Chapter 243 243. Ideas
"Xiao Hui, I think you should lose weight"

Yusuke's calm tone made Xiao Hui's hair stand on end.

"Meow meow meow meow (well, actually I just have a lot of hair, I'm not fat at all)"

Xiao Hui didn't dare to look at Yusuke, looking guilty.

Xiao Huang next to him shook his head, you guys are too obvious!
Yusuke smiled, reached out and grabbed the soft flesh in its neck, and lifted it up.

Sure enough, this guy gained at least five catties.

"It's time to lose weight. You will halve your stuttering in the future. I will tell Rie to stop feeding so much."

Xiao Hui was struck by lightning in an instant, his expression froze, that expression of astonishment was very funny.

"Meow meow meow meow (don't! If I don't have enough to eat, I won't have the energy to work. My... I just have a lot of hair!)"

Xiao Hui panicked and explained that Xiao Huang next to him couldn't stand it anymore, walked over and kicked it on the fat face.

"Meow meow meow (stop talking, you shameful thing)"

"Meow meow (Where? I'm telling the truth!)"

"Meow meow meow (do you think we are all fools?)"

Xiaohui showed an embarrassed expression, looked at the smiling Yusuke, and muttered softly: "Meow (it doesn't matter if you try it)"

Xiao Hui was speechless for a moment, this partner is probably useless.

"Okay, it's decided like this"

Yusuke stood up, "Let's go out and play today"

Hearing the news, the kittens jumped up happily, only Xiao Hui looked sullen: "Meow (I don't want to move!)"

The three of Yusuke brought all the tools and went out, but Yusuke found that Yui seemed to be lacking energy, and asked curiously: "Yuyi, what's wrong with you?"

Yuyi shook her head, but instead asked, "Can I punch you?"

Yusuke looked at her strangely, "Do you think I'm a fool?"

"Tch, this little request doesn't satisfy me!" Youyi looked unhappy.

"Okay, then hit me, hit me with a punch"

Yui was a little surprised by Yusuke's calm tone.

"Do you guys have a fever?"

The corner of Yusuke's mouth twitched, "Isn't this your request? I have agreed to your request, and you still say that!"

"It's the first time I've heard such a weird request!"

"That's it"

"No, give me a punch!"

"Think beautifully"

The two started to play, and Yui quickly cheered up again, and Rie behind smiled, feeling a little relieved.

This time going out was a big one. Six kittens, two squirrels, and even the boss crow went out together. He happened to be bored, so he went out together.

All the animals were dispatched together, and the scene was very spectacular.

There was also an episode during which the animals quarreled for the position of Yusuke's shoulder.

Being able to stand on Yusuke's shoulders shows the position in Yusuke's heart, and all the kittens will fight for it.

The two squirrels are only close to Yusuke, they are a little nervous about the unfamiliar environment, so Yusuke put them on his shoulders, this is Yusuke's decision, the cats have no way to object, otherwise the two little squirrels would have been chased away by them up.

Dare to compete with them, are you tired of life?

So now there is only one slot left.

Of course, Xiao Hei wants to take it as his own position, but the three kittens refuse, Feng Shui takes turns, they also want to take the position, even Xiao Hui is a little ready to move.

It suddenly changed its mind, as long as it pleases Yusuke, maybe the matter of losing weight will be left alone.

Several kittens were making a fuss, and Yusuke also felt a little funny listening to their noise.

The habits of animals are sometimes the same as that of children, they are very jealous.

In the end, Xiaohei won, who called him the big manager, but he was the No. 1 horseman under Yusuke.

Xiao Hei grabbed Yusuke's trousers, climbed up his shoulders in twos and threes, and stood there proudly, as if he was patrolling his own territory.

He glanced at the two squirrels on the other side, seeing their nervousness and disdain.

My status is unmatched!

The group's travel still brought some troubles, because there were too many animals, and they were surrounded by many people along the way. In addition, these cats were so spiritual that many people loved them very much.

And when they saw the two squirrels on Yusuke's shoulders, many people asked to take pictures as a souvenir, and some even offered to buy them.

These two squirrels have been looking forward to coming out, and at this time they were surrounded by crowds, which frightened them all at once. The four little paws tightly grasped Yusuke's clothes, and the hair on their bodies stood up, very panicked look.

Yusuke could only appease them, but he couldn't scare them away.

Finally came to the destination, a small hill near here.

It is suitable for them to shoot, and it is also suitable for animal activities.

Yusuke squatted down, lowered his arms, and said, "Go and play, if there is any danger, run back immediately."

Shiji and Wuji nodded, ran down Yusuke's arm, and quickly broke into the forest.

Yuyi asked worriedly at this moment: "Will they not come back?"

"Don't worry, they will come back"

Yusuke replied calmly, after being together for so long, he already has confidence in the four seasons and five seasons.

Yusuke clapped his hands, all kittens come here.

"Okay, we're going to start filming"

The cats all nodded, and the long-lost video shooting began.

The shooting went smoothly, the cats could completely obey Yusuke's command, and the way of acting was very simple, changing the pattern, changing the place, changing the different animals, the effect of shooting was different immediately.

This kind of video is very simple, and they have already shot several sections in one morning.

"Let's take a break," Yusuke said at this point, and the other two nodded.

Yuyi saved the filmed video, and Rie took out the prepared cat food. The kittens gathered together and enjoyed the fruits of their labor.

The three of Yusuke also sat together to rest.

"Yusuke, I have an idea"

Rie spoke at this moment, Yusuke and Yui both looked over.

"Our number of fans has almost been fixed, and the number of videos played is also stable at the average value. I think we need to go further, so I have made a plan here, let's discuss it together."

Yusuke's eyes lit up, it was right to bring Rie into the team, she was too proactive.

Yusuke nodded and said, "Actually, I also have an idea here, why don't you talk about it first, let's discuss it first."

Rie was a little surprised, nodded quickly, and said: "My idea is this, our scripts are mainly about the communication between humans and animals, so can we shoot scripts with animals as the main characters?"

"What is a script with an animal as the main character?"

Yui didn't quite understand, but Yusuke nodded thoughtfully, "I think I understand roughly."

"I don't understand!" Yui said, raising her hand.

"Then let me explain." Rie said with a smile: "The script of people and animals is to use Yusuke as the protagonist, and the animals cooperate with Yusuke to make various actions. This is what we are shooting now, but Animal scripts have animals as the protagonists, such as the interaction between Xiao Huang and Xiao Hui. Xiao Huang is the boss and Xiao Hui is the younger brother. make a plot"

Yui suddenly realized, and finally understood.

"Your thoughts are somewhat similar to mine." Yusuke said at this time:
"But my idea is that communication between different species"

(End of this chapter)

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