Chapter 200
"You guys are too good!"

Yumi said with emotion that they all watched the video and were shocked by Yusuke's amazing ability to tame animals.

The four chatted chatteringly.

Women are like this, once they gossip, they can't stop, and Yui finally knows the ins and outs of the matter. Yusuke once said that he would help her teach Konohana a lesson. Unexpectedly, he kept this sentence in his heart all the time. At this moment, he was very emotional. pleasure
The three of Yumi also knew something about Yusuke, and they were very surprised. They hadn't seen each other for a semester, but Misawa Yusuke had such a big change. It was really a mistake!

Yui was very happy, but Kinohana, who was the person involved, was not.

When the bird feces fell into her mouth, she collapsed at that time. The assistant saw that something was wrong, and immediately turned off the live broadcast. It took a while for Konoha to recover.

However, Kinohana found that she was famous.

Because birds don't have bladders, they excrete feces and urine anytime and anywhere. If they are unlucky, they will be smashed on their bodies. But as unlucky as hers, bird feces fell directly into their mouths, which is really unique.

This video went viral on the Internet. Although it was coded, everyone I knew knew it was her.

Muzhihua was about to explode with anger, but unexpectedly, this incident brought her some fame, and more people watched her live broadcast, which can be considered a blessing in disguise. Thinking of this, her mood changed All right.

But that's where it really starts.

On the second day, Mu Zhihua was live broadcasting on the road and was interacting with the audience. Bird droppings fell from the sky and landed on her clothes. The audience who were watching the live broadcast were stunned, and then the comments exploded up.

Konoka is also confused, this is too bad luck!This happened to me for two consecutive days, but after being signaled by the assistant, Konoha quickly realized it and immediately pouted.

Sure enough, someone offered a red envelope again.

The anchor is so miserable, it's impossible not to reward a red envelope!
Kinohana is in a beautiful mood, it seems that the bird poop is not too bad.

However, some commenters also said: "It was like this yesterday, so is it going to happen again today?"

Konoka was startled, and quickly covered her mouth.

Sure enough, another bubble of bird feces fell down. Fortunately, the palm of the hand blocked it, otherwise it would enter the mouth again.

The audience was stunned, but something even more surprising happened.

Bubbles of bird droppings fell from the sky, like rain, and Kinohana was hit several times in an instant.

There is no way to go live.

Konohana was so disgusted that she threw away her clothes and took three showers, but the feeling of nausea was still lingering in her heart.

The days that followed were the beginning. Every time Konoka went out, she would be hit by bird droppings, and the culprit was a few crows.

These crows stayed at the door of her house, and as soon as she went out, they would fly over and attack her, pooping one after another like a bomb.

Crows represent bad luck, and Konoha was a little scared by several consecutive crow attacks, and even her assistant didn't dare to come to the door, because she also suffered disaster.

This is really evil, could it be that he has been cursed?
Konoka hurriedly went to the shrine to pray for blessings and donated a lot of sesame oil money, but even so, her nightmare was not over. For a whole month, Konoka was shrouded in the fear of crows.

These are just small means of disgusting people. Although they are not fatal, they are enough to scare people.

When Kinohana was in junior high school, she often fought against Yui, and caused Yui a lot of trouble. Yusuke once said, to seek justice from her, this is Yusuke's justice.

And Youyi has been in a good mood these past few days, and for the first time, she bought canned food and gave it to Ya Boss and the others. She was very satisfied with Ya Boss's actions.

In the next few days, Yusuke rushed to Sasaki's house to learn kendo in the morning, and returned to the studio in the afternoon, living a fulfilling life.

Then, the time came for the day of the camp.

"Yui, Rie, I'm going to sleep together starting tomorrow, I brought the four seasons here, please take care of them"

Starting tomorrow, Yusuke will go to the dorm. Originally, he wanted to give the four seasons to his mother to take care of them, but they prefer the studio, and they are also familiar with Yui and Rie, so Yusuke asked them to take care of them for a few days.

Yusuke is confident that when they recover from their injuries, they will definitely stay and join the big family.

"No problem, leave it to us." Rie nodded with a smile, while Yui was a little unhappy. Although she already knew that they had such a plan, she was always uncomfortable.

But it has become a fact, Yui can only nod her head.

"Be careful on the road, be clean and self-respect, and don't be seduced by that vixen"

The black line on Yusuke's face, that vixen should refer to Eri, do you have such a big grudge?
"I see, I will buy you gifts then"

Yui nodded, feeling a little better.

On the second day, Yusuke said goodbye to his family and rushed to the station.

Aiyi said with some envy: "It's great, brother can travel again."

At this time, he looked at Meihe, "Mom, when are we going to travel?"

Meihe thought for a while and said, "Indeed, I haven't traveled far for a long time, so I'll ask my father tonight."

"Great!" Aiyi jumped up excitedly, as long as she acted like a baby again, Dad would definitely agree.

I took the tram, then changed to the bus, and finally arrived at the airport. The destination of this time is Okinawa.

Originally, according to the original plan, just find any seaside city, but Eri won the Yulong Banner championship. Her sister was so happy that she waved her hand and went to Okinawa. The travel and travel expenses were all covered.

It's different to have a local rich sister, this time the co-settling will be upgraded immediately.

When Yusuke came here, Yui and Seiko were already waiting here. Seeing Yusuke's appearance, Yui waved with a smile.

"Yusuke, here"

Yusuke pushed the suitcase and walked over to the two of them.

"You guys came so early"

“It’s also not long ago”

Yusuke saw Seiko carrying two huge suitcases, he was a little curious, this suitcase must be too big.

"These are costumes for filming"

Shengzi said excitedly: "I have already written the story of the theatrical version, Yusuke, are you interested in reading it?"

"Let's wait until we get on the plane, where are Eri and Rika?"

"They should be arriving soon, they just sent a message saying they are on their way."

"Then let's wait"

Eri and Rika came over soon, and the five gathered together and rushed to the boarding gate.

Sitting on the plane, everyone was very excited.

Yusuke's seat is next to the aisle, Yui and Seiko are on his right, and Erika and Rika are on the other side of the aisle.

"Eri, what's your work schedule these days?" Yusuke asked.

"Don't worry, I've made arrangements!"

Eri said seriously: "Now I will announce the plan. On the first day we will go to the beach first, on the second day we will shoot, on the third day we will climb the mountain, on the fourth day we will still be shooting, on the fifth day we will go to the festival, I will check After that, there is a festival right now, and then we continued to shoot on the 1th day, and the video was shot here, and went to buy special products on the 2th day, and came back in the afternoon, how is it?"

Everyone nodded.

"Okay, that's it!"

(End of this chapter)

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