Chapter 233 233. Ceremony
After lunch, a group of people set off. Mimi and Futaba met at the station, and the group headed towards the festival.

The festival was held in a nearby commercial street. When a group of people came here, the place was already very lively. The streets were full of tourists, and there were many colored bars hanging above the road, and there was a joyous atmosphere everywhere.

"It's so lively here!"

Infected by the atmosphere, the girls were a little excited.

"I remember when I came here before, there didn't seem to be such a festival." Ritsuko said curiously. She had been here a few years ago, but there was no such event at that time.

"I've checked the information, and this festival only started in the past few years." Eri explained: "In order to thank the Dragon King for his gift, the residents here spontaneously held a festival, and this is also the most solemn festival here."

"It feels like a festival to cheat money." Ritsuko looked around, all the shops were full of people, I don't know if they are grateful, but you can see when the merchants make money
"It's called a festival, but it's actually more like a carnival. It's like this in all cities now." Norio Sakurai said with a smile, and everyone nodded.

For things that can make money, even if there is no festival, the merchant will have to create an event.

There was a lot of people at the scene, and a group of people was inconspicuous here, so be careful not to be scattered.

Before the festival activities started, Yusuke and his group went shopping first. There were many food stalls on the road, and the girls surrounded them excitedly. They ate everything from the street to the end of the street.

"Yusuke, does this look like you?"

At this time, Norio Sakurai was holding a chocolate banana and gestured to Yusuke again. This chocolate banana was covered with black chocolate and sprinkled with a lot of nuts. It was long and curved.

Yusuke's eyes twitched, you guys are too dirty!
Looking at the speechless Yusuke, Sakurai Norio showed a narrow smile.

"Do you want to eat, I'll feed you~"

Yusuke shook his head speechlessly.

"If you don't eat, I will eat"

At this moment, Norio Sakurai stuck out his small red tongue, licked it from bottom to top, and then gave Yusuke a meaningful look.

Yusuke couldn't help flicking her forehead with his finger.

This guy is so dirty!

Sensing Yusuke's actions, Norio Sakurai hurriedly dodged and looked at Yusuke with a proud face.

Then, put the whole banana into his mouth, one up and one down.

you guy...

You are playing with fire!

Well, Yusuke himself was dirty too.

Sensing that Yusuke's breath was somewhat confused, Norio Sakurai smiled triumphantly, then bit the banana, bit it off with a 'click', and deliberately chewed it vigorously in his teeth.

This guy definitely did it on purpose!
At this time, a palm was pressed on Sakurai Norio's head.

"You can't eat like this!" Ritsuko stood beside her and said, her tone a little unhappy.

Sakurai Norio was a little embarrassed, he didn't expect her little interaction with Yusuke to be noticed.

Yusuke also shifted his gaze with a guilty conscience, he really couldn't stand the temptation just now, and he reacted a bit.

"Yusuke, let's go quickly, the festival is about to begin"

At this moment, Yui waved his hand in front, and instantly solved Yusuke's difficulty, Yusuke walked up immediately, Sakurai Norio walked behind without changing his expression, Ritsuko shook his head helplessly, and followed.

Both sides of the road are full of tourists, in the middle of the road is a huge god frame, on which is a dragon-shaped sculpture, the god frame is supported by four big logs, and eight men in strong suits are carrying the big logs. He shouted at every step, and at the same time the big wood on his shoulders was lifted up, and the sculpture of the Dragon King shone brightly in the sun.

Surrounding the altar is a group of women in strong clothes, with uniform black hair tied into a ponytail, and a white rope tied on their foreheads. They also hold a small drum in their hands. As the team advances, Walking and dancing, the movements are neat, the rhythm is clear, and it is very pleasing to the ear. The sound of walking and beating the drums makes the whole atmosphere very hot.

Whether it was the man carrying the altar or the woman dancing next to him, all of them had happy smiles on their faces. The lively atmosphere made the tourists feel high.

"It feels like a carnival parade in an amusement park!" Yui said excitedly, and Yusuke nodded in agreement.

This festival is a bit nondescript, it has both the sacred feeling of the festival and the excitement like a carnival, but the atmosphere is really top-notch, and even Yusuke is somewhat affected.

The shopping street was not very long, and the parade team carried the holy frame around a few times. Wherever they went, there were a lot of people, and they mobilized the atmosphere of the whole scene.

At this time, Yusuke also saw some tricks. These people integrated various aspects of sacrifice, carnival, and music together to make a joyous festival, which greatly stimulated the enthusiasm of tourists.

There are already a group of tourists watching the scene, and some people are taking pictures with their mobile phones. With the spread of this information, this festival will be known to more people, and finally it will become a popular tourist item.

No wonder they had the happiest smiles, it's money!

The parade team finally came to the seaside. There was an open space surrounded by a beach. A huge red cloth was spread in the middle of the beach, and there were many oil lamps around it. That should be the altar.

The parade team sang and danced on the beach, and finally invited the Dragon King's sacred frame into the altar.

At this time, a middle-aged man in hard clothes came out with a microphone.

"The Dragon King has visited the world and is very satisfied with the situation this year. The Dragon King will continue to bless us. The Dragon King is resting here temporarily and will return to the sky at night. If you have any wishes, you can petition the Dragon King. We have a wooden sign here. Everyone write their wishes on the wooden sign, and the Dragon King will bring them back together. If you want to petition, please follow the instructions of the staff, thank you everyone”

This is straightforward enough, it really is a scam project!

The staff next to it began to guide the tourists to buy wooden signs, and the atmosphere just now was so good that many tourists were a little moved.

"Yusuke, let's go together" Yui said excitedly, the girls all looked forward to it.

Sure enough, girls are the most vulnerable to influence, and praying is a compulsory item for every girl.

Following the guidance of the staff, Yusuke and the others came to an antique building. As soon as they entered the gate, there was a row of long tables covered with red cloth, and behind the table sat more than a dozen young girls who were also dressed vigorously. Clothes, each with a friendly smile on their faces.

The table is full of boxes of wooden signs, and there is also a box of sesame oil with a piece of red paper pasted on the box of sesame oil. Each wooden sign is 1000 yen.

The corner of Yusuke's mouth twitched, this is completely regarded as a business!

But even so, there are many people queuing up here. For tourists, it is a rare experience, and 1000 yen is also within their acceptable range.

Sure enough, these talents are real professionals!
(End of this chapter)

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