Chapter 226. 226. Invitation

"Sit down and talk"

Yusuke said calmly, and took the lead to sit on the sofa. Yuichi Nakamoto was a little stunned, this young man was different.

But he just smiled and sat down.

The three sat down.

Ritsuko spoke first at this time: "Why are you looking for us?"

Her tone was very blunt. The family had already warned Yuichi Nakamoto, but she didn't expect that he would dare to come to her door. This made her very angry and her tone was very bad.

At this time, Yuichi Nakamoto restrained his smile, stood up, and bowed to the two of them.

"Sorry, I have caused you trouble before, and I am very sorry for that."

Then he took out two envelopes from his body.

"This is a little apology, please accept"

The two envelopes were placed on the table, and Ritsuko looked at them without moving, looking at Yusuke.

This reaction made Nakamoto Yuichi a little strange. Ritsuko is relatively old, and she should be the main team here, but I didn't expect this young man to be the center.

But thinking of his amazing performance in the afternoon, it is not surprising to have such a reaction, Nakamoto Yuichi also looked at Yusuke.

To be honest, seeing Yuichi Nakamoto's appearance, Yusuke was not in a good mood, but the other party bowed and apologized again, and at this time his anger also subsided a little.

With the age and status of the other party, bowing your head to a teenager is something that many people cannot do. This is an attitude.

Yusuke thought for a while, nodded, and said, "That's the end of the matter."

Yuichi Nakamoto smiled when he heard the words, and was about to continue speaking, but Yusuke had already stood up, "It's nothing, let's go first"

"Wait a minute!" Nakamoto Yuichi hurriedly said, "I think there are some things I want to discuss with you."

"I don't think there is anything to discuss between us." Yusuke shook his head.

Yuichi Nakamoto was a little anxious, and quickly said: "Don't leave in a hurry, let's sit down and chat first, I have been waiting here all afternoon"

"If you have something to say, say it now"

"Okay then," Yuichi Nakamoto expressed his thoughts when he saw Yusuke's resolute expression and knew that there was no time for Tai Chi.

In the afternoon, Yusuke's performance surprised Nakamoto, and he came up with a lot of good ideas in an instant. He wanted to create a variety show centered on Yusuke, called "Super Experts Hidden in the City"

And now, he came to invite Yusuke to participate in the program.

Yusuke and Ritsuko were a little surprised by this guy's thick skin, he even had the face to invite them to the show after playing tricks on them, where did he have the confidence?
"Of course, we won't let you go for nothing," Yuichi Nakamoto said seriously, and the next step is the key point.

"30! As long as you agree to film an episode, you will be paid 30!"

Yusuke shook his head, "I'm not interested"

"anything else"

Nakamoto Yuichi has long been mentally prepared, and it is definitely not that simple to invite a master like him to play.

"Your appearance is very suitable for development in the entertainment industry, and our TV station has such resources, and you can get a lot of contacts here on the TV station."

That's the point!
Yuichi Nakamoto was very surprised when he saw the real Yusuke. It was the first time he saw such a handsome young man. It was a pity not to be a star.

And to step into the entertainment industry, he has very powerful resources.

"I'm not interested, that's all, don't come to me again"

Yusuke replied calmly, stood up and was about to leave, and Ritsuko also stood up.

Nakamoto Kumaichi was a little anxious, this is different from what he imagined, this is too decisive, he still has a lot to say, he said quickly: "Please don't refuse in a hurry, think about it, this is very serious. Great opportunity, becoming a star is much easier than other jobs, this is a good thing to gain both fame and fortune!"

"I'm not interested!" Yusuke said calmly, with a very forceful tone.

Yuichi Nakamoto still wanted to persuade, but seeing Yusuke's resolute look, he thought about it for a while, but he finally didn't say anything, and sighed.

"Well, I won't force it anymore, you can call me when you have an idea"

Nakamoto smiled and said that he was warned by the director of the TV station in the afternoon. He thought he had done something outrageous, but after inquiring, he found out that it was two passers-by on the show who were causing trouble. He was very surprised that these two random passers-by had such great backgrounds.

Fortunately, he is very capable, and he speaks very powerfully in the TV station. The director just warned him and didn't interfere with his actions too much, but also told him cryptically not to trouble the two of them again.

But as a program host, Nakamoto Yuichi has a very sensitive sense of touch. Seeing the superhuman power displayed by Yusuke, he immediately realized that this would be a favorable material for him. He ignored the director's warning and relied on himself. In this way, he found the hotel where the two stayed. As a show of sincerity, he waited here for an afternoon.

The other party appeared, but did not agree to his request, which made Nakamoto Yuichi a little regretful.

However, the two sides have already left the impression that he still has a chance.

Yusuke said at this time: "Take your money away."

Yuichi Nakamoto shook his head and said, "This is your compensation for filming. Every staff member has it. It should have been given to you afterwards, but you ran too fast at that time, and now it is returned to the original owner."

"In that case, I will accept it with a smile"

Nakamoto smiled and waved his hand, and left quickly.

Yusuke picked up two envelopes and handed one to Ritsuko.

"This is your share"

Ritsuko shook her head, "You should accept it."

"You also have a part in the performance." Yusuke stuffed one of the envelopes into Ritsuko's hand, and said, "We deserve it, don't have any scruples."

"Okay." Ritsuko put the envelope away, thought for a while, and said:

"Thanks to having you here today, how about I buy a gift for you?"

"No," Yusuke shook his head.

"Then I treat you to a big meal?"

Yusuke thought for a while, and it was not a good thing to refuse blindly, so he nodded.

"Sister Ritsuko!"

At this moment, Eri and his party came from the hall. The girls were all wearing bathing suits, and they seemed to be going to soak in the hot springs.

"Have you settled your affairs?"

"Okay, let's go to the hot spring together"

The girls surrounded Ritsuko and left, Sakurai Norio walked last, and asked Yusuke who was about to leave, "What's the matter between you and Ritsuko?"

"private question"

"Stingy, you must have a problem, don't think you can hide it from me, Eri and the others are ignorant, I am different"

Yusuke smiled and shook his head, "Do you really think Eri and the others are ignorant?"

"You're all acting so obvious..."

Sakurai Norio was stunned at this moment.

That's right, it's so obvious, Eri and the others must know, but they didn't ask...

Yusuke shook his head and said, "Sakurai, your IQ is worrying."

"Sometimes it's nice to be confused"

Norio Sakurai blushed immediately, she always thought she was 10% shrewd, but it turned out that she was the stupidest person.

(End of this chapter)

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