Chapter 234 234. It's over

"Before writing, you must have a sincere heart, and silently read your wish three times in your heart. You must not stop writing, and you must complete it in one go."

"It doesn't matter how you make mistakes, just add more sesame oil money, each person has three chances"

"Believers who have written their wishes, you can go to the altar and hand over the wooden plaque to the Dragon King. The Dragon King will take your wishes and pray to heaven."

The girl sitting opposite Yusuke said with a smile that they not only need to instruct how to write with a pen, but also act as narrators. This service attitude is very professional.

Yusuke thought for a while, and quickly wrote.

The commentator of the written wooden sign will tie a red string, and the red string represents the karma with the Dragon King, and such a wish will be considered fulfilled.

This set of procedures is very professional, with both explanations and ceremonies. Buying a small wooden sign for 1000 yen immediately makes you feel that it is worth the money.

Great, as expected of a professional!
"What wish did you write?"

Ji Xiong asked curiously, his eyes looked around, and finally looked at Yusuke, and the eyes of others also looked over, Yusuke didn't care, he picked up the wooden board and showed them.

"Smooth sailing!"

"What a common wish!"

"This is the best wish for me!"

This is a super big wish, smooth sailing, that is a treatment that even the protagonist can't get, if Yusuke can get this kind of treatment, he will wake up when he sleeps.

"What about you?"

Yusuke asked, Ji Xiong clenched the wooden sign in his hand at this moment.

"I can't let you know this, it's my secret"

The girls all nodded, not intending to disclose their wishes.

Yusuke doesn't care either, whether this kind of thing is credible or not.

A group of people lined up again according to the guidance of the staff, and the staff in front were speaking with loudspeakers.

"There is a rectangular hole in the Dragon King's mouth, put the wooden sign in, and the wish will be successful!"

After praying, the next step is to wait for the bonfire meeting at night. The Dragon King will return to the sky with these prayers, and Yusuke and his party will continue to play now.

There are many entertainment activities in the festival, and there are many programs on the commercial street, and the girls are having a good time.

As long as it is related to making money, the merchants can play various tricks, and it is still the kind that makes you willing to pay, amazing!

Time passed little by little, the sun began to set, the neon lights on the road began to light up, and the time quietly came to night.

Yusuke and his party were sitting on the stone steps by the roadside resting, after playing all afternoon, everyone was a little tired.

Eri looked around and said, "Shouldn't we go change into bathrobes?"

There have been many women in bathrobes on the road. The youthful and beautiful style made the girls a little greedy.

At the bonfire meeting, you must wear a bathrobe to have a sense of ceremony!

Hearing Eri's proposal, the girls felt a little hot.

"I remember that there was a clothing store that rented yukata on the road just now," Meimei said at this time, and the eyes of the girls suddenly lit up.

"Great." Eri stood up excitedly, "Then let's go there now!"

The facade of this clothing store is not very big, but inside it is quite unique. Rows of hangers are filled with bathrobes of various styles, both for men and women. The bathrobes of this clothing store can not only be purchased, but also rented. There are also lockers for storing clothes.

Obviously, this is a store dedicated to serving passengers.

The girls were choosing clothes there, chatting and discussing, each of them refreshed, and they didn't look tired at all.

Yusuke also went to pick out a yukata, found the color he liked, checked the size, found it fit, put it on, it was done in 10 minutes, and then sat beside him and waited.

Based on Yusuke's experience, it takes at least an hour for them to get it done.

However, what Yusuke didn't know was that the more women there were, the longer it took to choose clothes.

This time I waited for two hours!
It's been too long!Do you try on all the clothes?
Yusuke finally couldn't help urging, "Hurry up, the bonfire meeting is about to begin!"

"Okay, come out, come out"

The girls came out together, Yusuke's eyes lit up immediately, the temperament of the girls in the yukata was completely different, the Japanese-style yukata had a unique beauty, and their appearance was super high, a row of girls stood together, Very pleasing to the ear.

