Chapter 235 235. Completed Movie Version

The next morning, after five o'clock, just after dawn, Yusuke got up. At the same time, the doors of other rooms opened, and the girls came out one after another.

The girls were all yawning. They were too tired from playing yesterday, and fell asleep immediately after returning to the hotel.

And there are Meimei and Futaba in the crowd. They played too late last night and there was no shuttle bus, so they also came with Yusuke and stayed in the hotel for one night.

Today is the last day of filming. Except for Yusuke and Seiko who are somewhat energetic, everyone else is not in a good state.Fortunately, today is the finale of filming, and they are all supporting roles, as long as the protagonist Seiko and the villain Yusuke are still online.

After leaving the hotel, as soon as the wind blew, everyone immediately cheered up.

"Today is going to be a big fight!" Eri said seriously with her fists clenched.


Everyone raised their hands to respond, and at the last moment, everyone's interest was even higher.

Today's filming is the finale. After a series of battles, the brave white rabbit warrior finally came to the demon king Brown Bear, and Brown Bear has completely obtained the power of the devil king.


The wooden sword in the White Rabbit warrior's hand swung across, and Xiao Luoluo in front of him fell instantly, and the next was the duel between the White Rabbit and Brown Bear.

The scenes of Meimei and Futaba ended here, and a group of people stood around, watching the final shooting.

Brown bear was wearing a black cloak behind him, with his hips akimbo, laughing triumphantly.

"You came too late, White Rabbit Warrior! I have gained all my power, darkness is about to cover the world, and I will become the god of the new world!"

Although the clothes are very funny, but the tone of the second class is very touching.

Meimei nodded involuntarily, that Yusuke Misawa's acting skills are really strong, although he is wearing a hood and has no expression, but just relying on the voice can make people feel immersive, as if he is facing a big devil with a full sense of middle school Same, this guy is amazing!

"As long as we have light in our hearts, justice can always defeat evil. If the world is shrouded in darkness, then I will split it all!"

The White Rabbit fighter said with high fighting spirit, she also has a strong secondary sense, and she can make everyone feel immersive with her voice. She is worthy of being the protagonist, these two are very powerful!
"I always feel like something is wrong?" Futaba tilted her head and said, "It seems to be against harmony. What's wrong?"

"They all acted very well!" Meimei said in a low voice: "Stop talking, let's just watch, they are all professionals"

It should be because she thought too much, so Futaba stopped talking.

"Let me show you what my new power looks like!"

At this moment, Brown Bear waved his hand, revealing his domineering aura.

Brown Bear opened his palms and raised his arms.

"Brown Bear Super Evolved!"

Then, the light behind Brown Bear shines brightly.


Eri yelled, "Hurry up, get the tools"

Everyone gathered around, Yusuke took off the hood, untied the puppet clothes, took out a ball of cotton and stuffed it into Brown Bear's right arm. After a while, Brown Bear's arm swelled up quickly.

"Okay, let's go on"

"Brown Bear Super Evolved!"

Courageously raised the swollen right arm, which was stuffed with cotton and swollen like a pig's trotter.

"The arm of the single dog!"

Brown Xiong laughed triumphantly, his voice was as arrogant as it was, but it was inexplicably sad.

"This is the power of singles from all over the world. Do you see it? This is the resentment of singles!"

"I, the White Rabbit Warrior, will not be afraid of you! Let the horse come here!"

At this moment, the White Rabbit Warrior charged up with the holy sword, and then Brown Bear raised his swollen right arm and punched out.

The wooden sword touched the huge arm, and the White Rabbit Warrior instantly fell backwards, yelling in horror: "Impossible! How could it be so powerful?"

"This is the unicorn arm that I have been single for more than 30 years. It is not something you little white rabbits can resist!"

That arrogant tone filled the audience with the aura of the second grader.

"Even if it's a god, I'll kill it for you!"

"Will this line be weird? I feel like I've been offended." Ritsuko said with a frown, thinking that this sentence meant something.

"Is there?" The girls all looked curious, "The acting is very good!"

Ritsuko shook her head, it seemed to be her own illusion.

"Is that the end?" White Rabbit Warrior shouted unwillingly. At this time, the long-lost saint appeared, and Yui appeared in a kitten costume.

"White Rabbit Warrior, you have to believe in yourself!"

"Impossible! Such a powerful force, I can't win"

"Don't be discouraged, White Rabbit Warrior, you have to believe in me who believes in you"

"You who believed in me and believed in you?"

"Believe in me, believe in you, believe in me, believe in you"

The onlookers nearby were bewildered.

"What kind of messy lines are these?" Meimei mumbled in a low voice.

"Yui forgot the lines, I was talking nonsense just now, anyway, that's probably what it meant," Ritsuko who was next to him explained.

Anyway, after talking nonsense, White Rabbit Warrior regained his confidence and gained the power of love.

The next moment, the holy sword in her hand glowed, and a row of LED lights kept showing off.

"Come on, let's have a final duel"

The White Rabbit Warrior held the glowing holy sword slantedly in one hand, and walked forward step by step, with an incomparably high aura.


Brown Bear raised his swollen right hand like a pig's hoof, and shouted sharply.

"Love and justice are all ridiculous things! Come on! Let me destroy everything!"

Then, the huge arm collided with the wooden sword.

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible!"

"What kind of power is this? Absolutely impossible!"

"How could my unicorn arm, which has been single for more than 30 years, lose to you people!"

"Single dogs will eventually be infected by love, go to hell!"

"We must win! Climb the dragon sword!"

White Rabbit Zhan yelled, swung the glowing wooden sword, Brown Bear jumped back just right, rolled over, and then lay down on the beach in a big shape.

"I will definitely be back!"

He tilted his head and hung up.

The white rabbit warrior swung his wooden sword, and made a V shape with his left hand on his chest.

"White Rabbit Warrior Justice Will Win!"

"Ka, that's it"

Eri said loudly, everyone applauded, it was finally over.

At this time, Yusuke sat up from the ground, took off the hood, Seiko also took off the hood, black hair fluttering in the wind, heroic, walked over, stretched out his palm, Yusuke grabbed her hand and got up from the ground.

"Thanks for your hard work"

"Thanks for your hard work"

The two looked at each other and smiled, and the theatrical version was finally completed.

"It feels like a long time has passed," Yui said with emotion. It was only a week's sleepover, but it always felt like a long time.

"Yeah, but we're going back tomorrow," Lixiang said, and Futaba and Meimei were taken aback at this moment, and stopped their movements.

We had so much fun that we forgot that it was time to say goodbye, and everyone was a little bit reluctant.

Eri said with a smile: "What's the matter, it's not that we won't see each other in the future, we can contact by phone, we welcome you to come and play at any time"

Both Futaba and Mimi nodded seriously.

"I live in Tokyo, if you come to Tokyo, you can come to me, I will entertain you," Ji Xiong also said with a smile.

"Then it's all settled, well, let's go to the celebration banquet!"


Everyone raised their fists excitedly.

(End of this chapter)

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