Chapter 215 215. Conditions
"Futaba, are you thinking too much?"

"While going, I know you are unreliable, let me come, I will talk to her"

"Then don't get too angry, you just ate their bread"

"Isn't it just a piece of bread?" Futaba looked at Kojima Mimi suspiciously at this moment.

"You actually speak for them? Are you tempted by the beauty of Yusuke Misawa?"

"You bullshit!"

"You guy, I really hit the spot!"

"I do not have!"

"Your face turns red when you're nervous, it's too obvious that you're lying!"

Kojima Mimi quickly touched her face, and sure enough, her face was already hot.

"Well, for the happiness of my childhood sweetheart, I decided to sacrifice my ego," Futaba stood up and said.

However, she thinks Kojima Mimi has little hope. The Seiko are all beauties, and each of them has a very special temperament. Few people are no worse than Mimi Kojima.

If there is competition, Kojima Mimi's hopes are not very high, and since they are from the same school, Futaba is not very optimistic about her childhood sweetheart.

But, for things like feelings, you have to give it a try.

Futaba came over at this time, and shouted with high spirits: "Seiko Sasaki, I challenge you today, do you dare to agree?"

Mimi Kojima, who was looking forward to next to her, stroked her forehead at this moment. The guy's tone seemed to be looking for faults!Can you speak well!

How stupid of me to have expectations for Futaba!

The Holy Son nodded and replied, "Yes, but I have one condition."

"What conditions?" Futaba snorted coldly in her heart. Sure enough, these guys have a conspiracy!

"We are making a movie. If you lose the fight, the two of you should cooperate and play a few roles."

Futaba was stunned for a moment, "That's all?"

"that's it"

Futaba glanced at Kojima Mimi, Kojima Mimi nodded.

"That's no problem." Futaba also nodded, and then asked: "Then what if you win?"

Shengzi stood up at this time, her eyes became sharper instantly, and her temperament was suddenly extremely passionate, with a fierce aura, Futaba froze, it was a nightmare.

Sword ghost!

Seiko's momentum was so strong that everyone in Eri looked sideways at him, and Ritsuko was even more surprised. The change in Seiko Sasaki was really great.

What is going on with this group of people?She looked at Yusuke, then at Seiko, these two people made her completely unable to see through.

Being stared at by the Holy Son, Futaba swallowed her saliva involuntarily, feeling a little nervous, as if being stared at by an evil spirit.

This guy is still so scary!
The cold voice of the Holy Son came.

"If you win, I'm at your disposal"

"But, it's absolutely impossible!"

"Let's see," Futaba replied stiffly.

Shengzi glanced at her, and then his eyes softened, the scary aura disappeared instantly, and he returned to his normal appearance, which made Futaba on the opposite side a little dumbfounded.

Why did this guy suddenly look like a different person?Why did she return to her silly expression again?I'm not used to it!
"Okay." Eri clapped her hands at this moment, attracting everyone's eyes.

"Since both parties have agreed, let's set off now, go to the small waterfall where you specially trained, then let's fight there."

Futaba and Kojima Mimi nodded, the group tidied up and set off.

A group of people walked up the stone steps up the mountain. Halfway through, Futaba and the two turned into a small path next to it. This path is somewhat hidden. Although there are stone steps, the surrounding grass is very high, covering the path. No, I didn’t notice it if I didn’t pay attention.

Yongsuke and his team followed closely behind, going around in circles, and finally arrived at a river.

There is a small waterfall in front of the small river, and the river rushes down, forming a small pool below.

And there is a small beach by the pond, where there are a few bamboo swords, some sandbags and wood, which should be the place for their special training.

There are trees all around here, only this pond is a bit special, and the water in the pond is very clear.

Yusuke took out his mobile phone, there is still a signal here, and there is a signal, which proves that this is still a safe zone.

If it is a special training here, it really meets all the elements.

"The river here is so cool." Yui had already taken off his heels and socks, and walked into the river, soaking his feet in the river, showing a comfortable expression.

Eri and the others followed suit, took off their socks and shoes, and ran into the water, with expressions of comfort on everyone's faces.

In the hot summer, this cool river water is really comfortable.

"What are you guys doing?" Futaba called out from the river at this time: "Didn't you agree to come and fight with me? What kind of water are you playing in?"

"What's the matter with soaking in the water, the weather is so hot"

Yui said at this time: "You guys also come down, take a rest first, build up your strength, and you can't duel later."

Futaba thought for a while, and it seemed to make sense, Kojima Mimi nodded excitedly, took off her socks and shoes, and ran into the water, showing a comfortable expression.

"Futaba, come down quickly, too."

Kojima Mimi waved to Futaba, and Futaba followed.

Sure enough, soaking in the cool river water, most of the heat on her body disappeared in an instant, and Futaba also showed a comfortable expression.

A group of girls sat by the river soaking their feet, and even Ritsuko was gone.

Yusuke didn't join, because there were too many women, he always felt surrounded.

"I'll go around and I'll be back in a while," Yusuke said at this time, and everyone nodded.

Yusuke walked around, sure enough, there are no scenic spots around here, although there is a small waterfall, but the place is too remote, no wonder no one comes here.

When Yusuke came back, a group of people were coming up from the river.

Everyone is equipped.

"Okay, let's get started"

"Wait a minute," Kojima Mimi said at this moment: "There are only bamboo swords here, and no armor, what should I do?"

If there is no armor, it is indeed easy to have an accident.

"Don't worry, I have a measure." Futaba said confidently, and Shengzi also nodded: "I will stop as soon as I can."

"This..." Kojima Mimi hesitated, but seeing that Eri and the others did not object, it seemed that they trusted their partner very much, so I should also trust Futaba, so she nodded.

"Then you have to be careful"

Holding bamboo swords, the two sides faced off on the beach, and the referee was Eri.

Eri said: "Because there is no armor, let's change the rules. You can't fight face to face. If you fall to the ground, you lose, and if you drop your bamboo sword, it counts. Do you have any questions?"

Both nodded.



As soon as Eri's voice fell, Futaba rushed forward in an instant, and the bamboo sword in her hand had already slashed at Shengzi's waist, as if to cut her in two.

Her moving speed was much faster than before, Kojima Mimi showed a happy expression at this time, and the special training was indeed useful!
But at the next moment, a black shadow flashed like lightning, and the bamboo sword in Futaba's hand was suddenly lifted, spinning in the air, and finally fell to the ground.

Futaba looked at the palm stupidly, but the hand was empty, and the body opposite also retracted its movements at this time.

Killed in seconds?
(End of this chapter)

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