Chapter 231 231. Negotiation
The number of these crows is extremely large. On the road to the top of the mountain, the branches on both sides are full of crows.

This number is more than the crow boss's younger brother, it seems that the crow entrenched here is a giant!No wonder they dare to be so arrogant!
The crows yelled 'wow', and the crows rang out in the forest from time to time.

"Whoah whoah (get out of here, you bastard, are you looking for death?)"

"Wow wow wow (human, this is not a place for you to set foot!)"

"Wow wow wow (you go one step ahead, I will kill you!)"

These cries, just like human villains, are very arrogant.

Yusuke stopped, his eyes swept over all the crows.

The next moment, a powerful momentum erupted from him.

The soul of Secondary School, inspire!
In the eyes of the crows, the human in front of them suddenly turned into a ferocious behemoth, and the short figure rose instantly, like a storm on the sea, making people frightened.

The crows flapped their wings and screamed strangely. An atmosphere of fear spread among the birds in an instant. All the crows flapped their wings restlessly, and the shouting turned into a terrified cry in an instant.

Yusuke's cold voice came, "Inform your boss that Yusuke Misawa is here to visit!"

The crows were still croaking.

"Don't bark, I can understand what you're saying"

Yusuke said to the crows in front of him, and these crows turned their heads sideways, a little confused.

Yusuke kept looking at them, and after a while, several crows showed surprise.

"Wow wow wow (damn! This human being can understand our words!)"

"Wow wow wow (impossible, how can stupid creatures like humans understand us)"

"It's this stupid creature that rules the planet"

Yusuke's calm tone came, and several crows looked at Yusuke with disbelief.

"I'm here to negotiate with you, tell your boss to come out, you can't make the decision"

A few crows were silent, and after a while, they flapped their wings and flew into the sky, heading for the shrine on the top of the mountain.

As for the fact that Yusuke could understand the bird's language, it quickly spread among the birds, and all the crows couldn't believe it. They croaked and tried to talk to Yusuke.

Yusuke ignored it, and stood quietly on the steps, his eyes swept over, and all the crows closed their beaks as if they were staring at the beast.

The atmosphere suddenly quieted down.

After a while, a large flock of crows flew out of the shrine, densely packed, covering the sky and covering the sky. The sunlight was blocked by these crows, and the light dimmed a lot for a while.

Among the birds, a crow with the largest body was flying in the front. It had thick black feathers and a long sharp beak like a blade. It was obviously their boss.

Yusuke was a little surprised, this crow is too big!

The boss crow is already the biggest crow he has ever seen, but he didn't expect this one to be bigger than it. This guy is definitely their leader!

The crows were circling in the air, screaming 'Wow', as if they were demonstrating.

Yusuke stood there calmly, the next moment, the aura of his body was instantly high, the domineering aura, like the aura of a beast, made the crows above stagnate, all the crows immediately retreated, with Yusuke as the center, Fangyuan No creature within 10 meters dared to approach him.

The huge crow was a little surprised, and only then looked at the human in front of him.

After flapping its wings, it flew down from the air, stood on the upper steps, and looked down at Yusuke, while other crows stood on both sides of it, densely packed on the branches and stone steps, and all the places were full of crows. With the crow, this scene is really domineering!
The crows were all staring at Yusuke, with pairs of red eyes, the scene was a bit scary.

Yusuke stood there calmly, his eyes burning brightly, and the two sides faced each other like this.

After a while, the huge crow spoke, "Wah wah wah (human, can you understand us?)"

Yusuke said calmly: "Let me introduce myself first, my name is Misawa Yusuke, I don't know what your name is?"

The huge crow was a little surprised, with very human eyes.

"Wow wow wow (I didn't expect that you, a human being, can understand our language)"

"Whoa whoa (Human, what are you doing here? Want to declare war?)"

The huge crow spread its wings, and its figure suddenly became much larger. With its beak raised high, it let out a loud cry.

All of a sudden, all the crows cried out 'wow', declaring their sovereignty.

"I have no intention of declaring war on you, I just came here to negotiate with you"

"Wow (negotiation?)"

The huge crow waved its wings at this time, and the four crows beside it suddenly rushed towards Yusuke.

Yusuke curled his lips, he had seen such a scene before, and it was the same when he was dealing with the crow boss for the first time. These crows all have the same virtue, bullying the weak and fearing the hard, so you have to beat them down first and show your strength, otherwise they will not listen to you.

The four attacking crows moved extremely fast and had great explosive power. The black figures were like sharp arrows, as if they wanted to pierce Yusuke.

Yusuke stood there calmly with an umbrella in one hand.

The figures of the four crows had already appeared in front of his eyes, at this moment a black shadow flashed, and the next moment, the four crows disappeared.

Yusuke was holding the claws of the four crows in his hands at this time, and was holding them upside down.

A few crows were flapping their wings desperately, their faces full of horror. It happened so suddenly that they couldn't react at all.

All the crows were startled by this scene, they didn't dare to scream at this moment, they looked at the human in disbelief.

Yusuke let go of his palm, and the crow in his hand struggled to fly up, and immediately flew into the sky, looking at the human with a look of fear.

This human is too scary!

Yusuke stood there calmly with an umbrella in one hand, his eyes very calm.

Even though he was alone, his aura was very high, like a huge tornado that was about to sweep everything up.

The huge crow above fell silent, and all the crows watched all this quietly, the atmosphere was very heavy.

After a while, the giant crow spoke, "Wow (what do you want to talk about?)"

"What happened last night" Yusuke smiled. If the other party is willing to negotiate, it will be successful. Yusuke is afraid that this guy's head will get hot and he will directly confront him, which will be a bit troublesome.

Fortunately, animals are more straightforward than humans, and they are all current affairs leaders!

"I regret that we accidentally broke into your lair last night, and this is my apology"

Yusuke picked up the bag that was put on the ground just now, took out a can from it, opened it, and put it on the ground.

The faint smell of meat diffused, the giant crow sniffed its nose, and looked at Yusuke strangely.

"Whoah (what does that mean?)"

(End of this chapter)

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