Chapter 221 221. What a pity

"It's just the two of us now, Meimei, I'll just ask, do you like that Yusuke Misawa?"

Futaba looked at Kojima Mimi seriously with both eyes, Kojima Mimi was stunned for a moment, then her face flushed, "What nonsense are you talking about!"

"Answer me seriously, Meimei!"

Kojima Mimi froze for a moment, Futaba always had this expression when she was talking about business, which showed that the other party cared a lot.

After pondering for a moment, he replied: "It's not like I like him, I just have a good impression of him."

"That's okay." Futaba breathed a sigh of relief, and her expression softened, "I thought you were a nympho, and you fell in love with each other after only meeting once or twice."

"There's no such possibility!" Mimi Kojima shook her head, "Who do you think I am!"

Mimi Kojima just idolizes Yusuke.After seeing his strength in Yulongqi last time, he couldn't help admiring Yusuke, and the two-day contact has also increased his affection for Yusuke, but when it comes to liking, he has not yet reached this level.

And Futaba was a little worried about this, this was the first time her childhood sweetheart had this strange symptom, like a nympho, which made her very distressed.

That little boy is not a good person at first glance!
There is only one man in the whole club, and the others are all girls. What kind of club is this!

This guy must be uneasy and kind!

Futaba didn't care about asking them to play a few cameo roles in yesterday's bet, but after going back and thinking about it, she found that something was wrong. Could this guy be trying to attack Meimei?

Meimei is a big-chested and brainless guy. If he is coaxed by the other party, it is really possible for him to be tricked away.

Absolutely not!
So, from morning to now, Futaba has been by Meimei's side to prevent her from falling into the clutches of evil.

Let me guard the happiness of childhood sweethearts!
"Futaba, Mimi, change to a new doll costume, come on stage!" Eri shouted at this moment, interrupting the chat between the two.

The two suddenly smiled bitterly. The weather was too hot, and they didn't want to wear doll costumes at all.

But, who told them to lose?

The filming went smoothly. Although Kojima Mimi, Futaba, and Sakurai Norio had no acting skills at all, this special shooting script does not require acting skills. Even if the lines are forgotten, they can be fooled by just talking nonsense, so The shooting progressed very quickly, and by noon, the plot had already been filmed in sevens and eighties.

"Ka" Eri's voice came, and everyone immediately removed their hoods and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Let's stop here for today, let's continue the next day after tomorrow"

Futaba and Kojima Mimi wailed suddenly, they didn't expect that the nightmare was not over yet!

Sakurai Norio breathed a sigh of relief, she just came to replace Ritsuko temporarily, so she will definitely not participate in the filming the day after tomorrow, this is a nightmare!
Seemingly knowing what Norio Sakurai was thinking, Yusuke looked at her and said, "Sakurai, you will also participate the day after tomorrow."

"Well, I have something to do the day after tomorrow"

"Stop lying, don't think I don't know, you just wander around there alone"

"Yusuke, you bullied me~" Norio Sakurai burst into tears, as if he had been greatly wronged, but Yusuke didn't like her.

"Who told you to get Ritsuko and the others drunk, this is punishment"

"Okay," Sakurai Norio immediately withdrew his tears and said with a sigh.

This instant face-changing skill surprised Futaba and Kojima Mimi, and they looked at each other.

This guy must not be a good person!
"Okay, it's the same as last time, Yusuke, you go watch the wind," Eri said at this time.

Yusuke nodded, and left immediately, Sakurai Norio remembered that it was like this last time, and suddenly realized.

Yusuke sat on the rock, looking at the scene below, fortunately no one came this way this time.

After a while, a figure stood behind Yusuke.

"Sakurai, don't stand so high, be careful not to fall down"

Yusuke said without looking back, Sakurai Norio was a little surprised, came over and sat next to Yusuke, and asked curiously, "How do you know it's me?"

Norio Sakurai was still wearing the white swimsuit from last time, revealing his beautiful figure.

This is a ripe fruit.

Yusuke couldn't help taking another look, no, three eyes, this guy is huge!

Sakurai Norio was very sensitive to Yusuke's gaze, and a smile appeared on his face at this moment.

"How is it? Does it look good?"

After speaking, he deliberately puffed out his chest, and the waves were choppy.


Norio Sakurai crawled back a few steps at this moment, watching Yusuke nervously.

"Why did you suddenly become like a pervert? Have you finally revealed your true colors? Don't come here. If you come here again, I will call you!"

Yusuke watched her performance blankly, seeing that Yusuke didn't respond, Norio Sakurai curled his lips in disdain.

"Why do you react like this? It's so boring!"

"Sakurai, I have a question for you, have you ever been stimulated in any way?"

"No! I have been safe and sound since I was a child, nothing happened." Sakurai replied calmly.

"Then why do you look like this ghost?"

"What are you doing! Can't I like to talk about dirty jokes? Men can be pornographic, but women can't be pornographic?"

Yusuke couldn't refute what he said.

"Well, I respect everyone's choice, but I think that you, a beautiful girl, can easily be misunderstood by saying these things all day long."

"Do you think I'm pretty?"

"Yes, very beautiful!"

Yusuke looked at the scenery in front of him, his tone was very calm, as if he was saying some facts, "Sakurai, you are beautiful!"

After a long time, no reply from Sakurai Norio, Yusuke was a little strange, turned his head, and found that Sakurai's face was flushed at this time, and his eyes were very shy.

At this moment, Norio Sakurai was completely different from usual, and his charm was astonishing.

If she doesn't speak, she is indeed a beautiful girl.

But, unfortunately...

Yusuke glanced regretfully, then turned his gaze away, and Sakurai Norio was suddenly a little angry.

"What's your reaction! Shouldn't you coax me with sweet words at this time?"

"think too much"

"I'm so pissed off! You guys definitely don't have a girlfriend!"

"What girlfriend?"

Yui and Seiko also came over at this time. As soon as they came here, they watched their interaction and heard their girlfriend's vocabulary. Both of them were a little nervous and gossip.

"I mean, with Yusuke's character, he will definitely not be able to get a girlfriend," Sakurai Norio said calmly.

"It doesn't matter, I don't want to talk about my girlfriend yet," Yusuke replied calmly.

"I think it would be easy for Yusuke to find a girlfriend," Seiko said at this time, with a very serious attitude.

"I agree with this." Yui nodded, "After all, she looks so good-looking."

"You can be a badass!" Sakurai Norio also nodded, and the corners of Yusuke's mouth twitched.

"I can't pretend that I didn't hear the last sentence, don't slander me casually!"

"Yongsuke, there is nothing wrong with eating soft food!" Seiko looked at Yusuke seriously, with a very sincere tone.

Yusuke is a little dumbfounded, why do I have to eat soft rice?

"What are you talking about?"

A few people from Eri also came over at this time, and everyone changed their clothes.

"I'm talking about Yusuke wanting to eat soft food!" Sakurai Norioo replied first at this time, Yusuke almost spit out a mouthful of old blood, did you take it out of context like you!
The eyes of all the girls looking at Yusuke changed immediately, and Yusuke quickly explained: "I didn't!"

Then I told what happened just now, and everyone suddenly realized.

However, Yusuke always felt that the girls seemed a little disappointed.

It must be my illusion.

At this time, Lixiang said with a regretful tone: "Yusuke is not a bad boy, it's a pity!"

The girls all nodded their heads in agreement.


Forget it, the world is not worth it...

Yusuke jumped off the rock and left straight away, continuing to chat with them, maybe when I will be a cowherd, you have already arranged it.

(End of this chapter)

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