Chapter 222.
At noon, everyone gathered together to have a big meal, and after some work, it was time for free activities in the afternoon.

Yusuke was in charge of bringing the tools back to the hotel, and before leaving, he warned: "You guys have to be careful!"

With the addition of Norio Sakurai and the other three, there are already 7 girls gathered here. They are all girls' groups, and they will definitely be harassed by some hooligans.

"Don't worry, Seiko and I are here!" Eri replied seriously, and Seiko also nodded. As the two most powerful men, ordinary hooligans are really no match for these two people. Futaba also said at this time: "Don't worry, I'm not easy to bully."

Yusuke nodded, and Eri then said:
"On the contrary, Yusuke, you have to be careful, don't let other women drag you away"

Eri looked serious, and the others nodded in sympathy.

The black line on Yusuke's face, counting seriously, Yusuke has been approached more times than girls, and it is Yusuke who is really dangerous, not the girls.

Yusuke was a little speechless, so he took a big bag of clothes and left.

Back at the hotel, I ran into Ritsuko, she was wearing casual clothes, she was full of energy, and there was a faint fragrance on her body, she should have just taken a shower.

Seeing Yusuke, he asked, "Where did you go?"

"I went to the beach to shoot today, Ritsuko-sensei, you were drunk last night, so I didn't wake you up in the morning"

"So that's how it is. I've troubled you last night." Ritsuko said awkwardly. It was the first time she lost her composure in front of the junior, which made her a little embarrassed, but with her mentality, she quickly adjusted.

"Why are you back? Where are Eri and the others?"

"I'll bring back the props first, they are playing at the beach"

"Only them?"

"And Sakurai, the two girls who lost in the duel yesterday, they are all together, I put my things away and I'm ready to go"

"Then I'll wait for you, let's go together"

Yusuke went back to his room, took a shower, changed his clothes, and set off with Ritsuko.

The hotel is not very far from the beach, just a few minutes walk.

The weather is very hot, the sun is very strong, the ground is hot, there are no pedestrians on the road, only Ritsuko and Yusuke are walking on the road.

At this time, a group of figures appeared at the intersection ahead, densely packed, there were hundreds of them, walking towards the two of them.

Yusuke and Ritsuko stopped, and Ritsuko looked at Yusuke and asked strangely, "Are you in trouble?"

Yusuke shook his head and asked, "Is it the problem of those little bastards last time?"

"My friend has already solved it, definitely not"

The two suddenly stared with wide eyes, both of them were at a loss.

Why did a group of people suddenly appear?

This group of guys didn't look like a good bird at first glance, they were still holding all kinds of weapons, and they almost had the words 'I'm a bad guy' written on their faces.

"It shouldn't be coming towards us, let's make way"

Ritsuko thought for a while and said, Yusuke nodded, he didn't want to cause these troubles either.

But just as the two turned around, a group of people appeared behind them. They were dressed exactly like the group in front of them. There were five of them and six of them.

Yusuke's expression changed instantly.But if you just meet a group of people, maybe the other party is just passing by, but the posture in front of you is not right.

Obviously, the other party was coming for them, and these two groups had already surrounded them.

Ritsuko's expression became serious, and then she picked up the phone and called her friend.

After a while, Ritsuko's face became ugly, Yusuke saw that something was wrong, and asked, "What's wrong?"

"My friend said that the previous matter has been resolved, and he doesn't know this group of people"

"Is that the enemy of Jiang Zhihua's family, and then attacked us?"

Yusuke immediately thought of this possibility. This kind of situation often happens in rich families, but it's just a little bloody.

"I don't know, I don't care about family affairs" Ritsuko replied with a shake, frowning at this moment, looking at the scene in front of her.

These two groups add up to one or two hundred people. There are so many people that the road is blocked by them.

Ritsuko was a little nervous, but not afraid, and said seriously: "It seems that the other party is really coming for Enoka's house. I don't know which family they belong to. But Yusuke, you are an outsider, so you should be fine."

Yusuke shook his head, "It's all coming at us, do you think I can stay out of it?"

Ritsuko didn't answer, Yusuke told the truth, this situation is very bad!

Yusuke's eyes became serious, this situation is definitely the most troublesome thing for him to travel through so far.

Fortunately, the reward of double combat power is still there, and Yusuke is confident that he can leave here with Ritsuko.

The narrow road meets the brave to win!

Now is the time to work hard!

Yusuke exhaled, and instantly, his eyes sharpened, and his aura rose from the ground, extremely high.

The crowd around suddenly felt a little difficult to breathe, as if they were suppressed by something, and Ritsuko standing beside him was a little surprised.

Just standing here, she felt a little frightened. The Yusuke Misawa in front of her seemed to be a different person. The ferocious aura seemed to be a monster that ate people.

Just when Ritsuko was in a daze, Yusuke's calm voice came, steady and powerful.

"Don't worry, Ritsuko, I will definitely take you out of here today!"

"In the sky and in the world, no one can stop what I want!"

That momentum is incomparably domineering!
Not far away, three or four cameras were shooting, and a fat middle-aged man was watching the scene while drinking water.

This is the scene of a variety show, the program is called 'Amateur Observation Room', it uses spoofs to trick passers-by, and then the camera captures the reactions of passers-by, and this episode of the program is called 'I met a gangster on the road ~ what should I do in society'

According to the situation of normal people, they must panic when they encounter this situation, and then the camera will capture their frightened and distorted expressions, so as to achieve the effect of comedy.

Everything in front of me is fake, the underworld is played by the staff, except passers-by who don't know, everyone is for the purpose of spoofing.Of course, they won't go too far, and they will give condolence money afterwards, and then make a verbal apology, and the matter will be resolved like this. They have always done this in the past.

The program team was shooting the location outside today, picking tricky passers-by, and unfortunately, Yusuke came into their sight, partly because Yusuke and Ritsuko have super good looks, handsome men and beautiful women are always more attractive "" Human eyeballs.

The producer of the show was that fat middle-aged man named Yuichi Nakamoto. When he saw Yusuke and Yuichi, he immediately filmed the case and decided to be them. These two were the sacrifices this time.

But the situation at the scene was a bit beyond his expectation. When they met hundreds of "black~society", the two of them didn't look scared. Instead, they were discussing things there, which was a bit strange, not like ordinary people at all. reaction.

Yuichi Nakamoto felt that the reaction of the two was a little boring, so he immediately let another group of staff enter the arena. The two groups of staff had a total of 200 people, and surrounded the two of them densely. The two sacrifices looked a little nervous

Nakamoto nodded, this is the correct way to open it!

"Pay attention to the camera, focus on the expressions of those two people, and see how they react next. Remember, their expressions are the key point."

Yuichi Nakamoto gave the order at this time, and the photographers also adjusted the angle to capture Yusuke's big face in the camera, and Yusuke is the focus of this program.

But Yusuke's next performance shocked everyone present.

(End of this chapter)

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