Chapter 201 201. Not the same

The flight process was very boring, and several people either read books or listened to music.

Yusuke was looking at the script, and Seiko was looking at him expectantly.

The script is very simple. After all, it is a happy sand sculpture drama, and the plot does not need to be so complicated.

Yusuke closed his notebook and nodded.

"is acceptable"

Shengzi heaved a sigh of relief, she had been preparing for a long time for one day.

"The script is finished, let me take a look"

Eri stretched out her hand, followed the script in Yusuke's hand, and read it.

Closing the notebook, Eri nodded, "The script is well written, but it needs a lot of costumes, we may not have enough."

They prepared a total of 5 sets of doll costumes, but according to the script, at least 10 sets are required.

"It's okay, I'm ready." The Son said seriously, "I bought this personally."

It seems that the Son of God is a serious fan of special effects.

After getting off the plane and leaving the airport, a heat wave hit, and I felt the heat of summer instantly.

A group of people came to the hotel by bus, Eri reserved three rooms, Yusuke alone, Eri and Rika shared one, Yui and Seiko shared one

After Yusuke packed his things, there was a knock on the door.

Opening the door, there are several people from Eri outside the door, and they have all changed into casual clothes.

"Yusuke, are you done? Let's go to the beach!"

Yui said excitedly, the others were also very excited, even the indifferent Son of God was jumping with joy.

"Okay, let's go"

Summer is all about sun and beaches!

When Yongsuke and his group came to the beach, it was already crowded with people and it was very lively.

A few people found an open space, Yusuke was in charge of tidying up the place, and Yui and the others went to change their swimsuits.

After a while, the four came back.

"How is it?" Eri asked with a smile.

The girl's unique figure and fair skin shone in the sun. The four girls stood together, smiling like flowers, very dazzling.

Yusuke gave a thumbs up: "Very good!"

"Just this one sentence?" Eri stared at Yusuke's eyes, "Shouldn't be exaggerating, this is the swimsuit we chose with care"

"Well, it's beautiful, it suits you very well"

At this moment, Eri touched her chin and said, "It shouldn't be, you shouldn't react like this."

"Then how do I react?"

"You should look at us lewdly, swallow your saliva, and finally pretend to be serious and say: You are very beautiful!"

Yusuke had black lines on his face.

"You read too many comics!"

From the perspective of Yusuke's two generations, these girls are too young to be interested at all. If Yui is here instead, Yusuke will be a little interested.

Big man, Meng Dano!
Yusuke also changed his clothes, and a group of people went into the water happily.

In such a hot weather, soaking in the sea is indeed very comfortable. After swimming for a while, Yusuke went ashore.

"I'm going to buy a drink, do you want it?"

"I want juice"

"I want a Coke"

Yusuke then came to a nearby canteen, where a girl in a swimsuit was setting up the stall.

"Trouble, give me three bottles of Coke and two bottles of juice"

Seeing Yusuke's smile, the girl couldn't help but blush, she's so handsome!
Soon, the girl took the drinks out of the freezer and packed them in bags.

Give money, take things.

"Well, handsome guy, I'll be off work later." The girl looked at Yusuke expectantly.

Summer is really the season of soaring hormones!
Yusuke sighed, shaking his head.

"Sorry, I have a friend waiting for me over there"

The girl's expression suddenly collapsed, and Yusuke didn't pay much attention to it. He has experienced a lot of strike-ups like this, and he is familiar with it!
But Yusuke somewhat underestimated his own charm.

"Handsome guy, can you do me a favor?" Two hot women stood beside them.

"Can you put on some sunscreen for me?"

The two looked at Yusuke with a smile, their eyes were naked, Yusuke had seen such eyes many times, and they were all greedy for my body.

"Sorry, I won't do this"

"It's okay, sister, I will teach you~"

A buxom woman grabbed Yusuke's palm at this moment, while another reached over to feel the muscles on her body.

Yusuke was startled, am I being molested like this?

Before Yusuke could react, the woman had already grabbed Yusuke's hand and pressed it on her thigh.

Very slippery!

That's sunscreen.

"What are you doing?"

A stern voice came from the side, and the two women turned their heads. When did the four girls appear around, with unkind eyes.

"Why are you pestering my partner?"

Eri said with her hips akimbo, her momentum was very scary.

"So I have a companion." The two women let go of their hands and stood up.

"Then I won't bother you." Both of them left Yoyo, but before leaving, they gave Yusuke a wink, "You are welcome to come to us anytime."

Eri and the others watched the two women leave, then turned their heads and gave Yusuke a displeased look.


"Color embryo!"

"Sex demon!"


"Please, I am the victim!"

"Really, I see that you were enjoying it just now." Eri's tone was very indifferent.

"No, absolutely not"

To be honest, this is the first time I have been tricked by others, and I always feel that I have lost a lot.

"Humph!" X4
The four girls sat down, picked up their drinks, took a swig viciously, and glared at Yusuke.

"Humph!" X4
Who am I offending?
After drinking the water, everyone's anger seemed to disappear.

"Let's go play volleyball." Eri suggested at this time: "Yusuke, you can come together, or you will be hooked away by the vixen again."

Having said that, Yusuke had no choice but to go with them.

They rented volleyballs from a small shop, and the few of them started playing on the beach.

But Yusuke soon couldn't take it anymore.

The waves are rough!
Playing volleyball, but Yusuke's eyes were attracted by other balls, the girls also noticed it, and their faces turned red.

no!Yusuke couldn't take it anymore!

"I'm going swimming!"

After leaving these words, he immediately ran into the sea.

The temperature of the cold sea water dropped immediately.

Summer is the season of soaring hormones!
Soaking in the cool sea water, Yusuke didn't want to go ashore at this time, so he swam in the sea.

Without Yusuke, the girls regained their composure and continued playing volleyball.

The sea water was very comfortable, Yusuke soaked in the sea water, he didn't want to move, at this moment, the water surface around him exploded, and a figure rushed up from the water.

It was a woman with long black hair and a very hot figure.

"Teacher Yijima?"

Yusuke said in surprise.

The one who appeared here was Ritsuko Ishima.

"Hello, Misawa-kun," Ritsuko Ishima said calmly.

"Mr. Yijima, why are you here?"

"Of course I came with you." Ritsuko Ishima said calmly, "I was entrusted by sister Eri to come and take care of Eri."

"Then why didn't I hear Eri say that?"

"Because Eri doesn't know"

Ritsuko stared at Yusuke, "Eri's sister thought it was just a group of girls going to play, but she didn't expect there were boys here, so she entrusted me to come."

Yusuke instantly understood, this is crime prevention!

"alright, I got it"

Yusuke understood this feeling, the four girls went out to play with a boy, and said that there was no problem, only the devil would believe it, and Eri's sister did this just in case, which is understandable.

Seeing Yusuke's calm face, Ritsuko was a little surprised.

This Misawa Yusuke is different from ordinary boys!

(End of this chapter)

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