Chapter 251 251. Asking for Help
"Guests, your desserts"

The waiter brought up the dessert, interrupting the weird atmosphere of the scene.

The three of them ate with their heads down, did not speak, occasionally met their eyes, and the faces of the two girls blushed.

Delicious food!
Yusuke threw away the strange thoughts in his mind and straightened his face.

"Yuyi, you said just now that you are going to Kyoto, are you going to travel?"

As the topic was changed, the atmosphere finally became less awkward.

Yui nodded, "Rie and I traveled to Kyoto together, and then we met there, just like we went to participate in the Yulong Banner competition before."

"What about the kittens?"

"Take it there and shoot over there"

Yui looked at Rie at this moment and asked, "Rie, what do you think?"

Rie thought for a while and said, "I should be fine."

Yusuke pondered for a moment, this method is very feasible, and every time he runs to play alone, it is unreasonable to leave the two of them behind.

"Okay, but you have to discuss it with your family."

"of course"

The three of them chatted about some things again, and the atmosphere finally became less weird.

After saying goodbye to Rie at the station, Yusuke and Yui headed home.

There were only two people left, and the atmosphere became strange again.

Both of them were quiet and did not make a sound. At this time, there was no warm atmosphere as usual, but the atmosphere was a bit weird.

Everything stems from what Yusuke said just now.

Yusuke felt a little uncomfortable, and was about to speak out to break the deadlock, when a crow's voice came from the sky.

The two raised their heads, and a huge crow descended from the sky, it was the boss of the crow.

Yusuke stretched out his arm, and the crow boss stood on his arm, and shouted anxiously: "Wow (Yongsuke, something happened!)"

Yusuke's expression became serious in an instant, Crow Boss and the others went to deal with the two of them today, did something happen?
Crow boss shouted anxiously: "Wow wow wow wow (Yongsuke, a wild boar broke into our lair, ran amok there, and messed up our place)"

Wild boar?

Yusuke was stunned for a moment, and it took another two or three seconds to realize that it was a wild boar!


Wild boar?

A wild boar broke into the Yaboda and their lair and wreaked havoc there. Yaboda and the others were no opponents, so they had to come to ask for help.

Am I going to end up fighting a wild boar?
Yusuke had a toothache, this is too difficult!

Yuyi looked over curiously, and Yusuke explained the matter. Yuyi was very surprised, and did not expect such a thing to happen.

"Call the police!" Yui said seriously: "You can't solve it with Yusuke alone."

She was afraid that Yusuke would volunteer, so she ran over to deal with the wild boar alone.

That's a wild boar!But a ferocious animal that can fight tigers and bears!
Yusuke nodded, he's not that stupid, a wild boar would take more than a dozen policemen to deal with, and he's not superman.

But now there is another problem. The crow's lair cannot be known to others. Once the police are called, the crow's lair will be exposed.

Yusuke has seen how much the crows attach importance to their nests, and Yusuke once assured the crow boss that they will not reveal their nests to others, which is another problem.

Yusuke pondered for a while, Yui looked at him nervously, and Crow Boss also looked at him anxiously.

Yusuke said: "Boss Crow, I know what happened, but it's too dark now, I can't act, I have to do it tomorrow, and I have to prepare some tools"

Yui was very anxious and wanted to speak, but was stopped by Yusuke's hand.

The boss of the crow pondered for a moment, then nodded. He also knew that he couldn't solve the problem in a hurry, and the sky was too dark, so he didn't have any advantage at all.

"Boss Crow, you should go back first, let the little brothers pay attention to the actions of the wild boar, don't let it run away"

Yong Jie reminded, the crow boss nodded, flapped his wings and flew into the sky.

Seeing that the crow boss flew away, Yuyi said anxiously: "Yongsuke, don't you want to solve this problem alone? Don't be too stupid, that's a wild boar! You alone can solve this problem by yourself. Power can't solve it, I disagree!"

At the end, Yui's tone was very serious.

Yusuke nodded and comforted: "Don't worry, I'm not stupid, I will find someone to deal with it"

After hearing this sentence, Yuyi was relieved, "Then who do you want to ask for help?"

"Let me consult someone first"

"Who is it?"

"Left Hand Kawanaru"

Yusuke called Kawanaru, the left hand, and the call was connected quickly.

"Hello, Police Officer Zuo Shouchuan"

"What a rare visitor. I didn't expect you, Yusuke, to call me. What's the matter, do you want to ask me out for dinner?" Kawanaru left hand said jokingly.

"I will wait for the next time to invite you to dinner. I have something to ask."

"What's going on?"

Hearing Yusuke's tone, Kawanaru, the left hand, also became serious.

"I want to ask, if there are wild boars, how do you deal with them?"

"Has a wild boar appeared?" Kawanaru's tone on the left hand was a little nervous, "Where is it?"

"in the suburbs"

"That can't be helped, unless it appears in the city, or wild boars in the suburbs, we police won't take care of them."

"Is there no other way?"

"Of course, you can ask the hunter for help, as long as the hunter kills the wild boar."


Yusuke almost forgot that there is such a job as a hunter.

"Then how do I contact the hunter?"

"Why, do you want to hunt wild boars?"

"Yes, my friend was attacked by a wild boar in the suburbs, and he wants revenge, so ask what can be done"

"That friend can't be you, friend out of thin air? I understand," Zuo Kawana said with a smile.

Yusuke didn't bother to explain, "Then do you have the hunter's contact information here?"

"Of course, but how much commission are you going to pay?"

"I don't know how much the hunter's appearance fee is?"

"Okay, I'll give you a friendly price, I'll sell it myself, [-]"

Yusuke was stunned for a moment, and immediately realized.

"Officer Zuo Shouchuan, are you also a hunter?"

"Of course, I'm a hunter too," the left hand Kawanaru's tone was full of complacency.

"Do you have any reliable friends?"

"What do you mean by that sentence!"

Left-handed Kawana stayed on the phone and roared, even Yui who was standing next to him heard it.

The left-handed Kawanaru has a baby face and is petite. Yusuke can't imagine such a petite left-handed Kawanaru hunting with a shotgun!

"Hmph! Let me tell you, I have won prizes for hunting skills!"

Yusuke pondered for a while, then spoke.

"Then I'm going to trouble Officer Zuo Shouchuan with this matter."

"No problem, what time and place?"

"Tomorrow, we will meet at the station"

"It's just right. I'll rest tomorrow, so that's it. I haven't gone hunting for a long time. I'm so excited!"

After hanging up the phone, Yui next to him looked over nervously, and Yusuke told the story.

Yuyi was stunned, police officer Zuo Shouchuan was a hunter?
Thinking of her petite appearance, it is really unimaginable!

(End of this chapter)

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