Chapter 269 269. Strange Relationship
"I hope Brother Yusuke can keep what happened tonight a secret"

Ryusuke said sincerely, Asuka also looked over, looking expectantly.

Yusuke thought for a moment, then nodded.

This is not a big problem, and for the relationship between the two, Yusuke does not want to get too involved, this is their personal problem.

"Thank you brother Yusuke for your understanding." Ryusuke smiled at this time, happily like a child, and quickly ran over to ask for credit from Asuka.

This guy……

I hope you don't get killed!

Asuka opened the window at this moment and was about to go back to her room.

"Be careful, don't fall!" Ryusuke who was standing behind said nervously.

"Shut up, you crow mouth!"

Asuka glared at him, Ryusuke shut up instantly, and Yusuke, who was watching quietly beside him, didn't make a sound.

Asuka's movements are very flexible, like a kitten, walking on the eaves, and soon jumped to the opposite house.

Ryusuke stood by the window, watching all this nervously.

I saw Asuka standing by the eaves outside the window, pushing the glass of the window with both hands, but the glass of the window did not move.

Asuka was a little surprised, and tried again, but the window still didn't move.

No way.……

Asuka left a few drops of cold sweat, did she accidentally lock the windows when she left just now?

I worked there for a long time, but I couldn't open it, so Asuka had to come back.

As soon as he entered the room, Ryusuke asked nervously, "Asuka, what's wrong?"

“windows are locked”

"Could it be your parents locked it?" Long Jie exclaimed in surprise: "Could it be that they know about you? Then what should we do? Do you want to obediently admit your mistake?"

Long Jie panicked all of a sudden, he was in a state of disorientation.

Then, Asuka slapped him on the head.

"Why do you talk so much! The person involved is not that nervous, you are so nervous!"

Ryusuke shut up for a moment.

Yusuke shook his head while watching, this guy is definitely a strict wife!

Asuka's eyes were sharp, seeing Yusuke's actions, she shouted angrily, "Why are you shaking your head?"


Yusuke shook his head, "My neck is a little uncomfortable, you just ignore me, just pretend I don't exist"

For some reason, Asuka was very upset when she saw Yusuke's actions, and finally felt that he meant something, but considering that he was Ryusuke's cousin, she had no choice but to hold back her anger.

When he doesn't exist anymore!

Asuka and Ryusuke started discussing at this time.

"Then what should we do now?" Long Jie asked nervously.

"Relax," Asuka comforted, "There is always a solution to everything."

Hearing Asuka's calm tone, Ryusuke calmed down.

Asuka walked to the window and looked at the surrounding environment.

"There is a way!" Asuka said excitedly at this time, Ryusuke looked surprised.

"Asuka, your head turns so fast!" Ryusuke said in praise, his eyes full of love.

Yusuke, who was watching from the side, sighed, Ryusuke's behavior is almost like mental retardation, everyone said that the IQ of men and women in love will drop, but I didn't expect it to drop to this point!

"Did you see it?" Asuka pulled Ryusuke to the window at this moment, and pointed at the opposite house with one hand.

Long Jie took a look, the neighbor's house is a two-story house, the top floor is an attic, and there is a window in the attic, which is currently open.

"Go in through that window, and I can go home," Asuka said excitedly.

Ryusuke, on the other hand, was a little nervous, "How do we get to that place?"

There is a protruding eaves in the attic, it is very difficult to climb up, if you are not careful, you may fall down at any time, which is very dangerous!
"It's okay, I'm confident in my skills, I'll go now"

Asuka said excitedly, she was about to climb out of the window, but was caught by Ryusuke.

"No, it's too dangerous." Ryusuke shook his head desperately, "You can't do such a dangerous thing."

"What are you afraid of? Don't you believe me? I have practiced this skill since childhood," Asuka said confidently.

But no matter how Asuka promises, Ryusuke dare not let her take risks.

"You stupid brain!" Asuka got a little angry, "Why are you so nervous! You didn't go there!"

"I'll be worried if something happens to you!"

Ryusuke said seriously, while Asuka sighed, opened his mouth to say something, but looked at Yusuke standing beside him, and held back what he wanted to say.

"Then what do you say?" Asuka complained speechlessly.

"Why don't I go over there!" Long Jie stood up with a serious face.

Asuka shook her head, "Don't be kidding"

"What I'm saying is true"

"I said stop joking!" Asuka said angrily, "No, I don't agree, you are still a child!"

"I'm not a child anymore." Ryusuke said angrily, "I can protect you now."

"How many times have I told you, don't say things that are easy to cause misunderstanding"

"Didn't you say that you would accept me as long as I become a man?"

"So are you a man now?"

"A man protects his woman"

"Do you kid know what a woman is?"

"Of course, it's that kind..." Ryusuke said with a flushed face at this time, his eyes quietly looked at Asuka's chest.

"Go to hell, what are you thinking, you brat!"

Asuka understood instantly, blushed, and shouted angrily.

The two chattered, and the topic went to a messy place again.

And Yusuke who was beside him also understood everything, it seems that this is just Ryusuke's unrequited love!
That's right!

Unless there are some special hobbies, generally speaking, with such a big age difference, who would like children!

It seems that it was all my own random thinking before.

The two were arguing and arguing, but in the end there was no good result. Asuke wanted to climb to the top of the building by herself, but Ryusuke disagreed, and Ryusuke wanted to act, but Asuka also didn't agree, and there was a stalemate for a while.

Yusuke looked at the time, it was already past one o'clock in the middle of the night, and the two of them hadn't finished arguing, so should they continue arguing all night?
Just give them a hand!

Yusuke clapped his hands at this moment, drawing the attention of the two of them.

"I see, just open the window of the opposite room, let me solve it"

Ryusuke's eyes lit up at this moment, "Brother Yusuke, do you want to help us?"

Asuka raised her eyebrows and said, "I didn't hit you, your figure can't climb through that window at all."

The window in that attic is very small, Ryusuke's figure is relatively thin, and Asuka's figure is relatively slender. It is possible for the two of them to climb in, but Yusuke absolutely cannot.

"I have a solution, do you have the structural drawing of the house?" Yusuke said calmly.

Ryusuke and Asuka glanced at each other, this guy is so confident?

(End of this chapter)

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