Sure enough, summer festivals and yukatas are the perfect match!

"You are very beautiful!" Yusuke said appreciatively, waiting for two hours was not in vain, it was really pleasing to the eye!
Hearing Yusuke's praise, the girls smiled happily.

Dressing up is not just for this momentary compliment!
It was finally time to start, and the sky was completely dark.

Walking out of the clothing store, there are many pedestrians on the road, and the streets at night are even more lively than during the day.

A group of people headed towards the seaside, and before arriving at the venue, they could feel the lively atmosphere from afar.

A huge wooden frame has been set up on the beach, and around the wooden frame are a dozen huge oil lamps, and the fire is burning blazingly.

In front of the altar, a huge platform has been set up, covered with red cloth, and three girls in white priestess costumes are holding bells and dancing there.

The expressions of the three girls are serious. Under the firelight, their beautiful facial features are very delicate. Their dance is not very fast, and their movements are a bit slow, but they give off a serious atmosphere.

After the dance, the three maidens left the stage, and a handsome young priest stepped onto the stage.

"This priest is so young!" Ritsuko said strangely: "Shouldn't this kind of sacrificial activity be presided over by such a highly respected priest?"

"Well, it's a semi-entertainment festival after all, so this method is a bit different"

Yusuke said with a smile: "Didn't you notice that, whether it's a witch or a priest, they are all beautiful and handsome young people. Once they come out, the atmosphere will become more lively."

Everyone thought for a while, and suddenly realized that it was this kind of operation!

"Hearing what you said, Yusuke, I think this festival is so strange!" Yui stuck out his tongue and complained beside him.

"It's a semi-entertainment festival, so don't think too much about it. Do you think it's interesting if you replace it with the boring ceremonies of the older generation? It's better to be more happy now."

"That makes sense." Eri nodded.

Just like what Yusuke said, the beautiful maiden came to attract the male tourists, and the handsome priest came to attract the female tourists. Once they appeared, the atmosphere of the scene was really different.

The male priest danced and danced on the stage, and then announced the official start of the bonfire meeting.

The tall wooden frame in the middle of the venue was lit, the flames were burning, and slow music sounded on the beach.

At this moment, more than a dozen young girls in bright clothes appeared on the stage, dancing beside the flames, all of which were simple dances.

Tourists are joining in one after another, and the team is slowly growing.

"Yusuke, let's go too!"

Yusuke and his team also joined in, dancing to the rhythm.

Everyone showed smiling faces. This kind of activity is really interesting.

The dance should continue until the flame burns, and some people will join and some people will leave in the middle of the dance. This is a completely free dance.

After the excitement was over, Yusuke left the field, while the girls remained on the field.

"You're not dancing anymore?" Ritsuko also ended at this time.

"It's enough to play with it." Yusuke shook his head, just to experience this novelty.

The two sat side by side not far away, watching the dance on the field, and neither of them spoke quietly. Although the scene was very lively, they felt surprisingly warm.

Finally, when the wooden frame was about to burn out, eight men in strong clothes appeared on the stage.

The tourists dancing on the field also began to leave, and there were only eight men left in the venue, and the gods on their shoulders.

The men carried the sacred frame and circled around the bonfire, shouting every time they took a step, and at the same time raised the sacred tree on their shoulders, as if the dragon was rolling.

The dozen or so girls who had just led the dancer entered the arena, scattered around to form a huge circle.They held a snare drum in one hand, and beat while walking, with the same rhythm, and soon the dull drum sounded on the scene.

The flames elongated the shadows of everyone, as if an ancient ceremony was going on, and the solemn atmosphere made everyone stand erect.

"Congratulations to the Dragon King!"

The male priest came out and bowed to the dragon king's god stand. After three bows, the men put the god wood on the wooden stand that had just been burned.

Huge flames ignited into the sky, and countless sparks fluttered in the wind.

The flames illuminated everyone's eyes.

The summer festival is over.

(End of this chapter)

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