Chapter 252 252. Hunter
"Yusuke, I'll go with you tomorrow."

Yui said seriously at this time, Yusuke shook his head, "No, it's too dangerous!"

To be honest, Yusuke was a little confused when he encountered such a magical thing for the first time. Hunting is beyond his ability!

But that was the request of the boss of the crow, and the boss of the crow usually helped a lot, so he couldn't let it feel cold, so Yusuke had to think of a way.

Although the left-handed Kawanaru, a hunter, joined, Yusuke always felt uneasy, and directly refused Yui's request.

Seeing Yusuke's eyes, Yui knew Yusuke's determination, so she no longer forced herself, and said worriedly: "Then be careful."

"Don't worry, Zuo Shouchuan is a policeman, you have to trust her"


Yui nodded, that police uniform still had some credibility.

Even so, when Yusuke returned home, he immediately looked up relevant information. This was a dangerous task, and he couldn't be too careful.

But Yusuke also had a trace of excitement in his heart.

Males like exciting things, especially hunting activities, Yusuke's mood is inevitably a little excited.

There are many things that need to be prepared for real hunting, such as clothing, tools, and physical condition. There are many requirements in all aspects.

Yusuke's physical fitness is fine, but the tools need to be prepared, and the wild boar needs to be lured out of the shrine. At the same time, the secrets of the crows should not be known to others, so it needs to be well planned.

Yusuke took out a pen and started to make a plan, the general direction: the crows lead the wild boars out of the shrine, and Yusuke and the others are responsible for hunting.But we still need to think about the specific details, Yusuke began to search the Internet for relevant information.

At Miyajima's house, Yui was still a little nervous, after thinking for a long time, she decided to call Rie.

Rie was very surprised after knowing this, Yusuke is going to hunt wild boars?The development of things is too magical!
After Yuyi explained, Rie understood, after all, the crow boss is also their important partner, and they can't sit idly by.

"At this time, we have to trust Yusuke!" Rie said on the phone: "We just support him silently behind the scenes."

Yuyi nodded, and she also understood that they would only hinder her if they followed, but this worry made her very irritable.

Rie comforted her a few words, and Yui's mood improved a bit.

Yui thought for a moment, picked up her phone and sent Yusuke a message.

"Be careful tomorrow"

Yusuke was making a plan, saw the phone light up, took it over and saw the message, he could not help showing a smile on his face.

"Don't worry, it's fine, just wait for the wild boar."

"I don't eat wild boar."

"Don't worry, I will take you with me when I learn how to hunt."

"Okay, that's what you said, so it's an agreement"

"That's the deal"

After finishing the chat with Yui, Yusuke went out with the notes he had made. These tools had to be ready today.

"Yusuke, are you going out?" Miwa stood at the door of the kitchen and asked, "It's almost time to eat."

"I'm going to do some shopping, just keep my food"

"Okay then, come back early and be careful on the road."

Miwa warned, Yusuke nodded and went out.

There were a lot of things to buy, Yusuke ran several shopping streets in a row, and finally got all these things together.

Holding the big and small bags, Yusuke was ready to go home.


A girl's voice came from behind, Yusuke turned around, and in front of him was the figure of Seiko.

Shengzi was wearing a white martial arts uniform, and he was carrying something in the shape of a cylinder on his back. His long black hair was tied into a ponytail, hanging behind his head, and he looked very heroic.

"It turned out to be the Holy Son, why are you here?"

Yusuke walked over and greeted her.

"I just went archery and now I'm going home"


Yusuke was a little surprised, why does it feel like Seiko is living in the Warring States Period, and there are still people who shoot arrows?

However, Shengzi's behavior is very in line with her temperament, she is indeed a classical beauty.

"What about you, Yusuke?"

"I'm going to buy some tools and prepare to go hunting"


The way Seiko looked at Yusuke was the same as the way Yusuke looked at her. This guy doesn't look like a modern person at all!
"Where to go hunting?"

"My friend met a wild boar in the suburbs, and we are going to clean it up tomorrow"

"Wild boar!" Shengzi's eyes became serious, "This is a powerful prey, you have to be careful."

"Don't worry, my friend is a hunter"

"How about I go with you tomorrow?" Shengzi thought for a while and said excitedly.

This was the first time Shengzi had encountered hunting such a thing, especially when it was a wild boar. This kind of opponent made her a little excited.

The character of Shengzi is actually somewhat similar to that of the straight man of steel, both of whom pursue strength and excitement.

Yusuke wanted to refuse, but after thinking about it for a while, Seiko's martial arts skills are so strong, it would be nice to have another powerful partner, so he nodded.

"Okay, let's go together tomorrow"

"Okay" Shengzi nodded excitedly, this summer vacation was really interesting.

"Then we're going to buy another protective suit now."

Since the Holy Son is going to participate, there must be an extra set of tools.

The Holy Son nodded, and the two turned their directions and set off in the direction of the shopping street.

"By the way, when will you come to the dojo to practice?"

Yusuke's training has not yet been completed, and he wasted some time when he went to the camp, and now he has to continue his training.

"Solve this matter and let it go, and then I will trouble you again"

"It doesn't matter, I am also very happy that someone is practicing duel with me." Shengzi replied seriously. Before Yusuke appeared, she was invincible all over the world, and no one asked her to fight with her heart.

It's not that there are no masters, but those masters are older than her and have higher status than her. If they win, they will be said to be bullied by the big, and it will be even more embarrassing if they lose, so Shengzi is quite lonely a feeling of.

"My father asked if you are interested in becoming his disciple." The Son asked at this moment.

Yusuke pondered for a moment. Before, Yusuke thought that kendo was just an action of swinging swords at each other, which was nothing special. However, the study for a while has also changed him greatly. It is not easy for everything to be passed down to the present.

During the recent training at Seiko's house, Sasaki Toru has appeared several times, and also guided him several times. He has an easy-going personality, and he is not stingy with Yusuke's guidance. Yusuke has benefited a lot, and the two get along well. .

Of course, Sasaki Kotoru also intends to accept apprentices, so he is not stingy with guidance. Yusuke's qualifications are good, and he is happy to see him, and Yusuke has a very good impression of Sasaki Kotoru. Learned a lot from it.

"After this incident, I will formally pay a visit," Yusuke said seriously.

The Son nodded, with a smile on his face.

"That's great, from now on we will be brothers and sisters of the same sect"

"Then please teach me more, Senior Sister"

"Good talk good talk"

The two talked and laughed and disappeared into the crowd.

(End of this chapter)

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