Chapter 229 229. Attack
Oops, it seems that things are a little troublesome.

Yusuke has been with the crow boss for so long, and he also knows the habits of crows. If he disturbed their nests, the other party will definitely not give up. At this time, he must run away as soon as possible.

At this time, he said to the two of them: "We have to hurry up, the crows are coming, they will attack us"

"Why?" Eri asked curiously.

"There's no time to explain right now, let's go quickly"

The two nodded, but as soon as Eri took a step, her feet softened and she almost sat on the ground. At this time, she hugged Yusuke's arm and said pitifully, "Yusuke, my feet are weak~"

"Me too" Norio Sakurai gave the same expression.

These two guys!
Yusuke feels so tired!

At this time, both hands were holding the waists of the two, and before the two could react, they were caught under the arms of Yusuke in the next moment, like a little pig.

"Wait a minute, at least hug us, this posture is too ugly" Ji Xiong said anxiously, this is too strange, Eri nodded in agreement.

"I don't have time, and I don't care about the current situation, who cares if you look good or not?" Yong Jie said without looking back, at this time he was already running down the stone steps.

Yusuke's speed was extremely fast, and the two people who were clamped by their arms seemed to be riding a roller coaster. The scene in front of them changed rapidly, which frightened them.

"Yusuke, you're running too fast, you won't be able to stop"

Norio Sakurai said with a pale face, if one accidentally falls in such a situation, at least it will be disabled, Eri also has lingering fears about this, while Yusuke is very calm.

"If you are afraid, close your eyes"

"That's even more terrifying!"

"Then hold on, don't worry, it's okay, I'm here"

Yusuke ran straight to the middle of the mountain in one breath, and the crows had already flown down from the top of the mountain, following closely behind, screaming 'wah-wah', matching the dark night, like a biting black shadow, wherever they went It was dark and terrifying, both Sakurai Norio and Eri were startled, and broke out in cold sweat.

These guys are too vengeful!

He just stepped on the door of the lair, and he chased him so urgently.

At this moment, Yusuke didn't dare to stop, and ran with all his strength, his speed was even faster than the crows flying in the sky.

After a while, the shadow behind him disappeared.

Yusuke ran straight to the foot of the mountain in one breath, and the entrance ahead appeared again.

Beside the entrance, Yui and the others were standing there chatting, when they heard a rush of footsteps, before they could react, a black shadow flashed past.

Yusuke's figure appeared in front of them, with a girl under each arm, that was Eri and Sakurai Norio.

At this time, the two of them looked scared, and the speed of running frightened them both, which was more exciting than riding a roller coaster.

"What's the matter with you?" Ritsuko asked nervously at this moment: "Could it be that you encountered something weird?"

Hearing this, Seiko's face turned pale in an instant, Yui and Rika's hearts also twitched, their faces became ugly, it shouldn't be so unlucky.

Yusuke shook his head and said, "The shrine above is full of crows. We accidentally broke into their nests and were chased out by them just now. We have to hurry up. It's not suitable to stay here for a long time."

The girls all nodded, they felt a little hairy staying here, if they hadn't waited for them, they would have left long ago.

"Yusuke, let me down, I can move by myself"

Eri said at this time that she and Ji Xiong were still under Yusuke's arms, struggling to stand up at this time.

"I'll let you down later, you haven't adjusted your state yet, you'll faint when you let it down"

"Will not"

"Don't talk, now I have the final say"

Yusuke's attitude was very tough, Eri opened his mouth, but finally did not refute.

Ji Xiong next to him said at this time, "Then, can Yusuke adjust his position? This is so strange."

The postures of the two were like piglets about to be trafficked, very helpless.


It's good enough not to spank your butts for the trouble you two guys caused, and you still have the face to ask for so much.

A group of people chased and ran, and soon returned to the hotel.

Fortunately, no crows came to chase them halfway, which made them relieved.

When they arrived at the hotel, Yusuke put down the two of them. At this moment, the two struggled to stand up. Although their heads were still a little dizzy, they felt much better.

Sure enough, what Yusuke said was right, if they were let down from the beginning, they probably wouldn't even be able to stand firmly.

It's just that the posture just now was a bit embarrassing.

"What happened just now?"

Ritsuko asked seriously at this moment, and Yusuke recounted what he had seen and heard on the road.

After listening, the girls looked at Eri and Jixiong with strange faces, and they both smiled awkwardly, they yelled so loudly, but they behaved so unbearably, it was really embarrassing!
"Your clothes are dirty, go take a shower and change."

Ritsuko said at this time that she wanted to reprimand them a few words, but seeing the appearance of the two of them, she thought it was better.

The two nodded in embarrassment. At this time, they looked at Yusuke. There was also a lot of dust on Yusuke's clothes. Eri said at this time: "Yusuke, your clothes are all dirty, how about I wash them for you?"

"Then I'll wash your underwear for you," Sakurai Norio said seriously.

"No need, take care"

Yusuke shook his head, and continued, "If something urgent happens in the future, don't rush to me immediately."

When the crow flew towards them just now, the two rushed over immediately. If Yusuke's waist strength was not amazing and he forcibly reversed the direction, the three of them might have rolled down the stone steps. It's too dangerous.

"Well, I was too scared at that time~"

"Then why did you keep playing?"

"I always feel that it's a pity not to play," Eri replied seriously, and Sakurai Norio nodded in agreement, feeling the same.

The next moment, two fingers flicked on their heads.

The two of them covered their foreheads for a moment, looking aggrieved.

"This is a lesson for you," Yusuke said calmly, retracting his fingers.

"Yongsuke, you are too much, you dare to lay hands on this beautiful girl!" Ji Xiong yelled angrily, but the next moment, another finger flicked on her head.

Norio Sakurai covered his forehead with both hands, and yelled aggrievedly: "How dare you hit me!"

"If you talk back again, I'll flick your forehead again"

"Okay I'm sorry"

Norio Sakurai gave up in an instant, clasped his hands together and begged for mercy.

"Okay." Ritsuko clapped her hands, "It's getting late, everyone go back to sleep."

There are so many things to do tonight, everyone is a little tired after a whole night of tossing around.

"Well, the ghost story hasn't been told yet."

Sakurai Norio raised his hand and said, Yusuke glared at her, Sakurai immediately covered his mouth with a pitiful look.

"Okay, I'm going to bed"

After finally sending everyone to bed, Yusuke heaved a sigh of relief and went back to his room.

After a while, the girls came out of the room and walked into Yui and Shengzi's room.

Girls' night isn't over yet.

(End of this chapter)

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