Chapter 259 259. Heading to Kyoto
"I've been waiting for a long time, I shouldn't be late."

Yusuke looked at the girls sitting in front of the table, and then checked the time to make sure that he was not late, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

Today is the day when the club gathers, and the place is at a nearby family restaurant. When Yusuke came here, other people were already waiting here.

"We've just arrived here too," Rika replied with a smile.

"Yusuke, we all know!"

Yui said excitedly: "We all read the newspaper, you are so amazing!"

Yusuke smiled, this report said whether it was big or small, basically everyone who knew him knew it.

This time the certificate brought him a lot of good things.

"Yusuke, you did a good job!" Eri nodded appreciatively, and added a sentence at the end.

“Worthy of being our member”

"Okay." Yusuke stopped everyone's compliments and said, "Let's talk about the business now."

Yusuke took out a USB flash drive.

"This is the edited theatrical version, let's find a place to watch it"

The girls all nodded, and found an Internet cafe nearby, and a group of people gathered around to watch.

Internet cafes in Japan are very distinctive. There are sofas and beds, everything you need, just like a small hotel.

Eri turned off the light, and the room was instantly pitch black.

"I said, is it necessary to do this every time?" Yusuke complained wordlessly.

"That's the atmosphere, okay, don't talk, the movie has started"

A group of people sat together, staring at the small screen in front of them.

The movie started, still in the familiar sand sculpture style. Although the dialogue is very sand sculpture and the content is speechless, the main line of the story is still clear, and the cool fighting is also very distinctive. If you don’t watch it with your brain, this is still a cool movie. piece.

After watching the movie, Yusuke turned on the light, and the room brightened up again.

Eri nodded seriously, and said, "Very good, it seems that we have made great progress."

The girls also felt the same, but Yusuke had a calm face, anyway, the mother doesn't think her son is ugly.

"We have achieved a phased success, and we need to make persistent efforts," Eri said while clenching her fists.

"Are you going to make a movie again?" Yuyi looked over.

At this time, Shengzi's eyes lit up, and he said excitedly: "It's also possible to make another movie version."

"Too much." Li Xiang said at this time: "The theater version is usually released once a year."

"It's true." The Son was a little disappointed.

"Then what are we going to do next?" Yui asked, and Yusuke raised his hand at this moment, and everyone looked over.

"I have a family gathering at the end of this month, and I have to go to Kyoto, so I can't participate in club activities"

Lixiang also raised her hand at this time, "I have something to do too. I'm going to participate in the piano competition in a few days, and I don't have time now."

Piano competition?

It was only then that everyone remembered that Rika still had to study piano at the same time, and summer vacation was the time for various competitions.

"Oh okay……"

Eri thought for a while, and there were only five people in the club, two of them were absent, and there was no way for the three of them to carry out activities.

"Forget it, let's arrange things separately for a while, and act together after everyone's work is done."

Everyone nodded and it was decided.

Yusuke uploaded the edited theatrical version to Youtube, and then set the time for the previously shot videos to be uploaded regularly. They prepared a lot of videos before, enough to support the entire summer vacation.

The club’s YouTube account also has some fans. Some sand sculpture netizens just like to watch these sand sculpture videos, and the loyalty of these fans is quite high. Yusuke and the others also received some rewards, which is very surprising.

However, that's it. They shoot videos just for their own pleasure, not to please others. It doesn't matter whether they can make money or not.

this is Love!

Yusuke's life is very fulfilling. He practiced in the morning, worked in the afternoon, and rested in the evening. He was not in a hurry, and the time finally came to the end of the month, and it was time to leave for Kyoto.

"Yusuke, are you ready?" Miwa called downstairs.

"I'm coming down"

Yusuke replied, and at this time also sent a message to Yui and the others to let them know.

Yui and Rie had set off a day earlier, this time they didn't go with them, Yusuke went to a family reunion and brought two girls back, the family must have strange ideas.

Therefore, Yui and Rie set off alone, but it was troublesome for them to travel.

The last trip of the two was covered by a group of Yusuke, and the parents agreed, but now there are only two girls, the parents are not so relieved, and the law and order in Japan is not very good.

In the end, Rie found a way, under the banner of going to Kyoto to visit her sister, and the family agreed.

"You have a sister?" Yuyi asked curiously.

The two have already arrived in Kyoto. The style of Kyoto is completely different. There are many historical relics here. When they come here, they immediately feel a heavy sense of time.

"Yes, I have an older sister, she is at Kyoto University"

Yui was startled. Kyoto University is the second-ranked university in Japan. 10 Nobel Prize winners have been born here. It is the strongest university in Asia and the cradle of scientists.

Anyone who can get into this kind of university must be a top student, and Rie is also a top student. Is this a family inheritance?

"My sister is a junior at Kyoto University, and she hasn't been home for three years. She usually just keeps in touch with her by phone."

"Haven't been home for three years?"

Yuyi was a little surprised and asked, "Aren't you worried?"

"What are you worried about?" Rie said with a smile: "My sister is obsessed with academic research and basically stays in the laboratory all year round. If we didn't take the initiative to contact her, she wouldn't even return a call."

Yuyi was a little stunned, are all top scholars like this?Why is it like a dead house?
"I'm here this time, and I'll take a look at my sister by the way to make sure she's in good health and there's nothing wrong with it."

"Then did you tell your sister when you came to Kyoto?"

"I said, she let me go by myself, she said: such a big person should know the way"

This heart is big enough!

"Okay, let's go find your sister now."

The two took a pile of luggage and 5 kittens, and went to Lihui's sister's apartment.

These 5 kittens are Xiao Huang, Xiao Hui, Ah Yi, Ah Er, and Ah San. They followed Yuyi and the other two to Kyoto, and they stayed in the cage at this time, looking at the surrounding environment curiously.

When the two came to the apartment, Rie's older sister was not at home. Rie skillfully took out the key from her pocket and opened the door.

"Why do you have the key?" Yuyi was a little surprised.

"I told my sister before that I would come to visit her, and she sent me the key. Okay, let's go in."

The two entered the room, and were stunned by the scene before them.

The room is in a mess, clothes are scattered all over the floor, underwear can be seen everywhere, this is too messy!
(End of this chapter)

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