Chapter 239 239. Respectively
Seeing that the mobile phone displayed the family's phone number, everyone knew that it was a mistake.

Yusuke moved his arm, his hands were tied tightly just now, after a lot of struggle, he was still a little sore.

Ritsuko clapped her hands at this moment and said, "Okay, this is the end of the activity, everyone go back to sleep"

Seiko and Yui immediately agreed, and quickly fled back to the room. Ji Xiong wanted to continue, but was driven back by Ritsuko.

Everyone went back, and the room finally became quiet.

Yusuke packed up his things and called his family back.

"Brother, when are you coming back? I miss you"

On the phone, Aiyi asked in a crisp voice.

"I'll be back tomorrow," Yusuke replied with a smile.

"Brother, be careful on the road."

"I see"

"Also, remember to bring all your things."

"I see" Yusuke replied with a smile: "I will buy a gift"

This little dork knows how to ask for presents.

"Well, thank you brother"

Aiyi's voice was very happy, and she continued: "Ah, but I don't want to come here to ask for gifts. I just miss my brother and want to hear his voice."

"Okay, I know, is there anything wrong?"

"There's nothing wrong"

"Then give the phone to Mom, I'll have a word with Mom"

Yusuke talked with his mother on the phone for a while, and after a few words of greeting, it was over in a while.

After thinking about it, he sent a message to Yui and Rie.

They had already established a working group before, and all work matters were discussed on it, but these few days when Yusuke came to live together, there was no news exchange on the group.

Yusuke: I'm going back tomorrow.

Soon, Yusuke received a reply from the two of them.

Rie: Have fun and be safe on the road.

Yui: Remember to buy a gift when you come back, or be careful with my fists!

Finally, a vicious emoji was added.

Yusuke smiled, he could already imagine Yui speaking.

Yusuke: Got it, your share is indispensable, have you nothing to do these days?

Rie: One thing, someone contacted us to advertise, but I haven't responded yet.

Yusuke: Alright, I'll talk about this when I get back.

Yui: My friends are very obedient, and the injuries of Siji and Wuji are fine. They have been running around the house in the past two days, very lively.

Yusuke: Very good, I will communicate with them then.

Rie: Also, our video inventory is running out, and now some video bloggers on Youtube are beginning to imitate our style.

Yusuke: Don't bother with them, they can't imitate. As for the stock of the video, I can shoot more when I go back.

Yusuke has only been away for a week, and there is already a lot of work, and many things have to be decided by Yusuke.

The three communicated for more than two hours before going offline.

Fortunately, Yusuke established the studio early, otherwise he and Yuyi would have been in a hurry at this time.

As for Rie Komiya, she is also a talented individual with extremely strong working ability. She has only been able to control the overall situation in just a week, and she is worthy of being a top student!
Yusuke arranged everything, turned off the lights, and went to bed.

The time finally came to the last day, and the girls woke up very early, refreshed and full of interest.

Today, I'm going to do some big shopping!
Okinawa is a mature tourist city with abundant commercial resources. The festival that Yusuke and the others visited yesterday was only a part of the commercial street. There are still many places that we haven’t visited. Today’s destination is here.

"Yusuke, do you really want to buy these?"

The girls looked at Yusuke with weird faces, and the group came to the gold shop at this time, where Yusuke bought a few gold bracelets, which made them very puzzled, did anyone use gold bracelets as special products?This is too strange!
"Well, that's the only way to be sincere!"

Yusuke replied seriously, the girls had black lines on their faces.

"Don't you think it's too vulgar?" Yui couldn't help complaining, "The gift shop we visited just now is very good, those music boxes are very beautiful."

Yusuke shook his head and said, "You don't even understand."

"Giving money is the greatest sincerity, but it's too vulgar to give money. It's better to give gold. Look, how beautiful this gold is!"

Holding these gold bracelets, Yusuke was very satisfied.

The girls looked weird, they really couldn't understand Yusuke's values.

After a morning of shopping, everyone returned with a full load, and they were ready to go back to the hotel to pack their luggage.

"Yusuke, this is for you"

On the way, Ji Xiong took out a small gift and handed it to Yusuke, everyone was a little surprised.

"You brought me something?" Yusuke looked surprised.

"Yes!" Ji Xiong replied seriously: "You have to accept it with gratitude."

Yusuke smiled and accepted it.

"Don't dismantle it, go back to the hotel and dismantle it again" Ji Xiong seriously warned, this scene made the girls a little curious, why is it so secretive!

Yusuke put away his things, thought for a while, and took out the bracelet he bought just now.

"This is for you"

"Okay." Ji Xiong accepted it with a smile.

"Is this a token of love?"

"You think too much, it's just an ordinary return gift"

The girls were a little moved, and felt that they should give Yusuke something, but after thinking about it, they still didn't act. Ji Xiong even took the first step, and they couldn't follow suit.

However, what gift did Ji Xiong send?

The girls were very curious, and Yusuke was also very curious. When he returned to the hotel, he immediately unpacked it.

Inside is a horn!
Yusuke picked up the horn, which was milky white and about twenty centimeters long.

There was also a small card inside the box, Yusuke took it out, the card said: I hope you can keep rushing forward like a cow!rush!rush!
Yusuke smiled, thinking that Ji Xiong would send some tricky toys, but he didn't expect it to be such a formal blessing.

After putting away his things, Yusuke pushed the suitcase down.

The girls hadn't come down yet, and Ji Xiong was the only one waiting in the hall, and when he saw Yusuke coming down, he smiled and waved.

"How is it? Do you like the gift?"

Yusuke nodded, "Thank you for the gift"

"Just as long as you like it." Ji Xiong showed a smiling face, then raised his wrist, and the gold bracelet was already on her wrist.

"How is it? Pretty"

"It's beautiful, I chose it, of course it's beautiful"

"Is that the correct answer?"

Ji Xiong glared at Yusuke, "It's almost time to part, and you won't say a few nice words to coax me."

"I'm afraid you'll get bigger if you wait"

"How is that possible! Am I that kind of person?"

Yusuke nodded seriously.

"I'm so mad, I wanted to give you another chance to pursue me, but now it's gone, do you regret it?"

"I thank you"

The two were bickering there, and after a while, other people came down, and everyone rushed to the airport.

"Goodbye, I will contact you often again",

Ji Xiong's flight arrived first, and he was saying goodbye to everyone, and everyone responded with a smile, "Bon voyage!"

"Yusuke, come here"

Ji Xiong beckoned, and Yusuke walked over strangely.

At this moment, two lips pressed against Yusuke's face.

Yusuke was stunned, the girls were all stunned, and Ritsuko had such an expression.

At this moment, Ji Xiong blushed and said shyly: "Thank you, I am very happy these days"

"Yusuke, I seem to like you a little bit"

Before Yusuke could react, he saw that Ji Xiong had pulled back and walked into the boarding gate without looking back.

(End of this chapter)

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