The painting style of this island country is too middle school

Chapter 268 268. Ryusuke's childhood sweetheart

Chapter 268 268. Ryusuke's childhood sweetheart


The woman looked at Yusuke with hostile eyes, raised her eyebrows, and clenched her fists, ready to strike at any time.

I'll go, and the villain will file a complaint first!
"What do you guys want? Do you want to steal something?"

Yusuke's cold voice came, the opponent's movements are very familiar, it seems that he has done it many times, this guy is definitely a veteran!

Yusuke had already picked up a bat that was lying beside him, ready to give this guy a bat.

"Who are you guys? How did you run to my friend's house? Where is Ryusuke? You are a robber? You don't want to die! This family is the police. If you leave now, I will give you another chance"

The woman kept staring at Yusuke, her mouth crackling, speaking very fast.

But Yusuke found that she had quietly stepped back, ready to escape at any time.

"who are you?"

Yusuke relaxed his vigilance a little bit, and if he could call out Ryusuke's name, he should be an acquaintance of Ryusuke.

It's just that, climbing up to Ryusuke's room in the middle of the night, I always feel something is wrong!

The woman should be around 20 years old, older than Ryusuke, could it be that...

Ryusuke is underage, you are committing a crime!
"Before asking someone, you should give your name first"

"You guy sneaked into other people's houses, and you have the face to say that?"

"Who is sneaky, I come here often, I am very familiar"

Yusuke was stunned by the shocking inside story revealed by the girl. He didn't expect Ryusuke to be so capable at such a young age.


Even if it is a secondary disease, it is still a real charge!
"Who are you?"

"You signed up first"

The two people stared at each other, at this moment, the door of the room opened, and Ryusuke's panicked figure appeared.

"Don't do anything!"

He saw Yusuke holding a wooden stick in his hand, and he was afraid that he would hit the girl suddenly.


The woman looked at Ryusuke, then at Yusuke, she was a little suspicious just now, could it be an acquaintance?

"Anyone you know?"

Yusuke looked at Ryusuke, Ryusuke was a little flustered, but still blushed and nodded.

This guy's reaction was too obvious!

Yusuke stepped aside, and the woman also climbed in from the window.

"Asuka, are you alright?"

Ryusuke asked anxiously, the girl named Asuka nodded, and Ryusuke heaved a sigh of relief.

Yusuke looked at the girl, then looked at Ryusuke, the girl looked at Yusuke, and finally looked at Ryusuke, and the three fell silent.

Yusuke sat down on the edge of the bed boldly, and asked in a deep voice, "Ryusuke, tell me about the situation."

His eyes looked at Ryusuke, he needed Ryusuke to give an explanation, although Yusuke does not discriminate against sibling love, but you are too young!
You can't stand it!
The woman also looked at Ryusuke, and she wanted an explanation.

Ryusuke came over at this moment, coughed, and said, "Let me introduce you, this is my neighbor, Asuka Nishinodera"

"This is my cousin Yusuke Misawa!"

Yusuke looked at the woman in front of him. The girl named Asuka was tall and tall. She was wearing a black leather jacket, which showed her attractive figure. Her black hair was like a waterfall, tied into a ponytail and hanging behind her head. heroism.

And Asuka is also looking at Yusuke, Yusuke has a very special temperament, has a unique charm, that handsome appearance can make his debut as an idol, different from Ryusuke who has a more handsome face, Yusuke is more mature and more stylish.

The Sanze family has good genes, and they are all handsome.

Both sides looked at each other.

"Tell me why you climbed into Ryusuke's room"

Yusuke stared into the girl's eyes and asked.

Your taste is too special, he is still a child!

Hearing Yusuke's tone, the girl raised her eyebrows, and Ryusuke stood in front of Asuka at this moment, and said first, "Asuka played with us for a while, she is my childhood sweetheart, we all play games like this"

Seeing Ryusuke's reaction, Yusuke sighed, this younger brother has been addicted to it.

Heroes are sad for Beauty Pass!
It's hard for a hero to pass the beauty test, let alone a kid, it's no wonder that he has the strength to face a beauty!
Asuka pushed Ryusuke away at this moment, and looked at Yusuke with a displeased face.

"Who are you guys? Why are you pointing fingers here?"

Facing the future sister-in-law, Yusuke's tone is not so blunt, maybe they will become a family in the future.

But before Yongsuke opened his mouth, Longjie returned first: "Brother Yongjie is my cousin. He came with my uncle and aunt's family. He will live here for a few days. My room is temporarily occupied by Brother Yongsuke. Forget about it." Notified you, Asuka"

Neither Yusuke nor Asuka spoke, but Ryusuke explained everything clearly.

The two looked at each other, this situation is very strange!
At this time, Asuka pushed Ryusuke aside, staring at Yusuke, and Yusuke sat on the edge of the bed boldly.

In Ryusuke's eyes, the two seemed to be confronting each other in a grand manner.

Ryusuke was a little nervous, they shouldn't be fighting, right?Who should I help?
Yusuke stood up at this moment and said, "I'll go outside for a while, you two can deal with it."

Upright officials can hardly break housework.

Yusuke doesn't want to get involved in the matter between Ryusuke and the girl.

Yusuke waved to Xiao Hei and the others, and the three animals quickly climbed onto Yusuke's shoulders and followed him out.

If Ryusuke saw this fluent commanding action during the day, he would probably be shocked, but at this time he didn't pay attention to it, and Asuka was also a little surprised when he saw Yusuke's actions, this guy seemed a little different.

Yusuke ignored the two, and walked out of the room with the animal, letting the two get along for a while.

"Sorry for disturbing your sleep"

Yusuke said to the three animals, and the three animals shook their heads.

After a while, the door opened, Ryusuke stuck his head out, looked at Yusuke, and said with some embarrassment: "Brother Yusuke, I have something to trouble you for."

"what's up?"

"Come in and talk"

Yusuke walked into the room, and the girl named Asuka was sitting on the chair at this moment, spinning around boredly, and seeing Yusuke coming in, she stopped the meaningless spinning.

However, when she looked at the animals on Yusuke's shoulders, her eyes were very bright, a little ready to move.

"Well, Asuka sneaked out of the house, and now she's homeless"

Ryusuke said softly beside him, Yusuke raised his eyebrows.

That doesn't sound like a good girl!

Hearing these words, the girl behind her angrily picked up a ball of paper and threw it on Ryusuke's head.

"Can you guys talk!"

"Feel sorry!"

Only then did Ryusuke come to his senses, and admitted his mistake with some embarrassment.

Yusuke sighed, in front of this girl, Ryusuke had absolutely no power to resist!

"Sorry, let me repeat the matter. Ming Kouxiang is going to participate in an event at night, but she is afraid that her family will disagree, so she sneaks out, and now she wants to go home, but she can't be found, so Asuka had no choice but to climb the window to go back, and to climb the window, she had to pass by my side first."

Ryusuke walked to the window at this time, pointed to the opposite house and said.

The two houses face each other, the windows face each other, Ryusuke's room corresponds to Asuka's room, and they can see each other when they open the window.

However, the neighbor's house has a high wall, and it is very troublesome to climb up to the second floor, but if you pass through Ryusuke's room, it is very easy to climb to the opposite side.

(End of this chapter)

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