Chapter 249 249. Let me do it

Zhijiu felt very ashamed, but he couldn't help it, he had tried his best.

Then a calm voice came.

"You can't communicate with it, let me do it"

Zhijiu turned his head and looked at the other party, the other party was very handsome, even as a homosexual, the other party was excellent, but for what he said, Zhijiu looked disdainful, Little K was his pet, why? Will you obey the orders of others?
You really think you are an animal expert!

The sage also thought it was a little funny. In order to shoot the video, Little K has been trained for a long time. It will only obey Zhijiu's orders, and it cannot be commanded by just one person.

But this is Zhiku's pet, so we have to wait for Zhiku's answer.

Zhijiu said disdainfully: "If you can do it, come here."

Yusuke stared at Little K, and waved to it, Xiao Hei turned his head sideways, with a look of disdain.

But at the next moment, an astonishing aura erupted from Yusuke's body. The aura was so strong that both Shijiu and Kento looked sideways at it.

It was as if Little K was stared at by some kind of ferocious beast for an instant, and the cold eyes made him kneel down involuntarily.

That is a kind of class crushing!

The kittens behind Yusuke cheered, this is the real Yusuke!

My king has the appearance of a great emperor!
"come over!"

When the cold tone came, Little K didn't dare to resist at all, walked over tremblingly, stood in front of Yusuke, and lowered his head.

Zhijiu's jaw dropped in shock from this obedient appearance. It is his pet, which resembles the master. Little K's personality is very similar to his own, and they are very irritable. It is not easy to make him bow his head. Sometimes he does it himself. less than.

How exactly did he do it?
Under Yusuke's watchful eyes, Little K trembled, not daring to raise his head, even his tail was downcast.

Yusuke took out Shiji's usual toys and put them on the ground.

"Remember this taste, find it"

Little K immediately lay down on the ground, sniffed carefully with his nose, and began to distinguish the smell.

"Wow woof (this smell is mixed, I can't smell it)" Little K called out in a low voice.

"Okay, I'll change it"

Little K seemed to be pardoned, and after a while, he realized that he turned his head sideways.

Does this human understand what I say?

At this time, he hesitated and called out: "Wow woof (can you understand me?)"

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up and find my companion"

"Woof, woof, woof, you can really understand me!)"

Little K was shocked immediately, his startled appearance was exactly the same as its owner.

Yusuke's face was calm, and he snapped his fingers. After receiving the order, the kittens immediately surrounded him and looked at it ferociously. Only when Yusuke gave an order, they would attack it in groups.

Little K immediately faltered.

These cats are so cruel!

The scene of Yusuke communicating with Little K left both Xianren and Zhijiu stunned.

There is such an operation!
At this moment, the sage pushed Zhijiu lightly.

"Zhijiu, can you do this?" The sage's tone was expectant, Zhijiu shook his head, "Impossible!"

In order to train little K, he took a lot of courses, and he had never heard of such an outrageous thing.

The sage was a little disappointed, but he quickly stared at the opponent's movements, trying to decipher the opponent's method.

Yusuke took out several toys that he had been playing with for four seasons. Finally, little K was able to remember its smell. At this time, he smelled it on the ground and ran away after a while.

Yusuke followed immediately, and the kittens also moved at the same time, followed by Yui and Rie.

Xianren and Zhijiu looked at it with shock on their faces, they really did it!
It wasn't until Yusuke and the others were about to disappear that the two of them came back to their senses and chased after them.

Little K stopped and walked, kept smelling the ground, and led a group of people around, almost in circles in the woods.

"Is this guy really reliable?" Yui asked suspiciously, even Xianren and Zhijiu were a little suspicious, not Xiao K, but Yusuke's ability.

Yusuke nodded, he had already communicated what should be communicated, and then he could only rely on Xiao K.

Finally, little K walked in one direction, and soon stopped under a big tree, and called a few times towards the tree.

"Wang (here it is)"

Yusuke stretched out his arm, and Wuji on his shoulder immediately understood, and immediately ran over his shoulder, jumped onto the branch, and climbed up the tree pole.

The sage next to him watched all this enviously. If he also had such ability, then the video must be very popular.

Soon, the twittering of squirrels came from the trees, and after a while, two squirrels appeared.

Seeing Yusuke, Shiji happily ran down, jumped directly from the top of the tree, the squirrel landed on the ground, and stood directly on Yusuke's shoulder, looking very handsome.

This handsome appearance amazed everyone, this guy is just like a superhero in a movie, so handsome!
But five seasons were not as brave as four seasons, they ran to the bottom branch, and then jumped over.

Climbing up the shoulders, the two squirrels chirped in Yusuke's ears, talking about the danger just now, and Yusuke had no choice but to comfort them softly.

At this time, the sage gave Zhijiu a wink, and Zhijiu blew a whistle. Hearing this whistle, Little K immediately ran over.

Seeing Little K's actions, all three of Yusuke looked over, and the sage smiled and said: "The matter is settled, let's go first."

Yui and Rie were a little annoyed, "You just left like this?"

"What's the matter? Do you want to go back on the appointment just now?"

The sage also put away his smile at this time, his eyes full of unkindness.

Yusuke stretched out his palm, stopped Yui and Rie, and said calmly, "Okay, that's it."

Sage nodded, not caring about Yusuke's reaction, greeted Zhiku, and left with a cat and a dog.

Until their figures disappeared, Yuyi said angrily: "These guys are too deceitful!"

Rie's expression was not very good either, it was the first time she saw such a shameless person.

Yusuke's tone was very calm, and he said: "Don't be angry, if you get angry, you will be the one who suffers."

"To deal with these shameless people, it is even more shameless than them"

Yui and Rie looked over curiously, and Yusuke stretched out his arm.

"Boss Crow"

The figure of Crow Boss flew down from the sky and stood on Yusuke's arm.

In an instant, Yui suddenly realized that everything was clear, while Rie looked puzzled.

Yui explained, and Rie was shocked!
There is such an operation!Hit your opponents with animals!
"Boss Crow, do you remember the appearance of those two people just now?"

Crow boss nodded.

"Wow wow wow wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wow

"Then there's no need to do this, it's disgusting and disgusting to them"

Yusuke suddenly remembered the huge crow he had seen in Okinawa. Its method was also good, so he told the crow boss about this method, and the crow boss's eyes lit up instantly. This is a good way!
One person and one crow discussed it, and soon, the crow boss flapped his wings and flew into the sky.

"Whoah (wait for my good news!)"

(End of this chapter)

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