Chapter 232 232. Bully
"These are my sincerity, hope things end here"

Yusuke said calmly while taking a few steps back.

The giant crow looked at Yusuke, then at the canned food on the ground, pondered for a while, then walked down the stone steps step by step.

It was the first time for Yusuke to see a crow walking with two feet, the movements were very strange, but this crow was too big, it looked very domineering.

The crow approached the can, lowered its head, sniffed it, then pecked carefully, tasted it carefully, and after a while, its eyes lit up.

However, it was still very careful, and it took a while before it stepped forward to continue pecking. Soon, the can was eaten by it in two or three bites.

Yusuke watched all this quietly, and didn't speak until the crow had finished eating the can.

"These are all my sincerity"

Yusuke opened the bag and took out the cans. There were 20 cans.

The huge crow's eyes lit up immediately, he thought for a while, then nodded.

"Wow wow wow wow (I have seen your sincerity, very good, I am willing to reconcile with you)"

Yusuke also showed a smile at this time, and said, "Let me introduce myself, my name is Misawa Yusuke"

"Wow wow wow (my name is Dongxing, you can call me brother Dongxing)"

Brother Dongxing?
The corner of Yusuke's mouth twitched, he couldn't complain about the name.

But the name does fit the bill.

Yusuke took out all the cans, opened them one by one, put them on the steps, and stepped back a dozen steps.

Brother Dongxing came over and quickly finished 5 of the cans. At this time, he raised his head, opened his beak and yelled, and then flapped his wings and flew into the sky.

The next moment, the crows gathered around and quickly ate all the canned food.

After eating the canned food, all the crows flew into the sky and headed back to the shrine on the top of the mountain.

"Wow wow wow (that's the end of this matter, Yusuke Misawa, don't step in here again)"

The crows have all gone, leaving only empty cans on the floor.

Yusuke put away all the remaining empty cans, and left quietly. It was not until he walked out of the woods that Yusuke released the soul of the middle school, and the aura on his body disappeared instantly, and he heaved a sigh of relief.

At last it was resolved.

At this moment, the cell phone in his pocket rang, Yusuke took it out, it was Ritsuko calling.

"Yusuke, where have you been?"

Ritsuko's voice was very anxious, and Yusuke said calmly: "I'm going outside to do something, Ritsuko, don't worry, talk slowly if you have something to do."

Hearing Yusuke's steady voice, Ritsuko breathed a sigh of relief.

That incident in the morning made her sick. When she returned to her room, she immediately threw away all the clothes, took a shower, washed them from beginning to end, and put on new clothes. She felt better.

Ritsuko was a little curious about the shrine, so she asked the hotel staff about the situation, but she didn't expect this shrine to be notorious!
There are a large number of crows gathered in this abandoned shrine. They are entrenched there, and they are a big bully here. Stepping into their lair, even after leaving, they will be crazily retaliated by them. There have been many cases of such things, making the victims miserable.

And it's useless to call the police on this kind of thing. After all, the police can't deal with animals. Therefore, this dilapidated shrine is listed as a taboo place, and all travel agencies do not recommend going there.

It's a pity that Eri and the others didn't know about it, and Ji Xiong didn't know much about it. They set foot there last night, so they offended the crows there, and they were attacked in the morning.

When the staff knew about their affairs, they nervously persuaded: "You should leave quickly, this kind of thing happened in many cases in the hotel, and many passengers were annoyed by them, as long as they went out, they would be mad at them." The attack is impossible to defend against!"

Not only tourists are affected, but hotels are also affected. These crazy crows will destroy the environment here.

To be honest, this is the first time Ritsuko has heard of such a magical thing, but seeing the serious expressions of the staff and the attack she received in the morning, Ritsuko has no choice but to believe that this is the truth!

Ritsuko immediately wanted to discuss with Yusuke, but unexpectedly Yusuke was not in the room, so she called him.

Ritsuko explained the matter in detail on the phone, and then asked anxiously, "Then what should we do?"

If it was a human matter, Ritsuko still had a solution, but it was the first time she encountered such a magical thing, and she was at a loss at this time.

Yusuke replied calmly: "Don't worry, I have already solved it"

"Did you solve it?" Ritsuko's voice froze for a moment, very curious, and asked, "How did you solve it?"

"I have my own way, don't need to ask any more, there is nothing to do now, I will send you a picture later"

Yusuke took a photo and sent it to Ritsuko, which is exactly what he looks like outside, next to the entrance of the shrine.

Seeing the picture sent by Yusuke, Ritsuko was very surprised. How did this happen?
Ritsuko had thousands of words and various questions in her mind, but after thinking about it for a while, she finally didn't ask.

"Okay, then be careful"

"Don't worry, that's right, don't let Eri and the others know that we were attacked."

"I know this, but I have to remind them, don't let them run over again, with Eri and Jixiong's personalities, maybe they will run away again tonight."

What Ritsuko said makes sense, these two guys are masters who don't take too much trouble, and they don't feel pain unless the whip hits them.

After finishing the call, Ritsuko breathed a sigh of relief, and finally solved one thing.

However, there are more and more secrets about Yusuke Misawa.

I thought he was just an ordinary boy, but in the past few days of getting along, Yusuke gave her surprises one after another, this is not like an ordinary high school student at all!
By the time Yusuke returned to the hotel, it was already noon, and Eri's group of people had already woken up, and they all looked refreshed after washing up.

Seeing Yusuke coming back, Eri asked curiously, "Yusuke, where did you go?"

"Go outside for a walk, you are still sleeping early in the morning, I can only go outside by myself"

The girls smiled awkwardly, a little guilty.

"I played too late last night, so I overslept in the morning," Yui explained at this time.

"You guys played all night, I can hear you clearly from next door"

"Wait a minute, Yusuke, can you hear us?"

Yui suddenly became nervous, her face turned red instantly, and the eyes of the other girls also became tense.

"Yusuke, you actually eavesdropped on us!"

Ji Xiong shouted angrily at this time, Yusuke flicked her forehead, and Ji Xiong immediately hugged her forehead, looking pitiful.

"Stop talking nonsense." Yusuke explained calmly, "I can't hear what you're saying, I just hear some voices."

Only then did the girls breathe a sigh of relief. They said a lot of private things last night. It would be too embarrassing if people overheard them!
(End of this chapter)

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