Chapter 236 236. Photos
After playing for a day, it was finally night, and Meimei and Futaba had to go back.

"Remember to contact us when you have time," Kojima Mimi said with some reluctance, and Yui nodded with a smile: "Well, we will contact on the phone when the time comes."

"Everyone, let's take a picture!" Eri said with her mobile phone in hand, "This is our first time staying together, and it's worth remembering to commemorate our friendship."

Set up your phone and all stand together.

"Yusuke, you stand in the middle," Eri said at this time.

"That's not good?"

Standing in the middle, Yusuke always felt a sense of sight of opening a harem.

"You are the only man, of course you have to stand in the middle"

"Okay." Yusuke felt that he was thinking too much.

Yusuke stood in the middle, with Seiko and Yui on the left, Mimi and Futaba, Erika and Rika on the right, and Ritsuko and Kio at the end.

"This distance is a bit far, everyone, let's get closer," Ji Xiong said at this time, the line of this group of people is indeed very long.

Everyone switched positions, the club members stood in a row, and the other four stood behind.

After finding a step and adjusting the position of the mobile phone, everyone started to shoot.

Yusuke stands in the middle, with Seiko and Yui on the left, Erika and Rika on the right, Kio and Ritsuko behind, and Mimi and Futaba standing behind Seiko and Yui, with the ocean and beach in the background, The sun was shining, everyone had bright smiles on their faces, and the camera quickly captured everyone's smiling faces.

Ji Xiong jumped down suddenly at this time, hugged Yusuke from behind, startled Yusuke, and everyone around was surprised.

The mobile phone is set to continuous shooting, and soon, every scene of the flying chicken and dog jumping was captured.

Meimei and Futaba left reluctantly, and Yusuke and his party returned to the hotel.

"When are you going to leave?" Ji Xiong asked at this time. She was messed up just now. Except for the first photo, which was normal, the others were accidental scenes. Everyone wanted to re-shoot, but after looking at the finished product, they thought That's not bad, so I stayed like this.

"We have a plane tomorrow afternoon, and we are going to buy special products tomorrow morning, how about you?"

"Then I'll go with you, anyway, I'm bored staying here alone, and I've already got new inspiration"

"New inspiration?"

Only then did Yusuke remember that this guy had introduced himself as a manga artist before, and this time he came out to collect stories and find inspiration.

"Then what subject are you going to paint this time?" Lixiang asked at this time.

"Temporary secret, you will know when the time comes," Norio Sakurai replied with a smile.

"By the way, what's your pen name?" Yui asked, and everyone almost forgot about it.

"That's my name"

Everyone nodded and decided to look it up online. If she is really a cartoonist, there must be her encyclopedia.

This investigation shocked everyone, this guy is really a cartoonist!And her work has also been adapted into animation!

I didn't expect this out-of-the-ordinary guy to have such a great ability!
Japan is a big country of manga, and it produces countless manga every year, and it can be adapted into animation, which shows that she has a certain strength.

This guy is not to be underestimated!It turns out that she is the hidden boss!

The eyes of everyone looking at Norio Sakurai changed, and Rika even brought some admiration. Being able to do this, he can already be called a 'teacher' in Japan.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Norio Sakurai smiled and touched his head, without the aura of a great cartoonist at all.

Yusuke shook his head and said, "I just feel that people should not be judged by their appearance."

"What do you mean, guy? Do you look down on me?"

"I don't mean that, you are amazing"

Yusuke's praise is true. With his status as a time traveler, all kinds of cheating, he has not yet achieved this kind of achievement. Anyone who can become a 'teacher' in Japan has a certain social status.

Although Yusuke has made some money, there is still a long way to go before he can achieve a certain status in society, but Yusuke is confident, he is still young, and he has only traveled for half a year. As long as he has a certain amount of time, his achievements will be no lower than anyone else.

Norio Sakurai smiled, and was very pleased with Yusuke's compliment.

"Then you have to work hard, I don't expect to see you in the Cowherd's shop sometime"

The corner of Yusuke's mouth twitched, "Are you cursing me?"

"No, I'm just reminding you not to think of strange things, young man, be a bit more backbone"

Sakurai Norio said seriously, then his expression changed.

"However, I personally think that if you go to be a cowherd, or have a better future, you are definitely the number one cowherd in Japan!"

Norio Sakurai looked excited, at this moment a finger flicked on her forehead, interrupting her aura instantly.

This guy really hasn't changed, he's still the pretty girl who likes to tell dirty jokes.

Being interrupted by Norio Sakurai, everyone's surprise about their identity disappeared, and they became more cordial instead.

"Tonight is the last night, we need to keep some souvenirs." Norio Sakurai clenched his fists and said, this guy's recovery is super fast, he was taught a lesson by Yusuke just now, and now he has regained his spirit.

"Didn't we just take a picture?" Lixiang asked curiously.

"That's different, I'm talking about unforgettable memories~"

Having said that, she looked at Yusuke meaningfully.

The girls froze for a moment, then blushed.

Ritsuko immediately stood up and said angrily: "You are still students, you can't mess with men and women!"

Having said that, Ritsuko glared at Yusuke, as if he was the source of all evil.

Yusuke was speechless, why is it always me who lies on the gun?
"I said, what are you thinking?" Norio Sakurai looked regretful, "I'm talking about telling ghost stories. We didn't tell ghost stories after the last haunted house adventure. Tonight is the last chance."

"It turned out to be a ghost story!"

The girls breathed a sigh of relief.

"Are you guys looking forward to something?" Sakurai Norio looked at everyone with a smile on his face.

This guy definitely did it on purpose!
Seeing that everyone was speechless, Sakurai Norio laughed triumphantly.

This guy's skill is not something that girls can resist, and only Yusuke can hold her.

However, Norio Sakurai also accepts as soon as he sees it, the girls are a little thin-skinned, it is not easy to flirt~ the play is too much, and the topic is turned back all of a sudden.

"Let's tell a ghost story tonight"

"I agree!" Lixiang was the first to agree. She was the first to agree to tell a ghost story before, but she was a little bit regretful when she ran aground because of the haunted house adventure. She didn't expect to mention it again now. There is new hope.

The girls pondered for a while, then nodded. On the last night, it's okay to go crazy.

"By the way, Yusuke, you have to participate too," Ji Xiong said at this time.

"You have so many girls, it's not good for me to join as a boy, and it's still in the middle of the night."

Hearing Yusuke's words, the girls hesitated for a moment.

There is indeed something wrong with being with a boy in the middle of the night.

"What are you afraid of? When the time comes, we will tie your hands and feet, and you can just sit there."

Ji Xiong said confidently, Yusuke looked confused.

Then why should I suffer this crime?
(End of this chapter)

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