Chapter 228 228. The Dilapidated Shrine

"Then you three be careful"

Ritsuko reminded, Yusuke nodded: "Don't worry, it's you guys, be careful here"

"Don't worry, we have a secret weapon." Lixiang showed a confident smile, and then took out a high-voltage stun gun from his backpack.

"Isn't this high-voltage stun gun from Sakurai?" Yusuke looked at Norio Sakurai at this moment, and Norio Sakurai explained, "Rika borrowed it from me just now."

With this high-voltage stun gun, Seiko and Ritsuko, there should be no problem, Yusuke nodded, and followed the two girls up the mountain.

The stone steps are small and the road is dim. This is an abandoned shrine, so there is no street light on the road, only the flashlight in hand, and the faint light illuminates the front.

There are black forests on both sides, rustling in the evening wind, which is very intrusive in this silent night sky.

The two girls were a little excited at first, but they also started to get a little nervous as they moved forward. They grabbed Yusuke's arm and slowly moved closer.

Yusuke could feel the warm heat on his arm, and he could smell two unique scents from the tip of his nose, which were the scents of girls.

"I said, you are so scared, just go back and forget it."

Although his vision was dim, Yusuke could see clearly, the faces of the two girls turned pale, and their lips trembled a little, obviously because of fear.

I was so scared that I would look like this, so I just went back and forgot.

But unexpectedly, the two girls shook their heads.

"Come here, you must go to the end!"

These two guys are really stubborn!

Yusuke had no choice but to follow them up, and walked halfway up the mountain, and was already very close to the shrine.

There was nothing wrong along the way, the hearts of the two girls also relaxed, and they relaxed slightly while holding Yusuke's arm.

Suddenly, a black shadow flashed past his eyes and disappeared instantly.

Eri and Jixiong were stunned for a moment, and the next moment they hugged Yusuke's arms tightly, and their whole bodies were attached to Yusuke's body.

"Yusuke, what was that just now?"

Eri asked tremblingly at the corner of her mouth, feeling overwhelmed.

"It was just a bird flying past"

His vision was dim, and the speed of the black shadow was very fast, but Yusuke could see clearly that it was just a bird.


"Don't worry, I can see clearly."

"That's good"

Even though they said so, the two of them didn't let go of Yusuke's arm, but moved closer, almost touching Yusuke's body.

"I said, the two of you are too close!"

The girly softness and faint fragrance make people feel a little unbearable!
And it's double the enjoyment, so it's easy to misfire!
"But I'm scared," Eri replied.

"Then let's go back"

"No, we've come here, if we persist a little longer, we'll be there, it's a pity to give up now." Ji Xiong shook his head resolutely.

What the hell are you insisting on!
"up to you"

Yusuke had no choice but to take them and move on, or in other words, he dragged the two of them forward, and both of them were basically hanging on Yusuke.

The two were scared, but they refused to give up, Yusuke didn't know what to say.This is like those girls who go to watch horror movies, keep saying that they don't like horror movies, but it seems that horror movies are expected more than anyone else, this is very contradictory!
Forget it, forget it!

Finally, they stepped onto the last stone step, and the three of them walked the entire distance.

Ahead is a dilapidated shrine, some dim moonlight shines on the earth, it is very gloomy, the torii with peeling paint, broken ropes, it looks very desolate here.

Eri and Jixiong looked around curiously at this time, suddenly, a group of black shadows flew over from the shrine at an extremely fast speed.

The two froze for a moment, then screamed in the next second!
Yusuke could see clearly that it was a black crow flying towards them, and it was going to attack them that way.

Yusuke stretched out his palm to stop him, but in the next second he was pushed down by Eri and Jixiong, who screamed and burrowed into Yusuke's arms desperately.

The screams of the two girls were so strong that they shook the earth, even the crow was startled, and it flapped its wings and flew into the sky, looking scared.

"Hurry up and let me go!"

Yusuke struggled and said, the three of them had rolled into a ball at this time, but the two girls were too scared, holding Yusuke tightly with both hands, and refused to let go.

These two guys were terribly stubborn, but they were terrified to death. The power that erupted at this moment gave even Yusuke a headache.

There was no other way, Yusuke could only raise his hands and let them toss for a while.

The two girls struggled for a while, then stopped screaming, raised their heads suspiciously, and saw Yusuke's loveless expression in front of them, looked around again, and found that the black shadow was no longer visible, so they breathed a sigh of relief .

"Yusuke, what was that thing just now?"

"Did you beat it away?"

The two looked at Yusuke nervously and curiously.

"It was a crow, scared away by your screams," Yusuke said speechlessly.

"What, it turned out to be a crow!" The two of them breathed a sigh of relief.

"Yes, it's a crow. See how frightened you all are. Okay, let go quickly."

Only then did the two girls realize that they were hugging Yusuke tightly, and the three of them had already rolled into a ball. They smiled awkwardly, let go, and the three of them got up from the ground.


A piercing sound suddenly came, very loud in the night sky.

The two girls were startled for an instant, and immediately rushed over, hugging Yusuke tightly again.

"Yusuke, what's that sound? Why does it sound so scary?"

Yusuke raised his hands and looked helplessly to the left and right. Both of them hugged him tightly, their big eyes were aggrieved and helpless.

Yusuke sighed and said, "This is the cry of crows. Those who were about to attack us just now should be their nests here."

"We're here to disturb them, they're chasing us"

Yusuke heard the meaning of the cry, it was to drive them away.

Only then did the two girls suddenly realize, but they still held Yusuke tightly with both hands.

"I said, don't you two let go? How can we go on like this?"


The two reluctantly let go of their palms, but Yusuke's arms were tightly held by these two people, and it seemed that the two had already regarded Yusuke as a life-saving rope.

"The shrine is finished, we should go back now"

The two girls nodded, and at this moment they did not dare to be stubborn.

At this moment, a piercing voice came.

"Wow wow wow wow wow..."

In the distant sky, a large black cloud is flying towards this side.

It was a large flock of crows.

(End of this chapter)

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