Chapter 245 245. You Are Not Human

Yui and Rie were a little surprised by the ferocity of the kittens, and Crow Boss, who was standing next to the branch watching this scene, was also a little surprised.

For Yusuke's pets, Crow Boss has always looked down on him, just like the difference between a good student and a bad student, Crow Boss is a hooligan.

I thought these were just a few ordinary house cats, but they looked different. The ferocious appearance seemed to have been mixed up, so Boss Crow looked at these kittens.

Yusuke clapped his hands, and the kittens immediately surrounded him, and the ferocious look disappeared immediately. At this moment, his face was meek, and Yui and Rie were a little stunned by the rapid change of face.

They all forgot that Xiaohei and the others were stray cats, wild and unruly. If it weren't for Yusuke's ability, they would never play with them here.

Yusuke explained the situation again.

"Please, please help me find Shiji." Yusuke said to the kittens, and Wuji, who was standing on his shoulders, also lowered his head at this time, clasped his hands together, and pleaded with the kittens.

That humanized appearance surprised Rie next to her. Can a squirrel do this?
This is too human-like!

The kittens all nodded, and it's still the same sentence, Yusuke's face should be given.

Xiao Hei let out a cry, and then the six kittens scattered and jumped into the woods.

"Boss Crow!"

Yusuke stood up and stretched out his arms, and the crow flew down from the branch with flapping wings, standing on Yusuke's arms, the cooperation of one person and one bird was very tacit.

The eyes of Yui and Rie next to him lit up, this scene is very handsome!

Yusuke also told the boss about the situation.

"Boss Crow, can you ask your subordinates to help find it?"

The crow boss thought for a while, then nodded.

"Wow wow wow wow (but I can't promise, there are too many trees here, blocking a lot of views)"

Yusuke nodded, "It's okay, just do your best."

The crow boss nodded, flapped his wings and flew into the sky, and soon went to gather his subordinates.

This is the first time for Rie to see Yusuke directing the Crow Boss, which is very novel, but Yui has seen it a lot, and then asked: "Did you ask the Crow Boss to help find it?"

"That's right, but we also need to act, pack up our things, and let's go right away"

Rie was full of questions, but right now was not the time to ask these questions, the three of them packed up their things, and quickly walked into the woods.

The place where the three of them were located was a hill in the suburbs. Although it was called a hill, there were many trees here. It was not easy to find a little squirrel among so many trees.

The three followed the direction five seasons instructed, walked back in the same direction as they had escaped, and soon found the place where they met the big dog.

"What's next?"

Yui and Rie looked at Yusuke, Yusuke pondered for a moment, there really was no good way right now, if it wasn't for the help of animals to find it, with the three of them alone, looking for a squirrel here would be like finding a needle in a haystack.

It would be great if there was a dog here. With the dog's sense of smell, it can help to do many things here.

Yusuke didn't think for long, when there was a sound from the grass next to him, they turned around, six kittens surrounded a black kitten, and walked out of the grass.

The black kitten had a lot of wounds on its body, and its spirit was very poor. Xiao Hei and the others surrounded it tightly, kicking it from time to time, making the black cat in the middle meow aggrievedly. Call.

"Gee (that's it!)"

Standing on his shoulders, Wu Ji shouted angrily, "Chichi (this is the guy who attacked us)"

"Meow meow meow meow (Yusuke, we found this guy, this guy attacked our little brother)"

Xiao Hei stood in front of Yusuke and said that it regards Siji and Wuji as his younger brothers.

"Meow Meow (I didn't know they were your little brothers!)"

The surrounded black cat barked and was kicked by Xiao Huang.

"Meow meow (Is there a place for you to talk here?)"

Xiao Huang stretched out his cat's claws, the sharp claws were shining, and with its ferocious expression, he was definitely a bully among cats!
The black cat was frightened, trembling and afraid to speak.

"Xiao Hei, may I ask where it got the four seasons?"

"Meow meow (we have tortured just now)"

Xiao Hei replied: "Meow Meow Meow Meow (this guy is with that silly dog. The silly dog ​​is responsible for catching five seasons, and it is responsible for catching four seasons, but it lost the four seasons)"

Xiao Hei couldn't help but murmured: "Meow (this guy is so useless!)"

This black cat knew at a glance that it had been trained by people. It was completely different from the wild ones. It lacked that kind of vigor. After being beaten by them, it vomited out everything.

Yusuke thought for a moment and said, "Let it take us to the place where we were separated just now"

Xiao Hei nodded, then gave it a good beating before giving the order.

The black cat nodded desperately, looking scared.

This approach is really rogue!

A few kittens took the lead, and quickly walked to the place where they were lost just now. Yusuke looked around, and there was no trace at all.

Big trouble now!

Yusuke told Yui and Rie about the matter, and both of them also had a headache for a while, but Wuji was holding Yusuke's clothes tightly at this time, looking scared, and Yusuke had no choice but to comfort him.

"Xiaohei, can you help find the four seasons?" Yusuke asked the cats.

"Meow Meow (we can only do our best)"

"That troubles you"

Using a cat as a hunting dog is something only Yusuke can do.

Yusuke took a rope and tied the limbs of the black cat, which was their captive.

The six kittens discussed it and rushed out immediately.

Then it was time for torture.

Yusuke grabbed the black cat's neck and stared at it, the sharp eyes made the kitten a little scared.

The eyes of this human being are too terrifying!

"Who is your master? Say everything, don't look around, I'm just talking to you, I can understand cat language"

The black cat in front of him suddenly showed a shocked expression.

At this time, Wu Ji ran over Yusuke's shoulder and stood on the head of the black cat.

The black cat wanted to resist, but was tied up with a rope and could not move.

Wu Ji held a small walnut in his hand, and then used this walnut to hit the black cat's head wildly.

Is this the so-called torture?

But Wu Ji's power was too weak, the walnut hit the black cat's head, and a disdainful smile appeared on the black cat's face.

Can't deal with those bullies, can't they deal with you, a squirrel?
"Rie, bring some nails here"

Yusuke said aloud, Rie who was watching all this nodded, and dug out a few nails from the toolbox.

Wu Ji threw away the walnut in his hand and replaced it with a nail, the sharp point gleaming in the sun.

The black cat froze instantly.

You are not human!
(End of this chapter)

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