Chapter 216 216. Welfare
Kojima Mimi looked shocked, this speed is too fast!
The speed of the opponent seems to be faster than before!

I was still happy about Futaba's progress just now, but I was instantly killed by someone, which is really unexpected!
Futaba's expression was stunned for a moment, then she gritted her teeth unwillingly.

This guy is stronger than last time!It turned out that not only was he making progress, but the other party was also making progress!

The Holy Son's face was as calm as usual, showing no sign of victory at all.

Looking at the unhappy Futaba, Shengzi thought for a while and said, "Do you want to come again?"

Futaba nodded vigorously, she was careless just now, she will never lose this time!
The two picked up the bamboo sword again, and Yusuke who was next to him shook his head, Futaba was doomed.These days, he is studying at Sasaki's house. While practicing the basics, he has also had a lot of duels with Shengzi. Not only is he improving, but Shengzi is also improving.

True geniuses are constantly growing in battle!
Sure enough, Futaba was raped again, but she still refused to admit defeat.

"Come again!"

"no problem"

Futaba lost all 10 duels in a row.

A crushing defeat!
Futaba sat on the ground weakly. She was already covered in sweat at this time. She had tried her best, but she was still no match. She sighed and said dejectedly: "I lost!"

Shengzi nodded. Futaba's performance made her a little impressed. Compared with the last time, she made rapid progress, and Shengzi looked forward to her future development.

The two washed their faces by the river and tidied up their appearance.

Lixiang took out two handkerchiefs from the small bag very thoughtfully, and handed them to the two, Seiko took it without looking back, while Futaba hesitated, took the handkerchief from Lixiang's hand, and said softly Said: "Thank you"

After cleaning, Futaba said at this moment: "I would like to admit defeat, we will go to make a movie with you now."

"Not today." The Son shook his head, "Tomorrow."

"Okay, where is tomorrow?"

"I'll give you a call. When you go to the beach tomorrow, call me when you arrive."

Futaba nodded, and the two exchanged numbers.

Yusuke and his party were also preparing to leave at this time.

"Then let's take our leave first!" Everyone waved, Kojima Mimi also waved, watching them leave.

"Okay, let's keep working hard!" Futaba cheered up at this time.

"I will never admit defeat!"

The voice was so loud that Yusuke and his group, who had already left a certain distance, heard it and smiled.

This guy is fun and innocent.

A group of people continued to climb the mountain to see the scenery, and played for several hours. By five or six in the afternoon, they had already seen the whole mountain.

Although we had a great time, everyone was sweating profusely. After packing up our things, we took the bus back to the hotel.

We were tired and hungry, so we decided to go back to our room to take a shower, and then have dinner together in the restaurant downstairs.

After taking a shower, Yusuke came to the lobby on the first floor in his bath suit, and sat on the sofa waiting.

According to past experience, it would take at least an hour to wait, and Yusuke sat there playing with his mobile phone.

At this time, a small hand patted his shoulder, Yusuke turned his head, and there was a huge round object in front of him, looking up, Sakurai Norio was looking at him with a smile.

"Yusuke, it really is you!"

Yusuke sighed, this guy is really lingering, he can meet her no matter where he goes.

"Sakurai, why are you here?" Yusuke asked.

"I also stayed in this hotel. I didn't expect such a coincidence that we lived in the same hotel"

Norio Sakurai was also wearing a yukata, sitting on the sofa next to him, looking at Yusuke with interest.

"Yusuke, what are you doing here? Where are your friends?"

"They go to take a bath, I'll wait for them here, and then go to dinner together, how about you?"

"I just came back from the beach, it's really annoying, a bunch of people accosted me, it's so annoying, I don't have time to be alone for a while"

Sakurai Norio complained, looking at Yusuke expectantly.

"Why don't you stay with me next time and be my shield, so that no one will strike up a conversation with me"

"Sorry, I'm busy"

"You idiot, I'm giving you a chance, you don't even know how to grasp it, be careful to be single forever"

"Thanks, I don't need it"

"Tsk tsk tsk" Norio Sakurai looked at Yusuke meaningfully at this time, showing a strange smile.

"You're not even interested in beautiful girls like me. It seems that your target is those girls. You guys are so powerful that you even attacked acquaintances!"

The black line on Yusuke's face made me feel like I was committing a crime.

Weakly complained: "What are you talking about? What does it mean to attack an acquaintance, we are just ordinary good friends"

"Ordinary good friends, ghosts believe, based on my experience, those girls are definitely interested in you"

Yusuke froze for a moment, Yui and the others are interested in me?
But looking at Sakurai Norio's smiling face, he knew that this guy was playing with me.

Yusuke didn't bother to talk to her, facing Yusuke's reaction, Sakurai Norio pouted: "It's really boring!"

At this time, he smiled again and said, "Yusuke, how about we go have dinner together later?"

"Do not"


"You are too much trouble"

"You guys are so heartless"

"Yes, I am a ruthless man"

"Let's eat together~ I'm a girl, eating alone, so pitiful~"

Sakurai Norio showed a pitiful look at this time, but Yusuke had already seen through her true colors.

This guy is definitely an expert in emoticon management, he can use all kinds of emoticons at his fingertips, with such talent, why don't you act!
"It's okay, you can hug a doll so you won't be alone"

Norio Sakurai was shocked, and looked at Yusuke in disbelief.

Nodding thoughtfully: "So there is such a method, I learned it!"

"But I refuse, I have decided, I want to have dinner with you"

Yusuke rubbed his head, does this guy not understand human language?

At this time, Norio Sakurai leaned over with his upper body, the collar on his chest was slightly opened, and from Yusuke's angle, he could just see the infinite scenery.

"Come with me~ whoever kills must die~"

Sakurai Norio exhaled like blue, his face was reddish, this moment was full of infinite style.

But in the next second, before Yusuke could take a closer look, Norio Sakurai sat up straight.

"How is it, does it smell good?"

"It's useless." Yusuke said calmly, "You want to impress me with this little thing, you underestimate me."

In fact, I haven't seen it clearly yet, and if I do it again, maybe I will compromise.

"Okay, it seems that Yusuke has a lot of skills, so I have to use the last trick!"

At this moment, Norio Sakurai put his palm to his mouth and whispered, "Yusuke, do you know that this hotel has a hot spring?"

"and then?"

"The hot springs here are divided into three types, one is a male hot spring, the other is a female hot spring, and what do you think is the last one?"

Yusuke was taken aback, isn't this the scene that appeared in countless cartoons?
Sakurai Norio stood up at this moment, walked behind Yusuke, leaned down, and whispered in his ear:
"Let's hang out together ~ take a bath"

(End of this chapter)

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