Chapter 230 230. Revenge
After taking a shower, Yusuke talked on the phone with his family for a while, and then he was ready to go to bed.

But soon the girl's joyous laughter was heard.

Next door is the room of Seiko and Yui. At this time, the joyful sound of a girl came from the room.

Sure enough, these guys were not that honest.

Although the sound insulation of the room is very good, but with Yusuke's hearing ability, as long as he listens attentively, he can hear the voices next door clearly. He shook his head and decided to leave them alone.

Cover the quilt and sleep.

On the balcony, a black crow was standing there, watching all this with red eyes, the next moment it flapped its wings and flew into the sky, leaving behind a few black feathers.

In the morning of the second day, after getting up, washing, tidying up the appearance, and finishing everything, Yusuke came to the restaurant downstairs to prepare for breakfast.

Ritsuko was alone, drinking coffee.

"Richiko, are they still awake?"

Yusuke sat down and asked, Ritsuko shook her head.

"They had a great time last night. If I hadn't stopped them, they would have played all night long."

Sure enough, as soon as no one restrained them, these girls let themselves go.

"It seems that today's journey is going to be in vain." Yusuke shook his head helplessly.

"Probably not. The festival only starts in the afternoon, and they will wake up at noon."

"That is not bad"

"Yusuke, where are you going later?" Ritsuko looked at Yusuke expectantly at this moment, and Yusuke was taken aback.

"Richiko, do you have any other activities?"

Ritsuko shook her head, "I have no other plans, what are your plans?"

"This one……"

Yusuke thought for a while, this person really doesn't have much activity when he is free.

"Go back to the room and rest, and refresh yourself"

Ritsuko was a little disappointed when he heard the words. These days, a group of people acted together, and it was really boring to act alone at this time.

After thinking about it for a while, I asked, "Why don't we go outside for a walk, it's boring to be alone in the room"

It was indeed boring, and Yusuke couldn't find anything to do, so he nodded, and the two of them packed up and went out.

Walking out of the hotel, a wave of heat hit, Ritsuko took out a parasol, opened it, looked at Yusuke, "Do you want to go together?"

Yusuke nodded, and also stood under the umbrella.

Ritsuko is a bit tall, but she is still shorter than Yusuke, and she has to raise her arms to hold the umbrella.

Yusuke took the parasol, "Let me hold it for you"

The two of them walked out of the hotel slowly, without speaking a word along the way, quietly, just looking at the surrounding scenery.

Ritsuko's mood is very calm, it's not bad to relax like this occasionally, just walking quietly.

The parasol was a bit small, and the two of them got a little closer, and Yusuke could smell a faint fragrance, which was fresh and gentle.

Accompanied by beautiful women, although Yusuke has no strange ideas, he is in a good mood, and even the scenery has become more beautiful.

At this time, the parasol shook slightly, and Yusuke raised his head strangely.

"What's wrong?" Ritsuko asked strangely.

"It looks like something fell on the umbrella"

"It should be the leaves"

On the road where the two walked, there were trees on one side of the slope, and the leaves should have fallen.

Yusuke didn't pay too much attention and continued walking.

After a while, the parasol shook again, and something fell down again, and then little by little things hit the umbrella surface, continuously.

The leaves are falling too often!
Even Ritsuko was surprised, and Yusuke moved the parasol away a little at this time.

Suddenly, a group of black shadows rushed towards his face.

Yusuke moved extremely fast, and when he tilted his head, the black shadow flew past his hair and hit the ground with a 'snap'.

It was a white mass.

"It's bird shit!"

The two were a little surprised, but another group of black shadows attacked, and Yusuke quickly moved over the parasol to block the attack.

"Why are there so many bird droppings?" Ritsuko exclaimed in amazement, the umbrella surface crackled like a bomb attack, one after another, continuously.

Yusuke's mouth twitched, and he understood instantly.

This must be the revenge of those crows last night!
He had also instructed the crow boss to retaliate against others like this before, but now he is also retaliated by the bird, is this the so-called karma?

But these guys are even more ferocious. There are at least dozens of crows attacking continuously. Where did these guys get so much ammunition?
Yusuke said to Ritsuko next to him, "Let's go back to the hotel, it's dangerous here."

Ritsuko also nodded, this sudden attack made her a little confused.

The two fled back to the hotel in embarrassment almost under the bombardment of bird droppings.

This is so scary!
Ritsuko patted Tall's chest, this was the first time she encountered such a situation, she was frightened to death, and she would be chased by a bunch of birds.

At this moment, Ritsuko suddenly smelled a strange smell, looked down, and saw a mass of white stuff sticking to the hem of the skirt, her expression changed immediately.

With such a dense shell attack, there will be some stains more or less, and Ritsuko is instantly disgusted.
"I'm going back to my room to take a shower." After Ritsuko finished speaking, she immediately ran back to the room. This is really disgusting!
Yusuke was lucky that he didn't touch anything, of course it was because the enemy's ammunition was exhausted, otherwise Yusuke would suffer too.

Yusuke took a look at the parasol, and there was a layer of white stuff on the surface of the umbrella, which had an unpleasant stench.

These guys have too much ammunition!

Yusuke directly stuffed the umbrella into the trash can next to him, this umbrella is no longer available.

Yusuke borrowed an umbrella from the hotel and went out again.

The matter of these crows cannot be resolved, they don’t want to go out today, they have been with the crows for so long, Yusuke also knows the habits of these guys, they are extremely vengeful, and they will not give up until they kill each other.

You need to have a good negotiation with them.

This time, they were not attacked when they went out. It should be that their ammunition was about to run out. At this time, they went to change birds and came to patrol. Now is the blank period for attacks.

Yusuke bought a bunch of canned food at a nearby convenience store, and carrying a large bag of canned food, he came to the entrance of the shrine.

The stone trail looks scary at night, but it's a different scene during the day.

In the verdant forest, the wind blows, the leaves rustle, and the cool mountain breeze takes away the heat from the body. The dilapidated stone steps have a natural beauty in this environment.

But Yusuke was not in the mood to appreciate the scenery, so he quickly walked to the top of the mountain with the can.

It was very peaceful along the way, until halfway up the mountain, only then did the crows find him, screaming 'wow' in the air.

Yusuke understood the meaning of its cry, it was chasing people away, but Yusuke ignored it and moved on.

Soon the sounds of the crows became more and more intensive, and more and more crows flew towards this direction, and the number kept increasing.

All the crows were standing on the branches on both sides, screaming 'Wow', staring at Yusuke with pairs of red eyes, very penetrating.

(End of this chapter)

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