Chapter 242 242. Gifts
The next morning, the sun was shining brightly, Yusuke prepared his things and went out.

After waiting at Miyajima's house for a while, Yui came out.

Today, Youyi is wearing a white T-shirt and suspenders, with white shoes on her feet, and her long black hair is tied into two bundles and hangs by her ears. The girl's vitality instantly rushes to her face, pure and lovely.

"Today is beautiful!" Yusuke praised with a thumbs up, and Yui showed a smug smile, which did not waste her careful dressing up all morning.

At this moment, Yui saw the suitcase at Yusuke's feet, and asked curiously, "Why are you carrying such a big suitcase, what's in it?"

“This is a specialty”

"So many!" Yui was a little surprised.

"There are many people's, Rie's, Yoshiko's, and animals'"

Yusuke counted and said, these are people's sophistication, so they have to be contacted.

While pushing the suitcase, the two headed towards the studio.

"How was your event this time?" Yui asked with a smile.

"It ended successfully, the filming of the theatrical version was finished, and I also met unexpected friends"

"An unexpected friend?"

"I met the contestants from Tsumen High School, Mimi Kojima and Futaba Inouin, and they also made guest appearances in the movie together"

"Mimi Kojima? Futaba Inouin?" Yui recalled for a while, feeling a little vague about these two people.

Only then did Yusuke remember that Yui was sitting in the auditorium and didn't know much about the contestants, so he told the situation of the two of them.

"Oh, I see"

"Wait a minute! This is not the right situation!"

Yuyi's eyes suddenly became alert, "Why are there so many girls?"

At this time, Yusuke looked at Yusuke with unfriendly eyes, and Yusuke replied with a smile: "Don't think too much, Ritsuko-sensei is also there."

"Ryuko Ishima?"

Yui still knows the beautiful teacher at school, but...

"Why is Ishima-sensei there too?"

"She is Eri's cousin, and she was entrusted by Eri's sister to take care of Eri"

Yusuke explained the matter again, and Yui nodded. There is an adult at the scene, so they must not make any trouble.

"and also……"

"say no more!"

Yuyi stretched out her hand to stop her and said, "Don't say any more, the more you say it, the more I envy you, so don't say it anymore."

Yusuke smiled and stopped talking about this topic.

They are working, and they are going to play, which is really unreasonable.

When the two came to the studio, Yusuke visited Sakura Ryoko first, and this time the Okinawa specialty was delivered, and Sakura Ryoko accepted it with a smile, and the two exchanged a few words.

Back in the studio, as soon as the kittens saw Yusuke's appearance, they immediately ran over and circled around Yusuke.

This made Yuyi envious, she also wanted to be so popular with animals.

Yusuke smiled and knelt down, touched the heads of each kitten, said hello to them, and then took out a gift, canned fish from Okinawa.

The kittens soon became addicted to the canned fish and cried happily.

After finishing the kitten, Yongsuke came to the balcony with a few cans of meat, and now the crow boss is chatting with his little brothers.

Seeing Yusuke's return, Crow Boss waved his wings and said hello.

"Boss Crow, this is a gift from me to you"

"Wow (gift?)" the boss asked curiously, "Wow (do you have a job?)"

"No." Yusuke shook his head, "It's just an ordinary greeting."

The crow boss thought for a moment and nodded.

"Wow (thanks for that)"

One person and one crow chatted for a while, Yusuke left, and the crows began to enjoy themselves.

"Yusuke, you're back!"

Rie also came over at this time, and was surprised to see Yusuke.

Today's Rie is wearing a plaid skirt and a pink T-shirt, with a bow in her hair, playful and cute.

"I am back"

Yusuke responded with a smile, and handed over his gift, a small gold chain and a bag of souvenirs.

"You spend too much money!"

Seeing the gold chain, Rie said in surprise, "This is too precious!"

At this time, Rie also saw a gold chain of the same style on Yui's hand, and Yui's expression was a little weird.

For a moment, Rie thought of a lot, but her face remained the same, she pretended not to care and asked, "Yusuke, why did you give me the gold chain?"

"I've worked hard for you during this time, it's just a small thought." Yusuke said seriously, "I think the greatest sincerity is to give money, but giving money is too vulgar, so giving a gold chain is the most sincere."

After listening to Yusuke's explanation, Yui and Rie's faces were very strange, but seeing Yusuke's serious attitude, this should be Yusuke's real thoughts.

Just to say thank you?

Ignoring the strange faces of the two, Yusuke came to the fourth floor.

The fourth floor is the activity area for four seasons and five seasons. Seeing Yusuke's appearance, the two squirrels froze for a moment, and then ran over in surprise the next moment.

The two little squirrels moved quickly, and climbed onto Yusuke's shoulders in twos and twos, chatting in Yusuke's ear.

They have been holding back for too long, and there are endless things to say at this time.

"Chichi Chichi (Yusuke, why are you coming back now!)" Shiji shouted a little angrily, but became happy again the next moment.

"Chichichiji (Yusuke, it's great that you're back, hurry up and take us out to play)"

"Chi Chi Chi Chi (Yeah, I'm bored to death here)" the five seasons next to me said excitedly, the four seasons are better, and they can still play with toys, but it is the worst, just sitting obediently all day long , almost bored.

"Okay" Yusuke smiled, "Then I will take you out today, but you have to be obedient"

The two squirrels nodded, their eyes were full of excitement, and they could finally go out!

Yusuke took the two squirrels back to the third floor, and when they came here, the two squirrels immediately became nervous.

There are so many cats here!

The kittens looked at the two squirrels with ill intentions, one was of different races, and the other was that these two guys were actually standing on Yusuke's shoulders. A guy got robbed.

These two guys are here to compete for favor!
Although they are different species, both of them understand their respective positions in an instant.

"Meow meow meow meow (I didn't expect there to be mice, it seems that I want to show my strength)"

Xiao Hui stood up at this moment, shaking off the fat on her body.

Then he was kicked away by Xiao Huang, and his chubby body turned around.

"Meow meow (you idiot, that's a squirrel)"

"Meow meow (a squirrel is also a mouse)"

Xiao Hui shook his head, then he shouted dissatisfied: "Meow Meow Meow (Xiao Huang, you kicked too hard)"

"Meow meow (it's you who are so useless)"

Xiao Huang and Xiao Hui quarreled immediately, and Yusuke heard it, and they clapped their hands.

Hearing Yusuke's call, all the kittens came over.

"Let me introduce to you, these two are my companions, Four Seasons and Five Seasons, don't bully them"

Yusuke said to the cats, the kittens looked at each other and nodded.

Yusuke deserves face!

Yusuke also told the two squirrels.

"These are my friends, I've told you they won't hurt you"

Only then did the two squirrels nod their heads, and they were not so scared anymore.

The language between different species is not interlinked, and Yusuke has to act as a middleman to communicate.

Confirming the relationship between the two parties, Yusuke squatted down and looked at the fat Xiaohui.

Xiao Hui was a little guilty by Yusuke's eyes, and shrank his fat head.

"Meow meow meow (Yusuke, why are you looking at me like that?)"

(End of this chapter)

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