Chapter 267 267. The Female Thief
The alcohol is ordinary Japanese sake, slightly spicy and full of aftertaste.

Yusuke was a little stunned, he hadn't touched wine for a long time, and after drinking this glass, the feeling came back.

"Would you like another drink?" Yusuke asked tentatively.

"No!" Meihe's attitude was very firm.
"All right"

Yusuke put down his glass regretfully, the Japanese law is sometimes so perverted.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly changed. From the perspective of his father and uncle, Yusuke was already qualified to participate in their topic.

Takuya asked Yusuke about some things about the studio. Although Yusuke's speech was a bit immature, some unique speeches also made Kazuya and Takuya's eyes shine, and Yusuke also got a lot of information from the conversation between the two .

Yusuke travels to the present, and the contacts are all high school students, and the circle of contact is very small. If the timing of time travel did not happen to come across the Internet, and he has a cheat, he is not much better than the local aborigines.

Fortunately, his family is in a good situation. Both his father and uncle are civil servants, and their knowledge and connections have surpassed those of many ordinary families.

Japan is a hierarchical country with distinct behaviors. The Misawa family belongs to the middle class, and their status as civil servants allows them to come into contact with many different circles.

This is much better than many ordinary people. Many people are just 996 social animals, ordinary people without power and power. Although their families are not very rich, they still have a little power.

Kazuya and Takuya also consciously cultivate Yusuke, because Yusuke's performance is much better than adults, and they ask themselves, they can't achieve such achievements at Yusuke's age, Yusuke is the smartest in the history of the Misawa family One, his accomplishments were able to surpass them all.

If Yusuke can go a step further, it will be of great benefit to the Misawa family.

The relationship between the two brothers Kazuya is very good, and they also hope that this relationship can continue to the next generation.

Yongsuke chatted a lot with his father and uncle. From the dining table to the living room, the three of them were still chatting. The father belonged to the old school. They had connections and status. They had developed it over the years. Yongsuke belonged to the new generation. , more is to create wealth on the Internet, but this kind of wealth lacks a foundation.

Logically speaking, there is a generation gap between the new generation and the old school, but Yusuke is different. Regarding connections, power, and wealth, his views are similar to those of Kazuya.

The three chatted happily, then drank some wine unknowingly, and were finally stopped by Miwa and Nami.

You chatting is chatting, but why drink so much wine!

The three had no choice but to leave.

Kazuya was drunk, he had worked hard all day, and soon went to bed, and Yusuke also returned to the room, he didn't drink much, and he was still conscious.

"Chichi (Yusuke, you're back)"

Seeing Yusuke's return, Siji and Wuji ran over happily. The two squirrels stayed in the room and didn't go out. They haven't eaten yet.

"Sorry to keep you waiting so long"

Yusuke said apologetically, he was so absorbed in the chat that he forgot that the four seasons and five seasons hadn't eaten yet, so he went back to the kitchen and brought some food, and the two squirrels quickly ate.

And Xiao Hei also came in from the window at this time, it disappeared for a whole day, and finally came back, seeing Yusuke and Shiji, Xiao Hei stretched out his paw, and said hello.

"Xiao Hei, where did you go?"

"Meow meow (I went around to see if there are any evil forces?)"

"How about that?"

"Meow meow meow (it's safe here, don't worry)"

Xiao Hei nodded and said, as a stray cat, it is the most vigilant, and when it comes to an unfamiliar environment, the first thing it does is to observe the surrounding situation.

"have you eaten?"

"Meow (not yet)"

"Wait a minute, I'll get some food up"

Yusuke ran to the kitchen again and got some food.

"Yusuke, are you hungry?"

Nami just came down and saw Yusuke looking for something in the kitchen, she asked in surprise, "Are you hungry tonight?"

"No, I have a few pets, I give them something to eat"


Nami thought for a moment, "Those two little squirrels?"

She also saw two little squirrels today, and knew that they were Yusuke's pets.

