Chapter 260 260. Little Red Flag

Rie rubbed her head with some headaches, her sister didn't take care of herself again.

"Sorry for letting you see such a bad side." Rie said a little frustrated.

"It's okay, I understand," Youyi replied with a smile.

"Let's tidy up the room first."

"Yuyi, sit down first, I'll do it"

"No need, I'm going to stay here temporarily anyway, don't treat me like an outsider"

"Well then"

The two started, threw the dirty clothes into the washing machine, cleaned the room, and threw away the excess rubbish, while the kittens watched the two of them busy in the cage, Xiaohui asked at this time: "Meow meow meow ( Will we all live here in the future?)”

Xiao Huang patted its head.

"Meow meow meow (You pig head, didn't I tell you? We just came to play)"

"Meow (oh)"

Only now did Xiao Hui think of it, and nodded.

"Meow meow meow (but this room is really messy enough, I think it's better to live in the studio)"

"Meow meow (you just remember to sleep in the studio all day! Look at all that fat on you)"

Xiao Huang looked at it with disdain, instantly making Xiao Hui furious.

"Meow meow meow (where did I get the fat, look at my figure)"

Xiao Hui's body has indeed become thinner, and the recent diet has achieved obvious results, but compared to other partners, it is still chubby.

"Meow meow meow (I don't know how Black is doing? I want to be with Yusuke too)"

Ah Yi shouted at this moment, Ah Er Ah San nodded their heads in agreement.

"Meow meow meow (no way, Yusuke can't take care of them, we can only follow them)" Xiao Huang replied.

"Meow meow (then why four and five seasons they can!)"

Xiaohui shouted angrily: "Meow meow (first come, first served, that should be me)"

"Meow meow meow (go aside, it should be our turn)" Ah Yi and the three brothers shouted at this moment, and several kittens immediately quarreled.

Yui heard the cat meowing and looked over.

"Are they hungry?"

"It should be, they seem to have not eaten yet"

"Then give them some cat food first."

Yui poured some cat food, put it in the plate, and handed it to them.

"Eat it first, and let you out after the room is tidied up"

The kittens all gathered around, and they were indeed a little hungry.

Watching the kittens eating, Yui had a smile on her face.

Because they brought their pets, they couldn't stay in a hotel, so they temporarily stayed at Rie's sister's house.

It's just that Li Hui's sister's room is too messy, and after spending several hours, the two finally cleaned up the room.

Looking at the clean room, the two heaved a sigh of relief.

"My sister should be back soon, let's prepare dinner first."

"By the way, let's take the kittens out for a walk, they have been in the cage for a long time"

Yui released the kitten from the cage, and as soon as it got out of the cage, the kitten regained its vitality in an instant.

They were stray cats before. Although they got along well with humans these days, their free nature has not disappeared. They can stay in the cage for so long because of Yusuke's orders, otherwise they would have rioted long ago.

Although they came to an unfamiliar environment, the kittens were not unfamiliar at all, and soon started playing in the room.

At this moment Yui took out a small red flag from her backpack and waved it.

"Kittens, let's go together"

Seeing the little red flag, the kittens all gathered around, and quickly stood up in front of Yuyi and lined up.

"The method Yusuke came up with is really useful."

Yuyi said with emotion, this little red flag was given to her by Yusuke, and she was asked to control the kittens. As long as the kittens see the little red flag, they have to follow the little red flag. The result of our discussion.

Yui and Rie went out, with five kittens behind them, the kittens lined up, like soldiers, followed closely behind them, the appearance of a group of animals traveling attracted many people's attention, many little girls They all looked over curiously, wanting to pet the kittens, but Xiao Huang and the others didn't care about these little kids at all, and ran away immediately when they saw them stretching out their palms.

The kittens ran away, Yuyi had to wave the little red flag, and the kittens reappeared and lined up again. This obedient appearance surprised everyone.

"Hello, I would like to ask, how did you train?"

A passing woman asked in surprise, holding a cat in her hand, she was very surprised by Yuyi's behavior just now, this ability is too amazing.

"Sorry, I don't know about this." Yui shook her head, "This is just a method taught by my friend, and I don't know the principle."

"It's like this..." The woman was a little disappointed, "Can I ask your friend if he will accept help in training animals?"

"Well, I have to ask him, or you follow our Youtube account, send us an email, and we will reply to you at that time"

"What's your YouTube account?"

"Animal Expert Misawa-kun"

"So it's you!" The woman exclaimed in surprise, looking at Xiao Huang and them, she remembered, no wonder they looked so familiar, it turned out to be these star animals.

Yui and Rie were a little surprised. They didn't expect to meet a fan here. The woman was very enthusiastic, so they stood there and chatted for a while.

"Why didn't that Sanze-kun see it?"

The woman looked at the crowd, but did not see the protagonist Misawa-kun.

"Yusuke is busy with other things"

"In this way, please help me to ask Sanze-kun, can you help me train the kitten?"

"Okay, we'll get back to you when the time comes"

When meeting fans for the first time, Yui and Rie were also a little excited, and they also gave detailed answers to her questions, and both parties were very satisfied.

The woman left happily, and Rie said at this time: "Maybe we can start a new business."

Yusuke's mysterious ability is simply a bug, it is always good against animals, and training animals is also a good way.

"I think we should ask Yusuke first, I don't know what he thinks."

"makes sense"

The two bought a lot in the supermarket, and then went home with a bunch of things.

Before I got home, I saw the door was open.

"Sister should be back"

The two walked forward, and then they found a woman lying down in the entrance hall, and they were shocked.

"Sister, what's wrong with you?"

Rie rushed forward in an instant and helped the woman up.

The one who fell on the ground was Rie's older sister.

Rie's older sister has short, sassy hair. She looks a bit similar to Rie, and she is also a beauty. The difference is that she has thick dark circles on her face, which ruins this beauty.

"So it's Rie"

"Sister, what's wrong with you? Why did you fall here?" Rie asked anxiously.

At this time, there was a strange sound, it was the sound of hunger, coming from Li Hui's sister's stomach.

The scene fell silent...

(End of this chapter)

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