Chapter 225 225. Big Oolong

"Forget it, stop playing, or you will be taken advantage of by a big pervert"

Norio Sakurai clapped his hands and said, the other girls also stopped their hands and came over, Yusuke felt a little regretful.

It's actually quite nice!

"Yusuke, go buy water for us," Sakurai Norio said at this time.

"Why should I go?"

As soon as this sentence fell, the girls all looked at Yusuke, and the eyes were obvious: You have received so many benefits, so what's wrong with running errands!
"Um... well, I'll go"

It was the same stall from last time, and it was also the same girl who set up the stall last time. Seeing Yusuke appearing, the girl suddenly showed a bright smile.

"Handsome, what do you need today?"

"Nine Cokes"

"it is good"

The girl put the Coke in a bag and handed it to Yusuke. After paying the money, Yusuke was about to take the things and leave.

At this moment, a hand grabbed Yusuke's palm.

"Handsome guy, I'll be off work later." The girl looked at Yusuke expectantly.

"Sorry, I have a girlfriend," Yusuke replied casually.

"Well, do you mind having more girlfriends?"

Yusuke looked at the expectant girl in shock.

"I saw it, you have many girlfriends, one more is not too many."

"Sorry, I can't eat that much"

Yusuke ran away after speaking, these women are really scary!

Summer girls are so enthusiastic!
Arriving at the original place, Eri and his party went into the water to play, and Ritsuko was the only one sitting there on the beach.

But Ritsuko was on the phone with a strange expression on her face.

Yusuke silently walked to the side, put the drink on the ground, and sat beside him.

After a while, Ritsuko hung up the phone, looked at Yusuke, hesitated to speak.

"What's wrong?" Yusuke asked calmly, looking at the scenery ahead.

Ritsuko thought about it for a while, and then said: "I just talked to my family on the phone, and the matter has been clarified. It was just a misunderstanding."

Ritsuko's face was very strange, Yusuke did not make a sound, quietly waiting for her explanation.

Soon, Ritsuko recounted the content of the conversation just now.

After knowing what happened here, the family members immediately used all kinds of connections, and after a while, they finally found out that they just entered the scene of a variety show by mistake, and the two of them were the objects of spoofing.

When the family members came to this conclusion, Ritsuko couldn't believe it at all. Is there such a thing as nonsense?
In fact, the family didn't quite believe it. After spending a lot of favors on them, it turned out to be the result. They were also dumbfounded.After confirming again and again, and finally finding out the producer of this variety show Yuichi Nakamura, and knowing the content of the show, everyone was very speechless.

This whole thing is an oolong affair!

After listening to Ritsuko's explanation, Yusuke was silent for a while, feeling some headache.

What is this!
Ritsuko was also extremely depressed, which turned out to be the reason for the joke.

The two fell silent.

After a while, Ritsuko said: "But this is good news, after all, no one targeted us, it was just a misunderstanding"

Yusuke nodded. From this point of view, it is not bad, and finally there is no trouble for the upper body.

"Also, I have already warned Yuichi Nakamura that he will not come to harass us again. Although I really want to punish him, the other party has a certain social status, so this is the only way to go."

Ritsuko continued, and Yusuke nodded in understanding.

The reason is simple, not enough interest!

There are only interests in the adult world, there is no right or wrong.

"Forget it, I'm going swimming." Yusuke stood up and said, feeling a little depressed at this moment, it would be good to go swimming to vent.

"Then I'm going into the water too." Ritsuko also stood up and took off her coat, revealing her beautiful figure.

Compared with the others in Eri, Ritsuko is more mature.

Both go into the water, Ritsuko joins the girls in the game, while Yusuke swims there alone, enjoying the cool water.

Laughing and having fun, the girls had a great time, and the depression in Yusuke's heart dissipated a lot.

When it was evening, everyone was ready to go back.

"By the way, where are you going tomorrow?" Meimei asked with some expectation at this time.

After an afternoon of fun, everyone became one, and there was some strangeness before, but it has long since disappeared.

"We're going to the festival tomorrow," Eri replied excitedly.

"Can we go together?" Meimei asked, even Futaba was looking forward to it.

"Okay, let's go together, it's more lively if there are more people." Eri nodded.

"Then it's an agreement, let's meet at the station tomorrow."

Futaba and Mimi went back, and they lived some distance away from here, while Eri and the others went back to the hotel.

"I'm so tired today, let's go to the hot spring." Norio Sakurai said excitedly: "The hot spring can relieve fatigue."

The girls nodded happily.

"You can go to the hot springs, but you can't drink alcohol." Yusuke said at this time: "The same goes for Ritsuko."

Thinking of what happened last night, the girls nodded sympathetically, but Norio Sakurai was a little unconvinced.

"Ritsuko and I are adults, it's okay to have a drink"

"That's up to you, but if you drink, we won't take you out tomorrow"

Sakurai Norio's face froze for a moment, then he said angrily, "Okay."

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help laughing.

A group of people returned to the hotel laughing and joking. At this moment, in the lobby on the first floor, a fat middle-aged man walked towards them with a smile on his face.

"Hello, excuse me"

The girls stopped talking and looked at him strangely, did they come to strike up a conversation?
This kind of situation often happens on the beach, but it rarely happens in the hotel. After all, the people who live here have a certain status, and they will not strike up a conversation with others casually.

But Yusuke found that the eyes of the middle-aged man were always on him. Seeing Yusuke, the eyes of the middle-aged man lit up, and the smile on his face became heavier.

At this time, the middle-aged man took out a business card from his pocket and handed it over with both hands. Yusuke looked at it suspiciously and took the business card.

Producer of TBS variety show: Yuichi Nakamoto
It turned out to be this product!
Ritsuko also saw the name on the business card, her eyes changed suddenly, but she quickly returned to normal, and she made eye contact with Yusuke, and Yusuke said at this time: "Eri, you go up first, I have some differences with this Mr. Nakamura." talk to"

Eri and the others were a little curious, but seeing Yusuke's serious eyes, they nodded without asking too much.

But surprisingly, Ritsuko didn't go up with them.

"I want to help watch, don't let Yusuke suffer," Ritsuko explained.

Everyone thought for a while and nodded. After all, they are dealing with adults, and there are many social routines. If you are not careful, you will suffer.

Sakurai Norio said at this time: "How about I accompany you?"

"No need." Ritsuko shook her head, "Ki Xiong, you go up with them first, the other party is looking for Yusuke, it's not good if there are too many people present."

Norio Sakurai thought about it, and it was true, so he went up with the girls.

Only Yusuke, Ritsuko, and Nakamura Yuichi were left at the scene.

(End of this chapter)

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