Chapter 238 238. The Voice of the Phone

"Next is me." Eri said at this time: "I don't have any good stories, so let's take the stories I have heard before."

At this time, he brewed for a while, lowered his voice, and said gloomyly:
"Xiaoming's parents went on a trip, but this night, his father came back early, with blood on his clothes. He told Xiaoming with a sad expression that they had a car accident on the road, and his mother died after rescue. Dad is now coming back to pick up Xiaoming to see His mother's remains.

Xiao Ming's favorite mother passed away. Xiao Ming couldn't accept it for a while, so he locked himself in the bedroom and burst into tears.

At this time, Xiao Ming received a text message, clicked on it, and it was sent by his mother, saying: They had a car accident on the road, and his father died after rescue, so he asked Xiao Ming to pack up and go to the hospital.

Xiao Ming was stunned. At this moment, the screen went dark, and he saw his father standing behind him. "

Eri blew out the candle in front of her, and the lights in the room dimmed again.

Yui and Shengzi were already trembling, and their faces became very pale.

"Okay, who's next?"

Ji Xiong looked at the crowd and showed a strange smile.

"It's Yui's turn"

"I don't have a ghost story"

"No! Everyone has to tell one!" Ji Xiong's attitude was very tough, and then he said in a low voice: "The ghost stories must be told in order, otherwise accidents will happen!"

Yui became even more frightened, thought for a while, and said, "This is a story my father told."

"One day on a working day, Xiao Ming opened his eyes in a daze, and the bright sunshine shone on his face"

"All right"

The girls looked confused, is this the end?

"How terrifying is this!" Eri couldn't help complaining.

"This is terrifying!" Yusuke said with emotion, even he was frightened into a cold sweat, this is the horror that only social animals can understand!

Capitalists are more terrifying than demons and ghosts!
Seeing that the girls were at a loss, Yusuke explained: "To use a metaphor, there is an exam this morning, and then you sleep until ten o'clock before getting up."

The girls thought about it for a while, and suddenly broke into a cold sweat, this is too scary!

"Okay, the next one, it's time for the Holy Son"

"Wait a minute!" Lixiang said at this time: "Yui hasn't blown out the candle yet."

Yui looked around. There were only a few candles burning, and the light was dim. If the candles were blown out, the atmosphere would be even more terrifying.

However, the attitude of Ji Xiong and the others was very tough, so Yui had no choice but to blow out the candle in front of him, and the light dimmed again.

Finally it was the Son's turn. The Son turned pale, pondered for a while, and then spoke.

"The mother put the son to bed, and the son said: Mom, there seems to be someone under my bed.

The mother got up and lay down under the bed to see. The son shivered under the bed and said: Mom, there is someone on my bed. "

"This story is not bad." Ji Xiong nodded and said, "It's better than what Yui just told."

At this time, the Holy Son continued: "Then the mother beat the twins."

The atmosphere suddenly froze...

Everyone was speechless immediately.

This feels like a joke!

The Son blows out the candle and the light dims.

"Forget it, go ahead, it's Ritsuko's turn."

Ritsuko thought for a moment, then spoke.

"This story was told by an ex-friend of mine, and I'll relay it to you"

"It was already midnight when Xiao Ming came home, although it was a bit scary to take the elevator at this hour, but there was no way, Xiao Ming was too tired.

As expected, there was no one in the elevator.

Xiao Ming walked into the elevator alone and pressed the button for the 16th floor.

Waiting for the elevator door to close slowly, at this moment, I saw the button on the 14th floor inside the elevator suddenly light up.

Xiao Ming was a little sleepy, just thinking about
"Probably someone on the 14th floor wants to take the elevator."

In an instant, Xiao Ming suddenly opened his eyes, and he was fully awake.

Frantically pressing the door button, but the elevator door is already closed"

After Ritsuko finished speaking, she blew out the candle in front of her eyes.

Now there is only the small candle in front of Yusuke, the small flame can only illuminate a little space, everyone's faces are a little gloomy under the dim light.

"Okay, Yusuke, you are the last person, hurry up and finish, we can finish"

Yui and Seiko nodded desperately, the nightmare could finally end.

Yusuke pondered for a while, the girls were all looking at him.

"A pair of parents hired a full-time nanny to take care of their children at home because of their busy work. After taking office, the nanny received a strange phone call several days in a row. There was a strange man's voice on the phone: "Someone is going to hurt the baby" and then hung up. broken.

The nanny ran to the baby's room in panic, but every time she found the baby sleeping peacefully in the cradle.

Finally one day, after hanging up the phone, the nanny didn't go to check in the baby's room, just like the story 'Wolf is coming'.

But the nanny couldn't take it anymore, so she called the police and asked the police to locate this person. Soon, the police responded: Ma'am, the man's phone call was from inside the house."

After speaking, Yusuke blew out the candle in front of him, and the room was plunged into darkness for an instant.

At this time, a phone call suddenly came.

The sound was so sudden!
Moment!All the girls screamed.

Before Yusuke could react, he was already pressed down by several people, and suddenly he smelled a strange fragrance, and there were a few soft and bouncy things sticking to his face.

Yusuke struggled to get up, but it was a pity that his hands were tied and his feet were hugged. The struggle at this time made the girls who were pressing on him even more frightened and hugged him tighter.

Suddenly, there was chaos in the room, and the sound of tables colliding was everywhere.

Yusuke fell into marshmallow hell in an instant, with the girl's screams in his ears.

At this time, the lights came on.

Ritsuko turned on the switch in the room, and raised her eyebrows when she saw the scene in front of her.

Yui and Seiko hugged each other, Yusuke's head was sandwiched between them, while Ki Xiong rolled into a ball, and then pressed on Yusuke's body, the posture was very indecent.

As soon as the lights came on, the screams disappeared instantly. Everyone looked at each other and got up quickly.

Both Yui and Shengzi also felt something strange in their chests, a head was struggling desperately, their faces turned red immediately, they immediately let go of their hands, and immediately got up from the ground.

Yusuke was finally able to breathe, and was almost suffocated just now.

However, the four bouncing things just now...

Yusuke glanced at the red faces of Yui and Seiko, and instantly understood.

This wave doesn't seem to be too bad...

But Yusuke's memory was interrupted by the ringing of his mobile phone.

It was his phone ringing.

"Sorry, my phone rang"

Everyone looked at Yusuke sadly, especially the eyes of Seiko and Yui, Yusuke didn't dare to look at him anymore.

I took advantage of it just now!

Ji Xiong curled his lips in disdain: "Did you do it on purpose?"

As soon as the words came out, everyone looked over suspiciously.

What a coincidence!
Yusuke was sweating profusely...

(End of this chapter)

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