Chapter 257 257. Running
After a morning of practice, Yusuke was so tired that he was sweating profusely. He hadn't been so tired for a long time. Since his combat power doubled, he could cope with everything with ease, but the morning practice made him feel tired again.

Sasaki Torutsu is indeed a great swordsman, every time he guides, he can suppress Yusuke to the limit, but it will not hurt his fundamentals.

Yusuke has made great progress, but such obvious progress is all due to sweat.

"Let's stop here for today," Hu Che said.

"Thank you, master." Yusuke nodded respectfully, and Seiko and Torajiro, who were also sweating profusely beside him, also nodded. Although they are family members, there must be rules. This is Toru's rule, and there are no fathers and sons on the battlefield.

"Then I'll go back first." Yusuke said at this time, he was sweating profusely, his clothes were wet, and he was a little uncomfortable to wear, and he was going home to take a shower.

"Don't worry about it, just eat here." Hu Che said with a smile, "Holy Son, go get some clean clothes."

The Son nodded and left quickly.

"This one……"

Yusuke felt a little embarrassed, and Kotoru waved his hand.

"It doesn't matter, since you have worshiped me as a teacher, we are all a family, so we will make such a decision in the future, just eat at our house."

"That's troublesome"

Yusuke nodded, not bothering about these things anymore.

The Son brought the clothes.

"Yusuke, this is the new martial arts uniform"

"Thank you"

What Seiko brought over was a set of white martial arts uniforms. After taking a shower and putting on new clothes, Yusuke's whole aura was different.

Shengzi's eyes lit up, and it was really suitable.

Wearing this kind of martial arts uniform, Yusuke immediately changed his spirit, just like the ancient practitioners.

Yusuke's new image has also been unanimously praised by the Sasaki family.

"Eat more." Mikoto put a bowl of rice in front of Yusuke.

"Excuse me." Yusuke nodded.

"Don't be so polite." Miqin said with a smile, "Just treat it as your own home."

The Sasaki family sat together, the atmosphere was exactly the same as when Yusuke was at home, and Yusuke couldn't help but relax, but the Sasaki family really treated him very well.

After lunch, Yusuke left. Everyone still had their own affairs. Hotoru had to go back to the gym, and Yusuke had to go back to the studio. Hotoru also supported Yusuke's career. It is a good thing for young people to be motivated.

When Yusuke came back wearing a martial arts uniform, Yui and Rie were a little surprised.

After Yusuke explained, the two suddenly realized.

"I didn't expect Yusuke to become the disciple of the great swordsman?" Rie said with emotion.

"Great Swordsman?"

Yui looked at her strangely, and Rie looked at her strangely

"Yuyi, don't you know? Sasaki Toru is the great swordsman of the present age, the closest existence to a sword master!"

The last time I went to watch the Jade Dragon Banner match, Rie also learned some information about kendo, and then knew the names of several contemporary great swordsmen. She knows the reputation of Sasaki Kotoru best because he is the father of Sasaki Seiko.

Seeing Yui's confused look, Rie was a little surprised.

Uncle Sasaki is a great swordsman?
Yuyi thought of that uncle, it was really unbelievable!
It's normal for Yui to have this kind of reaction. Yusuke didn't know it before. When he first met Seiko's father, he thought he was just an ordinary uncle. Later, he found out that he was such a famous swordsman.

Kendo is very famous, but few people know about the real famous masters.

The two were a little curious about the process of Yusuke's apprenticeship. After learning about it, they didn't pay too much attention. Boys like violent sports, which is normal.

Let's get to work!

Practice in the morning, work in the afternoon, and return home in the evening. You can relax. This life is very fulfilling.


"Yusuke, you bastard! It's been so long since I've been back, and I haven't even made a phone call!"

On the phone, Sakurai Norio roared angrily.

Only then did Yusuke remember that he hadn't responded to a single message after being back for so long, and he was a little embarrassed. There were too many things these days, one after another, and he had forgotten them all.

"I'm sorry, I've been too busy recently. How are you doing? How is your life?"

"Are you going to ask this?" Ji Xiong said a little angrily, this Yusuke has been back for so long, and he didn't even make a phone call, this guy is too heartless!
"Sorry, I've been too busy with work recently, I'm dizzy"

"Your job is to shoot those sand sculpture videos, aren't those videos very simple? What kind of work is there!"

"Those are just the work of the club, I still have my own work"

Yusuke then talked about his work as a video blogger, and Ji Xiong was a little surprised.

"I didn't expect you to be so smart!"

"You're saying I'm an idiot"

"Isn't it? Don't even call this beautiful girl!"

"Anyone claiming to be a beautiful girl?"

"Is not it?"

"Okay, you're a beautiful girl"

"You guys can finally speak human words"

The two talked nonsense for a while, and the atmosphere became harmonious again.

However, both of them subconsciously talked about the conversation at the airport, and both sides had a tacit understanding. Once that topic was mentioned, their relationship became different.

"What's the name of your YouTube account?"

"Animal Expert Misawa-kun"

"I'll take a look at the video you took, you guys must remember to keep in touch."

"All right"

"Why, are you wronged?"

"No, I'm happy"

"That's about it"

After hanging up the phone, Yongsuke fell into deep thought. He found that his attitude towards Ji Xiong seemed to have changed.

Ji Xiong's last confession had some influence on him, Ji Xiong's figure appeared in his mind, but soon turned into Yui, then into Rie, then into Jessica, and finally turned into San son, and then...

What am I thinking!
Yusuke was taken aback.

Yusuke took a deep breath, trying to calm down, but he was inexplicably irritable and restless.

To be honest, it's a lie that Yusuke doesn't like them, but with so many beautiful girls, it's hard for Yusuke to choose...

Of course, it may also be that I have excess self-awareness and think too much.

Forget it, go out for a run, sober up.

Yusuke changed his clothes, put on his sneakers, and went out for a night run.

After running several kilometers in a row, even with Yusuke's physical strength, he didn't even catch his breath.

After running, Yusuke's brain finally cleared up a bit.

Forget it, let it be.

It was also very late, so Yusuke ran towards home.

"Grab something!"

A scream suddenly came from the crowd next to him, Yusuke turned his head, and saw a figure rushing forward with a bag in his arms, while the woman who was robbed collapsed on the ground in fright.

The man's movements were fast, and before the people around him couldn't react, he had already run more than ten meters away.

The atmosphere of the island country is not very good.

Yusuke accelerated and rushed up immediately.

Yusuke's speed was extremely fast, he stared closely at the running figure in front of him, and soon caught up.

The one who snatched the bag was a young man. He turned his head and saw a big foot in front of his eyes.

Yusuke jumped up high and stepped on his face directly with one foot.

This kick directly sent him flying five or six meters away. If it wasn't for the courage to control some strength, he would have flown at least a dozen meters.

The bag in the young man's hand flew into the sky, Yusuke reached out and grabbed it, and it fell to the ground smoothly.

Yusuke ran over and stepped on his back to prevent him from getting violent. At the same time, he picked up his mobile phone and immediately called the police.

(End of this chapter)

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