Chapter 266 266. Notebook


Yusuke waved his hand, this reaction surprised Ryusuke, he muttered softly: "This is not right."

"I see, you must want to see it, it's okay, I don't mind"

Then regardless of Yusuke's reaction, he directly stuffed the note into Yusuke's hand.

Can't you guys understand human language?

But looking at his expectant eyes, after all, he is still his younger brother, so he can't be too tough, so Yusuke is ready to dismiss him casually.

Opening the notebook, there are clear handwriting on the pages, the fonts are beautiful, and the typesetting is very clean.

Yusuke took a few glances, a little surprised.

"Is this a novel?"

Ryusuke had a smug expression on his face.

"That's right, this is the novel I created. No, this is the magic book I made. This is the magic culmination that I have exhausted a year of hard work to create. This content is shocking. It is the power of taboo. This is the will of darkness, this is..."

Yusuke slapped him directly on the head.

"Stop talking so much nonsense!"

The brat just needs a beating!
Sure enough, after receiving this slap, Ryusuke became honest.

But this guy didn't feel depressed because of this, maybe because Yusuke had left him a deep impression before, he asked expectantly: "What do you think of my novel, no, how about the magic book?"

"I haven't finished it yet, I'll talk about it after I finish it"

Yusuke took the notebook, sat by the bed and read it seriously.

I have to say that the novel written by Long Jie is very smooth, the main line is also clear, and the ups and downs of the plot are very good.

Most of the second-year teenagers are self-aware. Every second-year boy has a black and thick black history. The settings added to himself, various fantasy scenes, and every second-year illness are recorded. These are holy wars!

However, in the eyes of outsiders, these are nonsense words that no one can understand except themselves. These are expressions of self-awareness.

By the way, Yusuke also had a notebook, but he burned it.

And Ryusuke's situation is similar, the difference is that his writing style is excellent, he writes these brain holes and fantasies into novels, the language is very contagious, this arrogant and boundless words, Yusuke feels like he is there In this situation, the body couldn't help but become bloody.

This guy has great writing skills!

Unexpectedly, Ryusuke still had this side, and the way Yusuke looked at him also changed a little.

"This is just the first book, there are two more"

Seeing that Yusuke was attracted by the content of the plot, Ryusuke was a little excited, and found two more notebooks from the bookshelf.

"This is episode 2 and episode 3"

How boring this guy is, he even wrote two books!But this story is really good, and I was fascinated by the courage to watch it.

"Brother, you can eat"

Aiyi came over and said cautiously.

Only then did Yusuke come to his senses, and before he knew it, it was already evening, and Aiyi came over to ask someone to eat.

Does time go by so fast?

Yusuke was a little taken aback.

Ryusuke's words are so magical that people can't help being there,
This guy is so talented!
It’s amazing, no, I have to save him, and I can’t let him indulge in the second disease. Such a good talent is wasted if it is not brought into play, but...

Yusuke remembered again, this is a light novel, and these arrogant and boundless language are very suitable for the subject matter of the light novel, that is to say, his chuunibha disease is just in line with it, if he wakes up, maybe His talent was gone, and Yusuke hesitated for a moment.


Aiyi's voice came again, looking at Yusuke cautiously, is brother still angry?
Seeing Aiyi's expression, Yusuke understood instantly, smiled and nodded.

"Okay, I see, let's go now"

Seeing Yusuke's smiling face, Aiyi was relieved, it seemed that her brother was not angry anymore.

"By the way, where's Ryusuke?"

Only then did Yusuke realize that Ryusuke was not in the room. He was so engrossed in watching it just now that he even forgot his existence. Where did he go?

"Brother Longjie has passed away," Aiyi replied.

Yusuke nodded, and went downstairs with Aiyi.

The meal tonight was very rich. The older brothers and sisters-in-law, as well as nephews and nieces, came from afar. This was a rare family gathering. Miwa and Nami prepared a lot of food, and the whole family sat there happily.

As expected, Ryusuke was also here, looking like a good boy.

This guy kept his chuunibyou a secret, if he hadn't blew himself up, Yusuke wouldn't have found out.

Jiang Hui also sat beside him, watching Yusuke's appearance, his eyes became a little more frightened, because he was frightened by Yusuke's aura.

Yusuke smiled at him, with Yusuke's own affinity, soon, Jianghui's fear disappeared, and his expression returned to normal.

The family is seated.

"We're on!"

Kazuya and Takuya clinked wine glasses, chatted about adults while eating, and the children started to eat, and Miwa and Nami took care of the two children while eating.

Ryusuke sat next to Yusuke.

"Brother Yongsuke, what do you think of the novel I wrote?" Ryusuke asked softly, his eyes full of expectation.

"It's very well written." Yusuke nodded. The story is very old-fashioned, the characters are very middle school, and the language is arrogant and boundless, but it is also unusually touching. This is a story that only middle school teenagers can write.

"Consider to contribute"

"Contribute? Can I do it too?" Ryusuke was a little surprised, but his tone was a little excited.

Yusuke nodded, "Your works are very contagious and powerful."

Ryusuke is very talented and very suitable for the path of writing. If he can change it, maybe his second illness can be alleviated.

Speaking of this topic, Ryusuke was a little nervous, but also a little excited.

Secondary two is classified as secondary two, but he still has some expectations for the future.

"Yusuke, I heard you founded a studio?"

Takuya's surprised voice came, hearing this sentence, both Ryusuke and Nami looked over, their eyes full of surprise.

"Found a studio? Yusuke, aren't you a high school student?" Nami asked in surprise. This was a bit beyond her imagination. She hadn't seen her for a year, and the change was so great!

"This is how it works"

Yusuke explained it, and the family members were very novel about it, as if they knew Yusuke again.

Ryusuke looked at Yusuke with eyes filled with admiration. He didn't expect the fallen angel to have grown to this point. He is already a mature adult!
Takuya also looked at Yusuke with some changes in his eyes. He thought he was a child before, but if he can do this, Yusuke is almost like an adult.

This is a happy thing!
Takuya said with a smile at this time: "Come on, Yusuke, you can have a drink too, you are already an adult"

And also nodded.

Japan stipulates that you can get married at the age of 18, but you have to drink until you are 20, but for ordinary people, this law is useless at all.

A person's maturity is not defined by age. Some people are still giant babies at the age of 40 or [-].

“Only for a drink”

Miwa said seriously, if she hadn't been so happy today, she would never let Yusuke drink alcohol, cigarettes and alcohol are the things women hate the most.

"Okay, just have a drink"

Yusuke nodded with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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