Chapter 265 265. Lying
The easiest way to break a person's secondary disease is to let him feel the 'pain' and the cruelty of this world. In normal terms, it is to accept the beatings of the society!

Yusuke has been brewing for a while, and is ready to talk.

"Chichi (Yusuke! Yusuke!)"

At this time, two calls came, Yusuke turned his head, Siji and Wuji ran in from outside, two squirrels grabbed Yusuke's trousers, quickly climbed up his shoulders, chattering in his ears, telling their depression.

Ryusuke's eyes lit up, and he asked in surprise, "Fallen Angel, is this your familiar?"

No time to pay attention to Ryusuke's reaction, Yusuke was listening to Shiji and Wuji's complaints.

When they were in the car, the two squirrels were having fun with Aiyi. Yongsuke thought they were used to it, but Yongsuke forgot that there was another child at home.

No matter how well-behaved a child is, there are still some bearish nature in it, and it is still a boy, so the bearish nature is even stronger.

Aiyi and Jianghui played well together, but when the four seasons and five seasons appeared, the situation changed.

Jianghui's eyes lit up, and he ran over to catch the two squirrels.

Four seasons and five seasons of course refused to give in, and escaped immediately. With Jiang Hui's ability, he was definitely no match for these small animals.

Jiang Hui was a bit smart, he saw that the two squirrels had a good relationship with Aiyi, so he set his mind on Aiyi and begged Aiyi for a few words.

Aiyi hesitated for a moment, thinking that there should be no problem, so she reached out and called Siji and Wuji over.

The two squirrels hesitated for a moment, then remembered what Yusuke said, and walked over.

This is going to be bad!
Jianghui's nature cannot be regarded as a bear child. Children's nature is very innocent, but sometimes being too naive represents a kind of evil.

Although he didn't abuse them, he also forced the two squirrels to play games together and put them together with toys.

However, Four Seasons are not toys!
Four seasons and five seasons ran away from the two of them immediately, Jianghui was a little surprised, then looked at Aiyi, Aiyi waved to four seasons and five seasons, but all of a sudden the squirrels didn't believe Aiyi anymore, and directly He ran out of the room and went to look for Yusuke.

Only then did the two children realize that things were getting serious, and they hurriedly chased them out. At this time, Yusuke had already seen the figures of the two bratty children.

Seeing the two squirrels standing on Yusuke's shoulders, chattering in Yusuke's ear, Aiyi knew she was in trouble.

But Jianghui was not clear, he only saw two squirrels were very obedient under Yusuke's guidance, and he remembered at this moment that these two squirrels were Yusuke's pets, his eyes lit up immediately, and he ran over, looking expectantly at the two squirrels. With Yusuke.

"Brother Yusuke, can these two squirrels be given to me?"

Seeing Jiang Hui's appearance, the two squirrels suddenly lost their temper.

"Chi Chi Chi Chi (this guy forced me to follow Wu Ji!)"

Four Seasons shouted angrily, it was the first time he had seen a human being.

Yusuke waved at Aiyi, Aiyi was a little flustered, his eyes fluttered, and finally came over, and said dejectedly: "I'm sorry, brother, I did something wrong"

Jianghui also reacted at this time, his expectant face just now was a little embarrassed, and he didn't dare to look at Yusuke.

"Tell me what you two did just now."

Yusuke's calm tone came, and the two felt a strong pressure, which was the pressure from the elders.

It was the first time for Aiyi to see her brother angry, and she was a little nervous, while Jianghui was a little unnatural. Brother Yusuke, who was smiling just now, suddenly put on a straight face, this momentum is so scary!
Yusuke looked at the two of them, and finally set his eyes on Jianghui.

"Jianghui, tell me"

The indifferent tone made Jiang Hui swallow his saliva, Brother Yongjie's eyes were so strange, being stared at by him was like being stared at by a beast, he didn't dare to move at all.

"Well, I didn't do anything..."

Jiang Hui subconsciously wanted to lie, but the next moment, Jiang Hui felt that his eyes were staring at him even more glaringly, as if he wanted to see through him.

Jiang Hui's heart beat so fast, as if it was suppressed by something.

And Aiyi and Ryusuke who were standing beside them also felt a pressure. In front of their eyes, Yusuke seemed to be a different person, and the aura on his body was very scary.

Ryusuke's eyes are shining, the fallen angel has become so powerful, this is the power that can distort reality, it's too powerful!

Jiang Hui opened his mouth, he had an intuition that if he continued to lie, something bad would happen.

"Sorry, I was wrong"

Jiang Hui was frightened and directly admitted his mistake.

The stinging eyes also disappeared.

"Tell me, what did you do just now?"

Yusuke's tone was finally not so cold.

"I just want them to play with me"

Jianghui explained that a child's psychology is very simple, he just wants to play with the other party, but he only cares about his own feelings, not the other party.

Of course, this is common to every child.

Therefore, as elders, we must guide them in the right direction.

The two quickly admitted their mistake and bowed their heads in front of Yusuke.

"Come on, apologize to Four Seasons and Five Seasons"

"I'm sorry" x2
The two children apologized obediently, and Yusuke said something to Siji and Wuji. For Yusuke's sake, Siji and Wuji complained a few words, so let's forget about it, but they won't Played with Ai Yi.

The two children left dejectedly.

"By the way, where is Xiao Hei?"

Yusuke asked the four seasons, and he just remembered that he hadn't seen Xiao Hei's figure yet, and Xiao Hei didn't know where to go when he got off the car.

Four Seasons and Five Seasons shook their heads.

Yusuke thought for a while, comparing the four seasons and the five seasons, Xiao Hei is much smarter, so there should be no problem.

"Fallen Angel, how did you do it?"

Ryusuke's voice came, full of anticipation.

"Did you release Longwei just now?"

Yusuke almost forgot that there was a second-year boy here, who just happened to clean up with him.

Ryusuke hadn't noticed his situation yet, so he still said excitedly: "I knew that Fallen Angel, you must not be simple, is this your newly learned move? It's too powerful, well, I want to hide myself too ability to demonstrate”

Ryusuke ran to the bookshelf in the room and began to remove the books from the shelf.

Yusuke looked at his action curiously, this action was a little unclear.

However, the second disease is like this.

Long Jie removed all the books on the top shelf, and placed a small notebook horizontally behind the books. This hidden method is very simple, but very practical.

Ryusuke took out the notebook carefully, as if he was holding some kind of sacred treasure.

"This is my contract magic book, fallen angel, do you want to read it?"

(End of this chapter)

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