Chapter 240 240. Come back soon

In the office of the big animal family, Yui and Rie are working.

Yuyi hummed a ditty, still in a good mood.

Rie asked with a smile at this time: "Yuyi, what good thing happened to you today? So happy"

"No!" Yui had a bright smile on her face, "Hajime, they are so cute!"

The three kittens were lying in Yuyi's arms, acting coquettishly.

In the big animal family, the three kittens are the most familiar with Yuyi, and they love to act like a baby.

Xiao Huang and Xiao Hei have relatively independent personalities, and generally do not show favor to others easily, while Xiao Hui often does stupid things, but rarely acts coquettishly to humans.

Not to mention the four seasons, five seasons, and Yaboda, they are only close to Yusuke, so in the big animal family, the three kittens are the most popular.

Rie smiled and didn't say much.

From morning to now, Yui is in a good mood, the reason is because of the message from Yusuke last night, Yusuke is finally coming back!

Here, Yusuke is the mainstay, without him alone, although it's only been a week, but the two always feel that something is missing, even the animals are a little sick.

But today's kittens are very energetic, because they also know that Yusuke is coming back.

The two of them couldn't understand the animal language. If they could, they would know that the animals were discussing Yusuke.

The psychology of the animals is complicated and complicated, and it is simple and simple. As long as they recognize the owner, they will always follow him. However, after not seeing Yusuke for a week, the animals are also a little irritable and have an inexplicable sense of loss. .

But today Xiaohei brought good news, Yusuke will be back tomorrow, the kittens are very excited, and they are working hard at this time to show their best side.

Among a group of excited kittens, only Xiao Huang is relatively calm. One is that he has only joined the big family for a short time, and has not been in contact with Yusuke for a long time. He is not deeply influenced by Yusuke. Part of it is his years of wandering experience. Let Xiao Huang's character be more independent.

Although I am a little happy about Yusuke's coming back, I am not overly excited. I am not like the three kittens, who are so excited like a human being, nor are I like Xiaohei, who are excitedly doing somersaults. This little gray, lying there eating and drinking.

Thinking of this, Xiao Huang kicked Xiao Hui next to him, Xiao Hui moved his fat body, and asked strangely: "Meow (Xiao Huang, why did you kick me?)"

"Meow meow meow meow (look how fat you are! You haven't been exercising these days!)"

In less than half a month, Xiao Hui's figure has gained a lot of weight, and its movements were already sluggish, but now they are even slower, which makes Xiao Huang feel a little bit uncomfortable.

"Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow

"Meow meow (it's not bad to be a useless cat)" Xiaohui muttered softly.

"Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow mew

"Meow meow meow (less nonsense, move quickly)"

Xiao Huang looked unhappy, this guy is getting worse and worse!I couldn't bear it anymore, and kicked it directly.

"Meow meow (don't hit me, I'm practicing now)"

"Meow meow (run up quickly, look at you, I can't run anymore!)"

"Meow Meow (Stop hitting! Stop hitting!)"

The two kittens chased after each other, and Yui and Rie took a look, thinking they were playing.

Youyi and the others work on the 3rd floor, and the 4th floor is the activity area for four seasons and five seasons. At this time, two squirrels are sitting by the window basking in the sun.

"Chi Chi Chi Chi (Why hasn't Yusuke come back yet)"

Si entrusted his chin and said boringly, there are many toys here, but they are all tired of playing, they want to go outside, but they made an agreement with Yusuke before, they can't go out until he comes back.

The human world is very dangerous. If you encounter a stray cat casually, they will die instantly.

Therefore, the two brothers and sisters, Siji and Wuji, will stay here obediently.

But the waiting time was really boring. Yusuke would still play with them when he was around, but now that he was out, the other two couldn't understand their language, so they couldn't play together at all, which made them very boring.

Two squirrels looked at the sun and prayed.

Yusuke, come back quickly!
At Sanze's house, Aiyi and Xiaoye are painting.

"Aiyi, this is the manga I drew!"

Xiao Ye proudly picked up her painting and held it up high.

There were more than a dozen pictures, all of which were simple lines and very rough in style. It was obvious that this was a hand-painted cartoon.

Xiaoye was obsessed with manga before, but Yu Yi quickly stopped her. Instead, she enrolled Xiaoye in a drawing class, trying to guide her to the right way.

Xiaoye was not used to it at first, but soon got used to it. After all, painting is also her hobby.

Then, Xiao Ye became enlightened.

If you can't read manga, then draw manga yourself!

All of a sudden, Xiao Ye's spirit came.Of course, Xiao Ye didn't know anything about storyboards, but she just drew patterns one by one based on her own hobby, and then added words on the side. This is a comic.

And the manga in her hand is the work she completed after two days of drawing, with a total of 20 pages.

Such a speed shocked even myself!
Sure enough, I'm a genius!

Aiyi took the picture album in her hand, it was a bunch of strange lines, to be honest, I couldn’t tell whether it was a human or an animal at all, I could only guess based on the words next to it, but Xiao Ye’s words were also well written. It sucks, there are a lot of typos, and the preface doesn't match the postscript.

Aiyi couldn't read it after reading two pages, she couldn't imagine what it was!

However, looking at Xiaoye's expectant eyes, Aiyi could only bite the bullet and watch.

"How?" Xiaoye asked expectantly.

"This is my proudest work, I can already debut as a cartoonist!"

At the end, Xiaoye's nose turned up, her face full of confidence.

Aiyi looked at Xiao Ye's appearance, thought about it, and decided to tell the truth.

"No, I don't understand what this is"


Xiaoye was shocked instantly, and asked with a frown.

There is no reason, I have done it perfectly, where is the problem?

Aiyi thought for a while, there were too many reasons for this, and it was really hard to summarize, and finally answered a few words: "It's not good-looking."

Xiao Ye suddenly realized, "Well, next time I will create an interesting comic."

Xiao Ye quickly cheered up and was full of energy.

"You guys take a rest." Meihe came in with snacks and juice at this moment.

"OK" X2
Xiaoye and Aiyi dropped the brushes in their hands, went to wash their hands, and then returned to the table, eating snacks and chatting.

"By the way, when will brother Yusuke come back?" Xiaoye asked this time remembering.

"Brother will be back tomorrow." Aiyi replied with a smile, and the dumb hair on Xiao Ye's head stood up instantly.

"No wonder my sister is so happy in the morning, it turned out to be because of this incident"

Xiao Ye said seriously: "My sister is also looking forward to the special products of brother Yusuke."

"Don't worry, I reminded my brother yesterday." Aiyi replied seriously: "My brother will never forget it."

"I don't know what Okinawa's specialty is? Seafood?"

"It should be, after all, it is a coastal city"


The two little girls immediately thought of it...

Brother Yusuke, come back quickly!
(End of this chapter)

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