Chapter 261 261. Komiya Tachibana
"I'm hungry," the woman said aggrievedly.

Rie rubbed her head, for a moment, she really wanted to leave her alone, and finally sighed helplessly.

No way, who called her his sister.

"Wait a minute, I'll cook, it'll be ready in a while"

Rie helped the girl up, led her into the house, put her on the sofa, and took out the snacks she just bought.

"Eat some snacks to pad your stomach first"

When the woman saw the snacks, her eyes lit up instantly, and soon she started gobbling it up like a starving ghost.

Seeing Yui's surprised eyes, Rie felt very ashamed.

After eating the snacks, Rie's sister finally regained her spirits. At this time, she looked at the surrounding environment, and then turned her head sideways with a cute face.

"I'm already at home?"

Only then did she discover the existence of Yui and Rie, and asked with a smile, "Rie, you're here."

Rie sighed and said, "We've been here a long time ago, didn't you notice? By the way, I even cleaned the room for you."

Rie's older sister looked around the room, and suddenly realized.

"I said, how did it become so clean, it turned out to be my own room"

"Sister, are you stupid in reading?"

Rie felt that her sister must have been stupid in reading, why did she look more stupid than before.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Rie's sister said angrily: "I just forgot to eat lunch, and I was already too hungry when I realized it. Once a person is too hungry, his thinking ability will decline, and his reason will become confused. This is understandable”

Rie's older sister looked at Yui at this time, and said with a smile: "Are you Rie's friend? Hello, I'm Rie's older sister, Komiya Tachibana, welcome"

Her smile is very kind, similar to Rie's, the problem is that she has two heavy dark circles on her face, and her smile is a little uncoordinated.

"Hi, I'm Yui Miyajima, I'm sorry for disturbing you these days"

"It's okay, I'm sorry, I let you see how rude I was just now"

Komiya Tachibana finally regained her spirit, and her behavior returned to normal, not as silly as before, otherwise, Yui wondered how she got into Kyoto University.

"Are these cats your pets?" Tachibana said in surprise when she saw the cats moving around the room, "I didn't expect you to bring so many pets here."

"Didn't I tell you on the phone before, otherwise we wouldn't have come to bother you," Rie replied
"I thought you brought one or two cats, I didn't expect you to bring so many"

Tachibana also saw Hajime and the others at this time, they were three identical kittens, very cute, Tachibana's eyes lit up, and a knowing smile appeared on his face.

"Well, such a cute kitten is fine, I don't mind"

Tachibana waved to Hajime and the others at this moment, and said with a smile, "Come here, kitty."

Hajime and the others glanced at her, but ignored her.

Tachibana didn't care, smiled and withdrew his palm.

"This kitten has a personality, why don't these three kittens be given to me"

Rie shook her head, "These three kittens are our partners, and they won't be given away casually."

Rie told about the video blogger, and Tachibana suddenly realized.

"It turned out to be like this, it can't be helped."

"Okay, it's getting late, let's go to dinner"

Rie took the ingredients and walked towards the kitchen, Yui also went with her.

"Then trouble you." Tachibana smiled and waved from behind.

"Aren't you here to help?" Rie said angrily.

"I haven't started the kitchen for a long time, are you sure?"

"That's it"

Yui and Rie were busy in the kitchen, while Tachibana was playing with the kittens, or rather, she was being played by the kittens. She wanted to hug the kitten, but the kitten ignored her at all, as soon as she saw her coming Just run away immediately.

When Rie and Yui took out the food, Tachibana was already panting from exhaustion.

"Damn! These kittens don't even let me hug them."

"Forget it, they are not ordinary cats"

Rie came over with the cats' food, put it on the ground, waved the little red flag, and all the kittens surrounded her.

Tachibana's eyes lit up at this moment, as if the secret was in this little red flag.

"Can I have a look at that little red flag?"

Li Hui understood instantly, and didn't care, and handed the little red flag to her.

Tachibana waved the little red flag, but the cats ignored it, and Tachibana suddenly had some doubts.

"Strange, why don't they come over?"

That's for sure, the instruction given by Yusuke is only valid if Yui and Rie hold the little red flag, and it's useless for the others to hold the little red flag.

"Okay, stop waving, come over for dinner" Rie said at this moment, Tachibana put down the little red flag unwillingly, and came over for dinner.

Satisfied with wine and food, Tachibana showed a satisfied smile.

“Haven't had such a hot meal in a long time”

Rie raised her eyebrows.

"Haven't eaten for a long time? How did you survive these three years?"

“It's all about ordering takeaway and eating instant noodles”

"Eat less of those things, there is no nutrition at all, and cooking by yourself is not more delicious"

"But it's a waste of time. With that time, I might as well do a few more experiments."

Tachibana said excitedly at this time: "Doing experiments is much more interesting than cooking."

Rie shook her head helplessly. Her older sister has been a machine fan since she was a child, and she is very enthusiastic about machines. That's why she came to Kyoto for university. Kyoto University is the best industrial university.

It's just that, in only three years, she has already let herself go, and even her ability to live has degraded.

"By the way, you can go to free activities for a while, I don't have time to accompany you," Tachibana said seriously at this time.

Li Hui was speechless, and couldn't help complaining: "Is this how you treat your sister who came from afar? Won't you take us out to play?"

"Rie, you're already this old, and you're not a child, you just go and play by yourself."

Tachibana said calmly: "What's so interesting about those scenery, why not go back to the laboratory and do some experiments?"

Yui finally realized what a so-called scientific madman is.

"Forget it, I'm relieved to see that you're fine." Rie sighed and said, she knows her sister's character very well, she has always been like this since she was a child, other things are easy to talk about, but when it comes to mechanical Things, Tachibana's determination is great.

Tachibana didn't ask why Rie and Yui came to Kyoto. It was just a way to see her. They must have other things, but she didn't care.In her words: They are all adults, and they are responsible for what they do.

The only requirement, cook an extra portion when cooking the rice.

From Yui's point of view, sister Rie is a completely weird person, completely different from Rie.

Wait, Tachibana is a top student, and Rie is also a top student. Could it be that Rie will be like this in the future?
Yui looked at Rie with worried eyes at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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