Chapter 262 262. Kyoto University
Understanding Yui's eyes, Rie shook her head with a smile, "Don't worry, I won't become a weirdo like my sister."

"Where am I a weirdo!" Tachibana complained from the side, but Rie ignored it.

"It should be said that our family members all have their own personalities, and everyone likes different things."

Yui nodded after listening.

"That's right, our family is very individual." Tachibana said at this time, having forgotten what Rie said just now, and then said: "The only exception is Rie, she is too ordinary!"

"How is Rie so ordinary?" Yui said strangely at this moment: "Rie is the number one student in the school!"

"This is very common!" Tachibana waved his hand, "As long as you want to do this kind of thing, you can do it. My brother and I can do it easily."

"Big brother? Rie, do you have an older brother?" Yui asked in surprise.

Rie nodded, and replied: "Yes, I have an older brother, he is at Harvard University, and now he is leading a project called Life Science Engineering"

Harvard University!

Yuyi was shocked, what kind of freaks is this family!

Yuyi suddenly discovered that she actually didn't know Rie very well.

"My younger sister is the most common in the family." Tachibana said with a smile: "So, I am very pleased that Rie can start a business with you. Rie can finally find her own value."

Rie couldn't help complaining: "How do you say I seem to be useless!"

"Of course, with your appearance, you can only become a qualified social animal with no value at all, but it's different now, you have finally found your goal"

"What about you?" Li Hui was a little angry, "Needless to say, big brother, he is now a project leader, and you are only a third-year student, what are you so arrogant about!"

"Just last week, one of our projects received funding, and we are about to set up a research laboratory, and I am the project leader," said Tachibana proudly.


Rie was a little surprised, "Aren't you only a junior? How can you be the person in charge?"

"Because I'm strong!" Tachibana said confidently.

Indeed, compared with his family, Rie's achievements can indeed be said to be mediocre.

The three of them chatted for a while, and got to know each other a little bit. Although Tachibana's personality was a bit strange, he was not bad, and he took great care of Yui.

"By the way, there is one more thing." Tachibana's expression became serious at this moment.

"There are not enough sheets at home!"

Rie had a headache.

"Didn't I tell you before? Let you get ready first"

"I forgot"

Facing Tachibana's explanation, Rie sighed helplessly, this sister is probably useless.

"It's not too late now, let's go out and buy something"

"That troubles you"

"You have to follow! How can we go where to buy if you don't lead the way?"

"But I don't know either"

"What have you been doing for the past three years!"

After all, Rie pulled Tachibana out, and the three of them went out together. When they came back from shopping, it was already dark.

After a busy day, Yui and Rie were also a little tired, and they were going to bed after taking a shower.

"It's been a long time since it was so lively," Tachibana, who was lying on the quilt, said with emotion.

Beside her, Yui and Rie had already fallen asleep, and they were too tired today.

Looking at the cute sleeping faces of the two, Tachibana smiled, which felt good.

"Sister, how long are you going to sleep? Get up quickly!"

Rie pushed Tachibana, who was sleeping like a dead pig, but Tachibana was still sleepy.

"Let me sleep a little longer, I didn't fall asleep until after two o'clock last night"

"Didn't you go to bed early last night?"

"But I can't sleep, I usually go to bed at two or three o'clock"

"No wonder your dark circles are so heavy, you can't be like this in the future, get up and wash your face, and get ready for dinner"

Rie pulled the sleepy Tachibana up and pushed her into the bathroom, while Yui was already busy in the kitchen.

After cleaning, Tachibana came out with a refreshed face, and Yui had already prepared breakfast.

"What a hearty breakfast." Tachibana smiled and took a sip of the porridge with a happy smile on her face.

“Never had a hot breakfast”

Youyi sighed a little, feeling that she was in such a miserable situation!
The three of them sat and ate breakfast together, while the kittens played beside them. After a day, the kittens got used to their new home.

Yui then receives a message from Yusuke.

"Yusuke and the others have already set off, and they should arrive in the afternoon," Yui said, and Rie nodded.

"Who is Yusuke?" Tachibana asked curiously while eating.

"It's another friend of ours, we worked together"


"Yusuke will arrive in the afternoon, which means we can move freely during this time, why don't we go to Kyoto University for a while?"

Rie suggested, Yui was a little moved, nodded, and then the two looked at Tachibana at the same time, Tachibana looked puzzled.

"What are you looking at me for?"

"Shouldn't you take us on a tour?"

"You are such a big person, you go on your own"

Rie sighed, she can confirm that this sister is hopeless.

"Forget it, let's go shopping by ourselves."

"Do you take the kittens out too?"

"This one……"

Rie hesitated, she was not sure that the kittens would follow her instructions, and it would be even more troublesome if they got lost accidentally.

"Let's keep the kitten at home." Tachibana said at this time: "It's not convenient for you to bring pets."

The two discussed it and did so.

Yuyi said something to the kittens, but she didn't know if they could understand them, and then put the little red flag at home.

As long as Little Red Flag is still at home, they should stay here obediently.

"Looks like it should be possible" Yui said, and Rie also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Listen to your tone of voice, the protagonist of your studio is that Yusuke, and only that Yusuke can command these kittens." Tachibana said with a smile, from the behavior of the two just now, she immediately deduced the relationship between them.

Although she lacks some EQ, her IQ is absolutely fine
Rie nodded without saying anything.

The three of them went out together to the same destination, and then separated at the gate of the university.

"Okay, you two be careful, that's it, I'll go first." Tachibana waved his hand and left gracefully.

"The atmosphere of the university is completely different, and it feels more romantic here." Yuyi looked at the surrounding buildings and praised, the atmosphere here is very good, full of academic atmosphere.

The two took pictures while admiring the scenery in the university.

However, on the way, a few college students came up to strike up a conversation.

College students are much more straightforward than high school students. They can tell at a glance that the two are not local students. Such a young and beautiful girl must be the first to strike first, and Yui and Rie managed to get rid of it.

"It seems that the quality of college students is not good"

The number of times he was approached in college was even higher than outside, Yuyi's fantasy about college was instantly shattered,
Rie smiled and didn't care, after all, academic qualifications are not linked to quality.

(End of this chapter)

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