Chapter 244 244. The Cat and the Mouse
Yui and Rie looked at Yusuke, waiting for Yusuke's explanation, and Yusuke continued: "For example, Xiaohui and Shiji, the two of them can interact, so this is a very good script."

"However, one is a squirrel and the other is a cat. There is no advantage at all against cats and squirrels. How do you shoot this?" Youyi asked at this time.

"In fact, there is a very classic cartoon that we have all seen, and you must be able to remember it."

Yusuke replied with a smile, Yui and Rie thought about it for a while, and were suddenly surprised.

"Cat and mouse?"

"That's right, it's cat and mouse!"

"The dull little gray is Tom, and the flexible and active four seasons is Jerry. Their images are very suitable, and their abilities are also suitable. Little gray is more dull than ordinary cats, but the four seasons are too flexible and evenly matched. The interaction has the effect of performance”

"We can make them act out a cat and mouse scenario, and the script is already there"

"Tom and Jerry is so classic, as long as the quality of the film passes the test, it will definitely resonate with many people"

The two suddenly realized that this was a wonderful idea!
"But there is another question, can they cooperate?" Rie asked the most important question.

"I can give it a try"

This is actually very difficult, because they don't understand the language, and facing Xiaohui, Siji has no power to fight back at all, even if it is a useless cat.

But think about it, in the cat and mouse plot, Jerry has no advantage in the face of Tom's power, but Jerry can use his wisdom to make Tom play around, with the wisdom of the four seasons, plus Yusuke's assistance should also be able to achieve this effect.

The images of the four seasons are very appropriate, and the coat color is the same as that of Jerry in the cartoon, except for the big tail, but this is not a big deal, and the image of Xiaohui is also appropriate, all of which are British shorthair cats.

The only thing is that it is too fat, and its chubby image is completely inconsistent. If it needs to be slimmed down and restored to its appearance when it first joined, it will be almost the same.

Xiao Hui, who was eating, was startled suddenly, and suddenly had a bad feeling, as if he was being stared at by something.


The food in front of him was too tempting, Xiao Hui shook his head and ignored it, and continued to gorge on it.

Delicious, but too little.

The three of Yusuke discussed this idea. If it can be realized, there will be more choices for video shooting.

"Four seasons and five seasons haven't come back for lunch yet, shouldn't they be in any danger?"

Yuyi asked, the four seasons and five seasons are the focus of the new video, and they only remembered it at this time.

"I don't think so." Yusuke shook his head, "They lived outdoors before they met us, and they can find food by themselves."

"Exactly." Yui nodded.

At this time, a black figure jumped over from a branch in the distance, running at an extremely fast speed, and quickly jumped down from the branch, and finally landed on Yusuke's shoulder. Yui and Rie were puzzled. looked over.

"Chichichiji (Yusuke, we are in trouble, Shiji and I got separated!)"

It was Wu Ji who appeared here, with a flustered expression on his face.

Hearing Five Seasons' words, Yusuke's expression instantly became serious.

"what's going on?"

Hearing Yusuke's indifferent voice, Yui and Rie immediately knew something was wrong.

The kittens were also very sensitive, so they stopped playing at this moment, and they all came over one by one.

"Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi (we were playing in the woods just now, and then a big dog ran out and wanted to bite us. Fortunately, we moved quickly, and we climbed to the tree. The big dog couldn't climb the tree. called under the tree)"

"Chichi Chichi (We thought we escaped from danger, but we didn't expect that the other party had helpers. A black cat appeared. It climbed up a branch. We could only keep running away. There was a big dog under the tree. Above is a cat, they are in a hurry, so we decided to split the army)"

"Chi Chi Chi Chi (the one chasing me is a big dog, I have already left it behind, but I don't know how the seasons are doing now)"

Although the fifth season was flustered, he also made things clear.

Yusuke was a little surprised, Wu Ji's IQ seems to be very high, this logic ability is very strong.

But right now is not the time to think about this matter, and at this moment, a dog barking came from the other side of the woods.

Soon, a big dog jumped out of the woods.

It was a German Shepherd.

And there was a nameplate on its neck, obviously, it was a kept pet, standing there at this moment, barking at Yusuke's group of people.

Facing the big dog, the kittens were not afraid. Their hair stood on end, they bared their teeth and claws, and yelled at the shepherd dog, but surrounded the shepherd dog instead.

Yui and Rie leaned over nervously, after all, it was a large dog.

With Yusuke by his side in the fifth season, he also has confidence at this time.

Standing on Yusuke's shoulder, one paw pointed at the big dog.

"Chichi (that's the guy)"

"Xiao Hei, Xiao Huang, solve it" Yusuke said calmly.

Things about animals should be left to the animals to solve.

As for Yusuke's order, the kittens carried out without a doubt, and rushed up in an instant.

Who would win in a fight between a cat and a dog?

This is a difficult problem. Dogs are relatively strong, but cats are too flexible and explosive. This is a difficult problem to draw conclusions from.

The situation is different now, Xiao Hei and the others are from stray cats, not only stray cats but also stray dogs are fighting with them, so they can survive until now because of a ruthless force to support them. But it is more ferocious than ordinary domestic cats.

Fight, they are professionals!

The shepherd dog looked ferocious, but faced with the siege of six kittens, it quickly fell down.

Xiao Huang and Xiao Hei are the main force. The two cats attack from left to right. Their claws are sharp. Xiao Huang scratches at its waist, while Xiao Hei is like an assassin. catch.

Three kittens were swimming around, constantly attacking its neck and abdomen, and the most surprising thing was Xiao Hui, who specifically attacked the opponent's lower body. On the opponent's lifeline, blood came out.

The shepherd dog screamed in pain like a lightning strike.

Then, he was grabbed by Xiao Hei's paw, almost blinded.

These kittens are so cruel!

The German Shepherd whined and ran away with his tail between his legs.

Both Yui and Rie were a little surprised, these kittens were too aggressive!

Seeing the shepherd running away, the kittens all laughed triumphantly.

"Meow meow (just this kind of stuff, if you dare to come out to mess around, you will starve to death long ago!)"

"Meow meow meow (don't underestimate us, we were just living for nothing back then!)"

"Meow meow meow (if it was before, let's see if we don't kill you!)"

The voices of the kittens are very rogue. Although they have been benign for a while, it is still difficult to conceal their original ferocious nature.

(End of this chapter)

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