Chapter 250

This matter can be resolved by the crow boss, but the four seasons and five seasons are frightened, and Yusuke has to comfort them.

With Yusuke's own affinity, Four Seasons and Five Seasons soon cheered up and started playing in the woods again, but this time Yusuke didn't dare to let them go far, and could only move within sight.

At this time, Yusuke noticed that Rie's spirit was a little shaken, and asked, "Rie, what's wrong with you?"

Yui could also see it, Rie shook her head, "It's nothing"

After pondering for a while, he continued, "I just feel that you, Yusuke, are a little different."

Yusuke smiled, "I'm no different, I'm still me, maybe you've been hit too hard."

Seeing Rie like this, Yusuke decided to enlighten the two of them as well, and the three of them sat together.

Yusuke asked, "Yuyi, Rie, if someone bullies you, how would you choose?"

"Revenge back!" Yui said seriously, and Rie also nodded.

"There is no doubt that there is revenge for revenge, and revenge for injustice. However, many things in this world cannot be solved with a simple sentence. In many cases, there is no correct solution. For example, today's things, the worst The result is that we fight, but is this a good result? If the other party is injured and calls the police, we will be in trouble. If it is just a verbal argument, then the other party has nothing to lose at all, and we are still angry. If we choose to call the police, do you think it will be effective?"

"The police won't accept it." Rie shook her head, she understood what Yusuke meant.

Yui has been with Yusuke for a long time, and seeing Yusuke's way of doing things, her three views have also been affected.

But Rie is different, she spends less time with Yusuke, usually in school, her life experience is definitely not comparable to that of those people in society.

Although she has great potential, she is still very young at the moment.

"The world is not black and white. There are still some gray areas. There are some things that cannot be covered by the law. So what should we do?"

"Accept your fate obediently? Impossible!"

"We have to use our own means, within the bounds of morality, we have to defend our own rights"

"However, this is also a double-edged sword. We have to adjust the scale, if it goes too far, it is against the law."

Yusuke described his own ideas, and at the same time gave the most powerful example, themselves.

They all miscalculated their abilities, Yusuke is a big blogger with millions of fans, the power of fans is not to be underestimated, especially in island countries, the actions of crazy fans are immeasurable, if they Incitement, this is a powerful force of violence.

Yui and Rie suddenly realized that they had such ability unconsciously.If they are really shameless and can pull down their morals to incite those fans, they will indeed be able to control the wind and rain on the Internet.

Spread a rumor and break a leg.

Cyber ​​violence, like a violent storm, will destroy everything about a person.

No wonder the attitudes of Xianren and Zhijiu changed so suddenly. They made wealth on the Internet, but the Internet can also destroy their lives.

Looking at the two who were thinking, Yusuke decided to let them digest it.

At this time, he beckoned, and Siji and Wuji, who were running on the branches, saw it and ran over immediately.

It's time to discuss with them whether to stay or not.

"Four Seasons, Fifth Committee, are you two willing to stay and be my partners?"

Yusuke looked at the two squirrels seriously, and the two squirrels were standing on his palm. Hearing this question, he froze for a moment.

Five seasons looked at the four seasons. It has always been dominated by the four seasons. The four seasons pondered for a while, and then nodded.

The time spent together was indeed very happy, and it didn't want to be separated from Yusuke.

Yusuke smiled when he heard the words, and the four seasons and five seasons officially joined the big family.

Yusuke summoned all the animals and announced the matter.

The kittens all nodded, and Xiao Hei said at this time: "Meow meow meow meow (don't worry, we will cover you in the future, if anyone bullies you, tell us, we will help you out!)"

Four seasons and five seasons couldn't understand what it said, Yusuke explained it, Siji and five seasons suddenly realized, and then bowed to Xiao Hei Natou.

Xiao Hei raised his chin triumphantly, and accepted two younger brothers.

After playing around for a day, a group of people finally wanted to go back. Walking on the road, Yusuke said: "Four Seasons and Five Seasons don't live on the 4th floor now, let's move to the 3rd floor to be with the kittens. On the one hand, it's for our convenience, On the one hand, we have to train the courage of the four seasons and five seasons to prepare for the next filming.”

Both Yui and Rie nodded, expressing that they had no objections.

Yusuke gave the kittens another order to make sure everything was safe, and then moved the four seasons and their residences to the studio on the third floor.

After changing to a new place, the four seasons and five seasons were a little nervous, but they also knew that the kittens were not malicious, so they also started to try to act at this time.

After the three of Yusuke packed up their things, they were ready to go home.

"Xiao Huang, I'll leave this to you," Yusuke said to Xiao Huang.

Xiao Huang nodded, Xiao Hei wanted to go home with Yusuke, so he was the No. 2 boss here, not only to manage his subordinates, but also to ensure the safety of the studio.

Walking on the road, Yusuke said at this time: "Let's go eat something first."

Both nodded. After a busy day, they were also a little hungry.

They found a coffee shop, and the three of them ordered some desserts, then sat there and chatted.

"You two don't have much to do next time."

Yusuke asked, and both shook their heads.

"The next thing is to work on the studio, do you have any new ideas?" Yuyi asked at this time: "Do you want to add a new series?"

"Not really, it's just that I'm going to Kyoto at the end of the month"

As soon as the words fell, two strange eyes looked over.

"You bastard! You just came back from a sleepover, and now you're going to travel again. Do you have the heart to work?"

Yui gritted her teeth and glared at Yusuke viciously, even Rie was a little dissatisfied.

Yusuke was a little embarrassed, this practice was really like throwing his hands away from the shopkeeper, he also felt sorry, so he explained the matter again.

"I'm sorry, I'll make it up to you then"

Yusuke put his hands together and begged.

"I have an idea." You Yi turned her anger into a smile this time, "Let's go to Kyoto too."

Yusuke froze for a moment, thinking for a while.

"It's not impossible, it's just that bringing two girls home suddenly, this development is a bit fast. But it doesn't matter, I will bear it with all my strength, are you mentally prepared?"

"What mental preparation?"

Yui and Rie were taken aback for a moment.

The three of them glanced at each other, and the next moment, the two girls thought of something, and their faces flushed quickly.

"You think beautiful!"

The two stared at Yusuke through gritted teeth, and Yusuke smiled awkwardly.

(End of this chapter)

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