The painting style of this island country is too middle school

Chapter 270 270. The Girl and the Motorcycle

Chapter 270 270. The Girl and the Motorcycle

"Is he your cousin? How old is he?" Asuka asked Ryusuke.

Long Jie nodded, "Yes, he is my cousin, he is 16 years old, and he is a freshman in high school."

"That's only three years older than you! It's still a child, so it's not reliable at all!"

Asuka muttered, although the voice was very soft, but Yusuke heard it clearly, but Yusuke didn't care.

"Ryusuke, come here and draw the structure of the neighbor's house," Yusuke said to Ryusuke.

Long Jie cared so much about this girl, he must know what was going on in her family.

Ryusuke nodded, took out the paper and began to draw. Asuka watched from the side. This guy knows quite well.


Only then did Asuka react, "How do you guys know the layout of my house?"

"Have you forgotten? We played together in the attic when we were young, and I know everything about your house," Long Jie replied confidently.

"Your speech is dangerous!"

The two were chattering and fighting, watching this scene, Yusuke seemed to see himself and Yui.

Childhood sweetheart, this lethality is too great!

Ryusuke drew the structure of the house. Although it was rough, it was roughly understandable.

Ryusuke asked expectantly at this time: "Brother Yusuke, what are you going to do?"

Asuka was a little curious as to how the other party would solve it, since the other party's figure simply couldn't get into that window.

"Xiao Hei" Yusuke called out, and Xiao Hei standing on his shoulder stretched out the cat's head at this moment, looked at the drawing, and then nodded.

"Meow (I remember)"

"Then please"

"Meow (no problem)"

After this question and answer, Ryusuke and Asuka almost dropped their jaws in fright.

"The way you said is to let the cat open the window?" Asuka said in disbelief.

"Don't worry, just wait and see the result."

Yusuke didn't explain too much, and walked to the window, Xiao Hei, who was standing on his shoulders, jumped up and landed on the eaves, and then ran forward at a very fast speed, like an assassin in the dark, with a speed of Extremely fast, he climbed up to the eaves of the attic in two or three strokes. This series of movements was almost completed within a few seconds.

Before the two could react, Xiao Hei had already entered the house.

Asuka and Ryusuke glanced at each other, both seeing each other's shock.

Can this kitten really understand what he says?This is too outrageous!
The two had too many questions, and Yusuke spoke up at this time.

"Don't ask so many questions, just wait for the result"

These words blocked both of them.

After a while, a strange sound came, it was the sound of the window being opened.

Asuka turned her head in surprise, and sure enough, the window of her room opened, and a black cat stood there.

really did it?
Ryusuke was also dumbfounded. When the two lost their minds, Xiao Hei had already run back and stood on Yusuke's shoulders again.

The eyes of Asuka and Ryusuke looking at Xiao Hei changed at this time, that vigorous figure and black figure are simply too elegant!
This cat is so intelligent!

"Okay, the matter is settled, you can go back"

Yusuke said calmly, Asuka and Ryusuke came back to their senses, the development of the matter was too fast, they couldn't react, but...

Things are settled, it is indeed time to go back.

The two were still in a dazed state, and Yusuke drove them back. When Asuka returned to her room, she remembered why she was so obedient, no!How did that guy do it?
But the opposite window was locked and even the curtains were drawn, so she was too embarrassed to ask questions.

Long Jie was also kicked out of the room. Standing in the corridor, Long Jie thought of this question, but seeing the closed door, he was too embarrassed to knock on the door again.

After driving away the two, Yusuke heaved a sigh of relief and could finally rest.

A night's rest.

The next day, the family went out to play.

It is rare to come to Kyoto, of course you have to have a good time.

"Xiao Hei, Four Seasons, Five Seasons, please stay at home today."

Yusuke said to the animals, and all three animals nodded.

The family wanted to go out to play, and it was inconvenient to bring pets with them, so they had to keep them at home. With the spirituality of the three animals, there should be no problem.

If Uncle Takuya is unable to accompany him due to work reasons, he has to be accompanied by Nami and Ryusuke.

The family set off after packing up.

Kyoto is the ancient capital of Japan for thousands of years. There are many historical buildings and famous scenic spots here. It is a popular tourist city.

Kiyomizu Temple, Kinkakuji Temple, Ginkakuji Temple, these are well-known scenic spots, and Yusuke had heard of them before crossing.

These temples are very distinctive, and they all have a special artistic conception to become famous scenic spots.

A group of people walked and stopped, kept taking pictures, and had a good time.

During the period, Ryusuke wanted to talk to Yusuke alone several times, but Yusuke was not in the mood to communicate with him. Enough of the second illness!

It's a rare opportunity to travel with his family, Yusuke doesn't want to worry about these things.

In one day, the group visited all the famous scenic spots, and everyone was satisfied.

It was already evening, and the family was ready to go home after visiting the last scenic spot.

After a day of shopping, the two children were already very tired. Aiyi had already fallen asleep on the back of his father and Kazuya, and Jianghui was in the same situation. He had already exhausted his energy and was already dozing off. Yusuke carried it on his back.

Ryusuke finally found a chance, while the three parents were chatting in front, Ryusuke approached Yusuke at this time.

"Fallen Angel"

"Don't call me by my title outside"

"Oh, I almost forgot"

"Brother Yusuke, was that your familiar yesterday? How did you do it? How do you communicate with it, how do you make it understand your words, what's the secret? Is this magic? Can you teach me? Is it difficult to learn? How long will it take to learn?"

Long Jie said cracklingly, his eyes were full of excitement.

He finally saw the extraordinary power. Sure enough, this world has great secrets, and he will be No.1 to open a new world!
Yusuke could tell what this kid was thinking at a glance, every two-year-old boy thought he was a brave man in the new world, shouldering an important mission to save the whole world.

Ha ha……

"No, it's just my pet, and it will listen to me. It's just a beast taming technique. Don't think too much about it."

Yusuke's calm tone cooled down Ryusuke's excited head.

"Beast Taming?"

"You can look it up online"

Looking at Yusuke's firm eyes, Ryusuke's heart beat a little. At this time, he took out his mobile phone and Googled it.

There is such a skill as animal taming in this world, but to make animals understand their own commands, it can be done after training. In reality, there are many people who specialize in training animals.

The blood in Long Jie's heart disappeared instantly, and he was greatly disappointed.

White is happy!

"Ryusuke, and Ryusuke's brother"

A girl's voice came, and the two turned their heads. In front of them was a girl riding a huge motorcycle. She was wearing a black one-piece leather jacket, and her long black hair was tied into a ponytail hanging behind her head. She looked like a knight. It's a girl named Asuka Nishinodera.

Girls and Bikes!
(End of this chapter)

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