Chapter 258 258. Certificate of Merit
From the youth snatching the bag to Yusuke's attack, this series of incidents happened very quickly. Before the passers-by around could react, the robber was already laid down by Yusuke.

Only then did the passers-by around let out a cry of surprise, and took out their mobile phones to take pictures one by one. Watching is the crowd's favorite pleasure.

Yusuke has already called the police, and the young man who was blown away also reacted at this time, struggling to stand up, but Yusuke's strength was great, stepping on his back, he moved as if being trampled by an elephant no.

"Let go, you bastard! Otherwise, I'll make you look good!" The young man lying on the ground said viciously.

Yusuke didn't care about his threat, he stepped hard, and the man on the ground suddenly cried out in pain.

"Release quickly, I'm going to die! I... I can't breathe!"

The young man looked in pain, his eyes were ferocious, and he looked like he would die at any moment.

But Yusuke knows that these are all staged, and he is very measured in his actions, and he can't kill anyone.

At this time, the woman who was robbed also walked over from the crowd, saw the young man who was pushed to the ground and Yusuke standing on him, and quickly reacted.

The woman bowed to Yusuke: "Thank you!"

Her voice was full of gratitude, and Yusuke nodded, returning the bag in his hand.

"Check and see if anything is missing"|
The woman examined it carefully and nodded.

“Everything is here, thanks a lot”

"Let's wait here for a while, the police have already arrived, and then we will testify together"

The woman nodded, and after a while, several policemen came over.

The matter is very simple, the young man attempted to rob, and there were all the witnesses and material evidence, so he was arrested on the spot.

The police directly grabbed the young man and got into the car. The policeman who handled the case treated Yusuke very politely. He single-handedly took down the robber. This is a brave man.

Both Yusuke and the woman had to go to the police station to record statements. When the police found out that Yusuke was still a minor, they were surprised.

"Young people today are amazing!"

The policeman handling the case was a young man, wearing glasses, with a gentle look, at this moment he smiled and said:

"Student Misawa, your contribution will not be buried, we will issue a certificate to your school"

This is a great achievement, at least one good citizen award is available, and the other party is a student, so it is even more worthy of the award.

The police station will issue a certificate of merit to the school, and will also publicize this matter to the media. After all, this is an excellent topic and will help improve the social atmosphere. Whether it is political or media, it is worth promoting .

The policeman who handled the case decided to send Yongsuke home in person, and at the same time announced the incident to his family.

For the kindness of others, Yusuke would never refuse, so he nodded.

But the woman who was traveling with her couldn't leave yet. Seeing that Yusuke was about to leave, she panickedly took out a business card and handed it to Yusuke.

"Thank you, here is my business card, I will repay you later"

Yusuke took the business card and glanced at it.

Hirano Nanako

This business card only has her name and phone number, but no job title, which is very strange.

Yusuke didn't care, he stuffed it into his pocket and followed the police back.

Seeing Yusuke and the police appeared together, the family members were very surprised. After hearing the police's explanation, the parents were both nervous and excited.

The policeman who handled the case did not expect that Yusuke's father was also a civil servant, and his attitude became more enthusiastic at this time. The two chatted a lot, and the policeman praised Yusuke severely.

"There is definitely a good citizen award, and I invite you to come and watch the ceremony."

The young policeman said with a smile, and Kazuya nodded with a smile.

"Good job!" my father praised after the police left.

"But next time, don't be so impulsive."

Meihe said nervously: "It's a good thing to be brave, but you have to do what you can."

"I know, I won't do things I'm not sure about"

Hearing Yusuke's assurance, Miwa nodded, but couldn't help admonishing her a few more times, she didn't have much expectation, she only hoped that her son would be safe and sound.

The father next to him smiled, but didn't make a sound. He and Meihe also had the same point of view, but it's fine to know some things in your heart.

The next day, the police station sent a certificate of merit, and media reporters came to interview him.

The reporter thought this was just an ordinary interview, but when he saw the image of Yusuke, his eyes lit up immediately. The image of Yusuke is really good. With this matter, there must be a great topic. human intuition.

If it's just an ordinary act of righteousness, everyone may forget it after a second glance, but if the protagonist is a handsome guy, and he's still an underage student, then it's very topical.

The reporter asked a lot of questions, and Yusuke felt as if he wanted to gossip about everything about him.

Yusuke's answer was quite satisfactory, which disappointed the reporter, but Miwa's speech made him gain a lot.

As a mother, her son was very happy when she received the award, and she talked too much when she was happy, and she also revealed that Yusuke had won the Yulong Banner competition and broke the record at the same time.

The reporter carefully noted that the champion of the Yulong Banner competition broke the record, which is really great, and now the topic comes.

Watching the reporter leave contentedly, Yusuke always felt a little weird, as if he missed something important.

On the second day, as soon as the newspaper came out, everyone knew about it.

Seeing the report in the newspaper, Yusuke almost vomited blood. He had forgotten the pissing nature of the Japanese media.

What is the destroying dragon of the empire, the fierce tiger of the empire, when I heard this name, I didn't know the details and thought that the monster had landed in Japan.

And Yusuke's name is even more powerful!

The man who saved Japan, the brave man of the new century!
This is full of passion in the second wind.

It's just a one-time act of righteousness, is it that exaggerated!
Looking at those reports, Yusuke wondered if the person involved is himself, why the protagonist is so secondary!

However, the parents were very happy. Meihe even specially cut out the newspaper, framed it, and decorated it in the living room, and put it together with the previous 45 people's awards for daring to fight.

Now he has the capital to show off again.

There were also people from the school. Although it was summer vacation, the homeroom teacher, Noya Mishima, and the principal, who had never met before, visited their home together. Both of them had smiles on their faces and greeted them cordially. At the opening ceremony, praise Yusuke in front of the whole school.

Students at the school have received the Good Citizen Award, sure to get a lot of hype.

Because of this incident, Yusuke also felt some changes in his surroundings. Neighbors who usually didn't say hello would smile when they saw him, and merchants who often went to buy pet food would give him some discounts.

After Hu Che knew about this, he laughed and praised him a lot. Shengzi also praised him very much. He is indeed the man she admires.

And Yui and Rie looked at Yusuke with more admiration in their eyes, which made Yusuke a little smug.

It seems that a good reputation is also useful.

(End of this chapter)

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