Chapter 271 271. Seeking Good Luck

Seeing Asuka's appearance, Ryusuke ran over excitedly, everyone could clearly see his happy face.

As for Ryusuke's reaction, Asuka didn't feel anything after seeing too much, so she asked, "Why are you here?"

"Today we went out to play with my uncle's family. We visited many places, including Kiyomizu Temple, Kinkakuji Temple, and Silver Pavilion Temple. We visited all the famous scenic spots, and now we are going to go home," Ryusuke replied excitedly , Explain everything clearly today.

Asuka looked at Yusuke, nodded and said hello, and Yusuke also nodded in response.

"Asuka, why are you here?" Ryusuke looked at the motorcycle under her at this moment, and asked curiously, "Where did you get this motorcycle?"

The locomotive that Asuka is riding is very cool, with its huge size, black coating, and smooth shape, it has a strong sense of power, and it has a unique aesthetic feeling when matched with a petite girl.

Girls on motorcycles are so cool!

Motorcycles and girls, these are the two favorites of men.Asuka has both of them together, no wonder Ryusuke is addicted to it, this is double the lethality!
Men like to drive!

"This is a locomotive developed by our association. I'll drive it out and test it out. I saw you on the road and came here."

"This motorcycle is so cool!"

Long Jie looked at the locomotive enviously, as if looking at a peerless beauty.

Seeing Ryusuke's performance, Asuka raised her head proudly.

"Of course! This is a locomotive designed by our club. It has the latest engine and the smoothest model. It uses the latest technology."


Long Jie said enviously that he also wanted to own such a locomotive.

"No, aren't you a college student in the law department? How could you have anything to do with motorcycles?" Long Jie asked suspiciously at this moment.

Yusuke was also a little surprised, a legal girl driving a motorcycle?The contrast is too great!
"Who says you can't drive a car if you study law! This is my hobby!"

"Then why don't you study mechanical engineering directly?" Ryusuke muttered softly, his voice was very small, but Asuka's ears were sharp.

"What? Do you have an opinion?"

Asuka raised her eyebrows, Ryusuke immediately shook his head, "No, no, absolutely not!"

Seeing that Asuka's expression was wrong, Ryusuke changed the subject at this time.

"So you went out last night because of this locomotive?"

Asuka nodded.

"Then why don't you experiment during the day?" Ryusuke said, "It's so dangerous to drive at night!"

"There are too many vehicles during the day, and there are traffic lights everywhere. Only at night, in the streets without people, so that the locomotive can exert its full power"

Asuka said excitedly: "It's more fun to go all out!"

Ryusuke imagined the picture, in the street at midnight, a black shadow passed by like a night knight, leaving only surprised eyes.

So handsome!
Ryusuke nodded in agreement, while Asuka looked relieved, she was very happy to be recognized for her interest.

Yusuke next to him shook his head. Although it sounds very handsome, it is also very dangerous.

There are many motorcycle racers in Japan. They seek passion and excitement. However, if this passion is not careful, the car will crash and people will die, and such actions will also greatly damage the stability of society. This is a group of dangerous elements!
Yusuke did not expect that the girl in front of him was also a drag racing enthusiast.

Humans are unbelievable!

Yusuke wanted to persuade Ryusuke at this time, this is a wild horse, you can't control it!

You can roll over at any moment!

Maybe it was because of Asuka's fun, she said a lot of proper nouns, but Ryusuke couldn't understand a word, he only understood 'horsepower', and other nouns were at a loss.

Men like motorcycles, as long as they are strong and big enough, the data doesn't matter, but Asuka didn't notice this, and was still excitedly listing various data, Yusuke and the two were dumbfounded.


A voice came, and Asuka stopped speaking.

The three turned their heads, and in front of them were the three mothers. They had walked over at some point and looked at them with puzzled faces, and it was Ryusuke's mother, Nami, who spoke.

The three of them were walking ahead, and then found that the two children behind them hadn't followed up. Only then did they find that Ryusuke and Ryusuke were chatting with a girl.

The girl was wearing a black leather jacket and drove a huge black motorcycle, which was very eye-catching.

"Isn't that Asuka?" Nami asked in surprise.

"You know her?" Meihe looked over.

Nami nodded, "She is the daughter of my neighbor's family. She and Ryusuke grew up together and were childhood sweethearts with Ryusuke."

"It sounds like the two of them have a good relationship."

"That's very good. Let me tell you a little secret. Long Jie has always liked her. Long Jie thought we didn't know about her."


Meihe eyes shine instantly
What all mothers in the world like most is their son's gossip.

At this time, Meihe took a look at Asuka's appearance. The girl looked dignified and beautiful, her long black hair was like a waterfall, shining in the sun, her eyes were very bright, and her figure was also very good. This is a beauty.


"How could she be riding such a big motorcycle? Could it be a bad girl?"

Nami shook her head, "No, Mr. Nishinodera is a lawyer, and his wife is a teacher with a good tutor. We have known her since childhood, but Asuka has been fond of playing with machines since she was a child. It should be her hobby."

"That's good"

Only then did Meihe feel relieved, and said with a smile: "Then let's go and have a look?"

Nami nodded, their eyes were full of gossip.

He next to him didn't speak either, this kind of gossip occasion was not suitable for him.

So the three of them walked over.

"Hello, Aunt Nami"

Asuka greeted with a smile, and Nami nodded back with a smile.

"This one is..."

Meihe looked at Asuka with her eyes, and her eyes made Asuka feel a little scared, this look is so weird!

"This is my neighbor's daughter, Asuka Nishinodera, whom Ryusuke has known since childhood," Nami introduced.

"Hello, Miss Nishinodera" Miwa greeted with a smile.

"Hello, Auntie," Asuka nodded in response.

"Asuka, why are you driving such a big motorcycle?" Nami asked in surprise.

"This is the finished product made by our club, I'll drive it out to experiment," Asuka said confidently.

"It's amazing!"

"you flatter me!"

For some reason, Asuka always felt that the eyes of the two were a little strange, which made her a little uncomfortable.

Then I looked at the time and said, "Sorry, Auntie, I've been out for too long, I have to come back"

Asuka greeted everyone, and soon drove away on the motorcycle, but her back looked a little flustered.

Ryusuke watched the other party leave with a regretful expression.

Both mothers saw this scene, and the meaning of gossip became stronger.

Yusuke and his father next to him looked at Ryusuke with sympathy in their eyes.

Luckily for you!

(End of this chapter)

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