Chapter 220 220. Three Labors

The next day, Yusuke woke up early in the morning, very energetic.I don't know if it's because of the doubling of combat power. My spirit and willpower are too strong. I slept for three hours last night, and then I couldn't fall asleep. I was very energetic.

Really unable to fall asleep, Yusuke had no choice but to get up and sort out the videos he shot earlier.

It wasn't until after five o'clock in the morning that the sky began to brighten, and Yusuke saved the organized video.

After washing, he went out of the room, and the door of the Son's side also opened.

Seiko and Yui came out, seeing Yusuke's appearance, Yui blushed a little, and said in a low voice, "I'm sorry for causing trouble to you last night."

Yui still has some memories of what happened last night, and it feels very embarrassing to recall it now.

Yusuke shook his head with a smile, "It's okay, be more careful next time, you'll get drunk after just one drink with your physique, it's best not to drink in the future"

Yui nodded, after this time, she was a little afraid of alcohol.

"How is your condition today? Can you still shoot?"

Yui shook his head and said, "I'm fine."

She just drank a glass of wine last night, and she was drunk at the time, but now she has recovered, and her body is fine.
Yusuke nodded and said, "Go and see Eri and Rika. I'll move the props down and wait for you downstairs."

Seiko and Yui went to wake the others up, and Yusuke moved all the props downstairs.

It was very early, and the whole hall was cool and cool, with only a few staff members.

Yusuke sat on the sofa and waited. After a while, the girls also came down, but Ritsuko was missing from the crowd.

"Sister Ritsuko hasn't woken up yet, even if she wakes up, she probably won't be in the mood, so let her rest today."

Eri explained, and Yusuke nodded. Fortunately, there are two other coolies today, otherwise the shooting would be really troublesome.

"How are you?"

"No problem," Eri replied energetically, her energy has always been very strong.

On the other hand, Lixiang was a little tired. Her physical fitness was relatively weak. Yesterday she played all day, climbed mountains and soaked in hot springs, and finally drank some wine. At this time, her body has not recovered, but the problem is not serious.

And Norio Sakurai's spirit is very good, he is very happy early in the morning, Yusuke can't help but give a high glance, this guy's physical strength is also very good.

"My physique is very strange. No matter how drunk I am, as long as I sleep for a few hours, I will immediately feel full of energy." Norio Sakurai said proudly.

Yusuke glared at her, it was all caused by you, you still have the face to say it!

Norio Sakurai understood Yusuke's eyes, suddenly realized, and then said: "Sorry for disrupting your schedule, today's filming Ritsuko will not be able to play, how about this, I will play in her place!"

Everyone looked at each other, and finally turned their eyes to Yusuke.

For a moment, Yusuke wondered if Noriko Sakurai got Ritsuko drunk on purpose so that he could take her place.

But after thinking about it, I found it impossible.

I haven't been with Sakurai Norio for a long time. Although she is often full of nasty jokes, this guy's character is still trustworthy.

The most important thing is that she has already promised to watch it, and she just needs to join in and say a word, there is no need to do these things.

After pondering for a moment, Yusuke nodded, since she wanted to join, she joined, and it happened to be an extra labor force.

Norio Sakurai smiled when she heard the words, she thought it was a good thing, but she will suffer after a while.

"Holy Son, where are Kojima Mimi and Inouin Futaba?" Yusuke asked.

"I notified them last night, and sent a message in the morning, it should be here soon."

"Okay then, let's go too"

Halfway there, Mimi Kojima and Futaba Inouin also arrived, and a group of people walked in the direction of filming.

When they came to pick up the spots, Yusuke introduced their identities to Kojima Mimi, Inouin Futaba, and Sakurai Norio, and all three nodded with a smile.

Norio Sakurai stood beside Yusuke at this time, and said softly: "You are really amazing, you can meet so many girls wherever you go, you are amazing~"

Yusuke glanced at her and ignored it, already numb to the guy's habit of driving every now and then.

"Okay, here we are. What movie are you going to make? What about the script? What role should we play?" Futaba asked at this time.

Eri then gave them the script, several copies were printed yesterday, and now each of them has a copy, and the three of them also read it at this time.

The plot is simple:
Brown bear got the terrifying power from the ancient relics and will become the devil of the world. In order to prevent the emergence of the new devil, the white rabbit warrior embarked on the journey of the brave. He got the holy sword from the saint and solved the big bad wolf first. Then he went all the way through, beating four of the devil's men in a row, and finally came to the big devil, but Brown bear got the power of the devil at this time, the two sides fought, the white rabbit warrior finally solved the big devil, and spread peace to the world.

After reading the script, the three of them were stunned.

What kind of script is this!

It couldn't be more rudimentary, the logic of the story is completely unreasonable, and the characters are messed up.

You call this making a movie?

There are too many slots, and the three of them don't know how to spit it out.

"Forget it, I'm willing to bet and admit defeat, let's play with them." Futaba closed the script and said, in her opinion, this is completely a game, Mimi Kojima also nodded in agreement, anyway, they are guest roles, It's none of their business even if the show goes bad.

Sakurai Norio was thoughtful, she always felt that something was wrong with the plot and something was missing.

It wasn't until Yusuke took out the doll clothes for them to put on that they suddenly realized.

"Are you filming a special drama?"

That's the way it is, it's a special drama
The plot is weak, and the whole process relies on fancy fighting, and even acting skills are not required. Anyway, the expression is completely covered by the doll costume, and it is enough to make a sound. No wonder the requirements are so low.

Yusuke nodded, "It's a special drama, come on, put on your clothes"

Holding the thick doll costumes, the three of them suddenly felt that they were on a thief ship.

Wearing puppet costumes in this kind of weather is simply a disaster, but one of them lost in the fight and the other got together by themselves, this can only be admitted.

The three of them put on doll costumes, and after shooting for a while, they were already sweating profusely.

But Eri didn't call to stop, so they could only continue acting,
"Seiko Sasaki really has perseverance!"

Futaba said with emotion, she and Mimi Kojima were sitting on the side resting at this moment, their bodies were covered with sweat.

As guest roles, they don't have a lot of time to play. They play when they need it, and rest when they have no role. , I didn't see her take off the doll costume, this endurance is really amazing.

"That Misawa Yusuke is also very good!" Kojima Mimi said beside him, all the villains were played by Yusuke, and his role was no less than Seiko's.

"Okay, Yusuke Misawa, who knows you, is amazing."

Futaba curled her lips and said, Mimi Kojima blushed and said, "Don't talk nonsense! I didn't"

"I said, you haven't given up yet!" Futaba propped her chin and said at this time, Yusuke and his team were filming in front of them, and the two of them were resting beside them. No one disturbed them at this time, she had some questions to ask Meimei.

(End of this chapter)

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