusuke also put down the teacup in his hand at this time, and said with a serious face:

"I want to ask you something about kendo today"

After the Jade Dragon Flag competition, Yusuke became interested in kendo. After all, it is everyone's dream to walk the rivers and lakes with a sword, and as he gets older, these second thoughts gradually disappear.

But in the last competition, when he collided with those geniuses, these ideas came up again, and Yusuke also became interested.

The Holy Son nodded in relief when he heard the words: "Great, I've been waiting for this moment for a long time. If that's the case, let's go directly to the gymnasium."

Seiko wanted to pull Yusuke to learn kendo before, but Yusuke has never been interested. This time he took the initiative to make Seiko very happy, and finally he has a good opponent.

Yusuke also stood up with Seiko, and the communication with Seiko is the most refreshing, no matter what things are straight-forward, there is no need to make it so troublesome.

In the gymnasium, Yusuke put on his armor, and Seiko came over with two bamboo swords.

"Let's play a game first, so I can know where you are lacking"

The two competed for a while, but neither of them tried their best. After dozens of swords, the two stopped at the same time.

The Holy Son took off his armor and said: "I have a general understanding. Your strength and speed are fine, but your skills need to be strengthened. You can't learn basic footwork, but it doesn't matter. I can teach you."

"Then trouble you!"

Shengzi began to explain some simple fencing skills and moving footwork. Kendo is not difficult to say, it is nothing more than the basic fighting style and moving footwork. All martial arts are based on this. It is very easy to get started. It's simple, but it's not that simple to reach a high level. It requires not only talent, but also day-to-day training.

Shengzi taught very seriously, and he learned it very quickly with Yusuke's comprehension ability, but it was only the basics and he was not proficient.

"Let's play a game." The Son said at this time: "Normal training is too time-consuming. Go directly to the field to compete and learn faster."

"Before the competition, I want to say one thing first, Yusuke, you can no longer use the previous style of play. Your previous games were all won by strength and speed, without any skills, and now you need to train your skills. Win or lose doesn't matter"

Yusuke nodded to show his understanding, the two put on their armor, and the match began.

Yusuke used the footwork he had learned, and silently followed the steps in his mind, but after a few steps, a bamboo sword appeared above his head.

"You're distracted" came the voice of the Holy Son. The voice of the Holy Son who was wearing armor was very cold, completely different from her usual crisp voice.

"You are too obsessed with the form, you have to use skills, you have to care about the whole situation, and the technology needs to be flexible"

"I see, let's do it again"

The two started again, and Yusuke moved again, this time he set his target on the son, paying attention to the son's every move.

"Your steps are messed up." Shengzi's voice came, and Yusuke came back to his senses, and he subconsciously returned to the previous style of play.

"It seems that the previous competition made you get into the habit of these movements, but it doesn't matter, just correct it."

Yusuke let out a breath and nodded, "Let's continue!"

Yusuke is like a beginner, Seiko taught him bit by bit, at the beginning there were many mistakes, either his steps were messed up, or he just blindly attacked without defending, as expected, without strength and speed, relying on skills alone, Yusuke's attack was confused.

After more than two hours of tossing like this, sweat appeared on Yusuke's forehead, which was more tiring than playing a game!

However, the effect is also obvious. It was messy at the beginning, but now it has begun to look good, and Yusuke has also begun to have some experience.

"You have the basics, and then you need to keep honing. Okay, that's all for learning, let's move on to the actual combat!"

The Holy Son said excitedly, "Let's attack with all our strength!"

Yusuke nodded, took a deep breath, and looked serious.

His feet moved step by step, his steps were very steady, each step was very standard, and his body could prevent the opponent's attack at any time.

Seiko nodded, sure enough, Yusuke is very talented, and when he learns sword skills, his strength will definitely go further.

(End of this chapter)

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