Chapter 241
Sitting on the plane, Eri and the others looked at Yusuke with strange eyes. Ji Xiong kissed Yusuke suddenly just now, which shocked them very much.

Yusuke was also a little shocked, he didn't expect Ji Xiong to confess his love to him.

However, considering Ji Xiong's character, Yusuke didn't even know if she was joking, or telling the truth?
Yusuke was troubled for a while, then stopped thinking about it.

The boat will be straight when it arrives at the bridgehead, just let it be.

Seeing Yusuke's calm face, the girls couldn't bear it after all, and Eri asked nervously: "Are you and Ji Xiong..."

"Nothing" Yusuke replied calmly: "It's just an ordinary greeting"

This answer made the girls breathe a sigh of relief, and their moods also relaxed. Ritsuko watched this scene quietly.

This sign is wrong!

Ritsuko was thinking about whether to tell Eri's sister after returning home, but considering Eri's domineering character, it might be self-defeating.

Forget it, let it be.

Ritsuko was still a bit resistant to Yusuke before, but after getting along with her this week, Yusuke really made her look different.

This is a positive young man, he is better than many adults, if Eri is really with him, it will be a good result.

However, it is possible that both parties do not have this intention now.

After getting off the plane, a group of people said goodbye at the airport and went home.

When Yusuke took the suitcase and got off the tram, it was dusk.


A girl's voice came from behind, Yusuke stopped and turned his head.

Sure enough, it was Yui who was chasing up from behind.

Yui is wearing a white T-shirt and shorts today
To be honest, the attraction was so great that Yusuke stared straight at him.

"Yusuke, you're back." Yui had already run in front of Yusuke, with a bright smile on his face, shining in the golden sunlight.

Seeing Yui's smiling face, Yusuke was very happy and couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

"Yeah, I'm back"

"Then let's go home together"

"it is good"

The two walked quietly on the road without speaking, but the atmosphere was very brisk.

"Yuyi, this is for you"

At the door of Miyajima's house, Yusuke took out the gift he had prepared.

"Thank you" Youyi accepted the gift with a smile.

"What kind of gift is this?"

"You will know when you go back and take it apart, and there is this"

Yusuke took out another big bag of things, "This is a special product of Okinawa, I give it to you"

“Too expensive”

"It's nothing, I don't want to receive your little punches."

"You bastard!"

"I'm kidding, well, I'm going back"

"Well, then go to bed early tonight."

"it is good"

Yusuke took two steps, then turned around and said with a smile, "Yuyi, I'll be waiting for you at the door tomorrow morning."


Hearing Yusuke's words, Yui was in a happy mood, humming a ditty and entered the house.

Xiaoye heard the sound of the door, walked out of the living room curiously, and then saw the big bag in Yuyi's hand.

"Sister, what is that bag in your hand?"

"This, this is a special product from Okinawa that Yusuke brought back." Yui picked up the big bag in his hand and said.

"Brother Yusuke is back!"

Xiaoye's eyes lit up, and she ran over quickly, looking expectantly at the bag in Yuyi's hand, and Yuyi passed the bag over, and Xiaoye immediately ran to the living room with the bag, and soon Xiaoye's exclamation came from the living room : "A lot of snacks! I've never seen them before!"

Yuyi hummed a ditty and went straight back to her room.

He took out the gift from his pocket, it was a small gift box, opened the box, and inside was a small gold bracelet.

"So beautiful!"

Yui picked up the bracelet and put it on her hand, with a happy smile on her face.

This guy is full of heart!


"I am back!"

Hearing Yusuke's voice, Ai Yi, who was watching TV, was shocked and ran out of the living room.

"Brother, you are back!"

Ai Yi opened her arms and flew towards her. Yusuke put down his luggage and picked her up with a smile.

"Brother, I miss you so much"

"I miss Aiyi very much too"

Yusuke smiled and touched Aiyi's head, looking at Aiyi's expectant eyes, Yusuke understood instantly.

Children are still easy to understand.

At this time, the gift that was taken out of the pocket was placed in front of Aiyi's eyes.

"This is a gift for Ai Yi"

"Thank you brother!"

Aiyi took the gift and happily kissed Yusuke on the cheek.

Yusuke was in a good mood, and it really didn't hurt her in vain.

Miwa also came out of the kitchen, Yusuke put down Aiyi, and said with a smile: "Mom, I'm back."

Presents were also handed over.

"This is a gift for mom"

"Yusuke, you are so considerate!" Meihe accepted the gift with a smile, and asked happily, "Can I open it?"


The two opened the gift box.

"It's a gold bracelet, the pattern is different from last time." Aiyi said excitedly.

There is nothing a little girl or an adult can dislike when it comes to gold glitter.

"Yusuke, this is too expensive"

"It's nothing, as long as you don't think it's tacky"

Yusuke bought several gold bracelets, one for Mom, Aiyi, and Yui, one for Ji Xiong, and one for Rie. At this time, there are three more in hand, which are for Jessica and the others. .

After handing over the Okinawa specialties to his mother, Yusuke took his luggage and went back to his room.

At this time, Xiao Hei jumped out from the corner, quickly climbed onto Yusuke's shoulder, and rubbed his head affectionately.

"Xiao Hei, I'm back." Yusuke smiled and touched Xiao Hei's head, Xiao Hei showed an expression of enjoyment.

"Meow (welcome back)"

"Are you listening all this time?"

"Meow meow (don't worry, we are all obedient)"

"That's good, I brought you a gift this time too."

"Meow meow (that's really good)"

One person and one cat talked, and then returned to the room.

In the evening, when his father Kazuya came back, Yusuke also handed over the gift he had brought.

It was a pair of fishing rods. Kazuya's hobby is fishing, but he is usually busy with work and has little time to go, and his fishing tools are also very old. Yusuke gave his father the latest fishing rod.

He also accepted it with a smile. He was so satisfied with the gift that he couldn't put it down.

Kazuya said at this time: "Yusuke, I discussed with your mother, let's go on a trip together as a family next month. Our family hasn't gone out together for a long time."

Aiyi next to him nodded excitedly. Last time, he begged his father coquettishly, and sure enough, his father agreed.

"The time is scheduled for next month, when the time comes, the family will go out together"

Yusuke froze for a moment, are you going out again?
After thinking for a while, he asked, "Dad, where are we going?"

"Go to your Uncle Takuya, three days and two nights"

Yusuke searched the memory of the original body. Tuo is also his father's younger brother. He works in Kyoto and is also a civil servant. He is better than his father. not bad.

So it's a family gathering.

After pondering for a while, the time was a little tight, and there was not enough time, but this was a family gathering after all, and it was unreasonable to be absent, so he nodded.

Now the plan has to be readjusted.

(End of this chapter)

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