Yusuke nodded, "There is also a cat"

"Don't worry, they will be very obedient" Yusuke said seriously at this time.

Nami nodded with a smile. She also knew about the chat at night. Yusuke is a video blogger, and all of his videos are about animals. It is normal to bring pets.

After exchanging greetings with Nami, Yusuke returned to the room with food, and Xiao Hei and the others happily ate.

Watching the animals eating, Yusuke also took out his mobile phone at this time, and sent a message to Yui and Rie. After a busy day today, he didn't have time to ask them about their situation. I don't know how they are doing.

Yui and Rie have returned home after visiting the entire Kyoto University today.

Li Hua didn't want to come back at first, according to her original habits, she would not go home until after ten o'clock in the evening at least, sometimes she didn't even eat dinner, and directly settled with supper.

I went home early yesterday because I learned that my sister is coming, but now that I have received someone, Tachibana has a solid germination and wants to stay in the laboratory.

But Rie wouldn't let her do this, Tachibana's life pattern was already messed up, and the two big dark circles on her face looked like she would die suddenly at any moment.

Tachibana forcefully dragged Tachibana out of the laboratory and went home together.

Although Tachibana was a little dissatisfied, she knew that her sister was doing it for her own good, so she agreed.

After eating and taking a bath, sure enough, Tachibana was in a different state, and Tachibana was much more energetic.

Tachibana is also a beauty, but she didn't take good care of herself and messed up her body, but now Rie wants to adjust her back, the most important thing is to get rid of those two dark circles, these two big dark circles are completely ruined her beauty.

But unfortunately, Tachibana didn't care about this, and it was also because of her rough lifestyle. Although she was a beauty, she didn't have a boyfriend for three years in college.

The three of them were sitting together and chatting, and Yui and Rie received a message from Yusuke.

Looking at Yui with a smiling face, Tachibana was a little curious.

"Is that your boyfriend?"

Yuyi shook his head and replied: "No, it's our partner, he has come to Kyoto"

"That Yusuke who worked together?"


Tachibana glanced at Yui, then at Rie, both of them were chatting on the phone with smiles on their faces.

I always find the relationship between these three people very strange.

Yusuke: I've arrived in Kyoto, how are you doing?
Rie: Now at my sister's house, is your situation settled?

Yusuke: I met my family today, but I may have a busy day tomorrow, so I don’t have time to meet you guys

Rie: That's okay, you guys go ahead

Yusuke: Where did you go to play today?
Yui: We visited Kyoto University today!
Yusuke: How do you feel?

Yui: not bad
Yusuke: Xiao Huang, are they obedient?

Yui: Not bad, your teaching method is very good!
Yusuke: Then you two, be careful.

Yui: Don't worry!

Rie: No problem!
The three of them chatted about what they had seen and heard today, and they were all trivial things. They didn't end the chat until Yusuke got drunk.

Turn off the phone, arrange the animals to sleep, and Yusuke is ready to sleep.

However, not long after lying on the bed, he heard a strange sound.

Siji and Wang Ji got up and looked curiously, Xiao Hei opened his cat's eyes, and the golden cat pupils looked around.

The sound came from the glass by the window, a small stone was thrown up from below, knocked on the glass window, vibrated and made a crisp sound.

Yusuke was a little curious, opened the window, and there was a figure standing downstairs.

Although the sky was a little dark, Yusuke could see clearly that it was a woman.

She was wearing a black one-piece leather jacket, and her long black hair was tied into a ponytail. She was quietly standing at the corner of the wall, holding a small stone and was about to throw it up. Then she found that the window on the second floor was open, and she threw it stone in hand.

Then, she took a run-up, stepped on the fence, and climbed up to the second floor at a very fast speed. She moved very flexibly, like a cat, and climbed directly to the eaves in one breath.

Then, face to face with Yusuke.

Four eyes facing each other.

(End of this chapter)

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